Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

2012 & The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius

Unless you’ve been living in a cave recently you can’t help but notice that we are entering a New Age – the Age of Aquarius. An idea that is being dismissed as New Age Hype.

However, this is not the first time we’ve entered a new age – in fact, we do it every 2000 years or so. To the Ancient Priest Kings, religious and biblical leaders this was Big Stuff as it heralded major changes in their societies. They knew about it and taught students of various mystery schools about it in readiness for the inevitable changes.

We now live in a social system – worldwide, I might add – that seeks to dislocate us from our place in the cosmos by eradicating our natural connections with the macrocosm and using organised religions, even atheism, to colonise our thinking. They use the most powerful tool of all – that of ridicule – to maintain their position. So anyone who “peddles” New Age ideas is dismissed as crazy at best or harmful at worst. And yet, many people do manage to get the message through – and people are ready for it now. Everyone in my world is talking about 2012 with varying degrees of trepidation and thus in need of reassurance and information.

If we look back to the ancient tales of regime changes, such as Moses leading his people out of slavery; myths of the divine Twins, the Minotaur, and many more; we see a pattern of new energy emerging with each story. These myths and legends all reflect the Age changes that were by and large shrouded in mystery and withheld from the common people, by the religious leaders of the times. We can see the shift from the Age of Gemini the Divine Twins to the Bull worship of Taurus through to the worship of the Ram of the Age of Aries.

This was the Age that was ending around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. He was welcomed by the shepherds of Aries and then progressed to being embraced by the Fishermen of Pisces. And our Age of Pisces began – and now it’s coming to an end. The new Aquarian Age is the Age of the enlightened common man – and also the Age of the Angel, according to some commentators.

This was the Age that was ending around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. He was welcomed by the shepherds of Aries and then progressed to being embraced by the Fishermen of Pisces. And our Age of Pisces began – and now it’s coming to an end. The new Aquarian Age is the Age of the enlightened common man – and also the Age of the Angel, according to some commentators.

Just a quick note here – yes, the Great Ages do appear to move backwards – this is because our Solar System moves forwards more quickly than the “fixed stars” of the constellations. And like slow trains being passed by faster trains, this gives the impression of backwards motion.

So, here we are now on the verge of crossing a brand new threshold that we seem to have no idea how to get our heads around what it all means at all.

Dr Jens Jerndal, a Swedish writer and professor of all things New Age has just published “The Paradigm Pulse”. In this extraordinary book he seeks to enlighten us as to what we can expect over the next few years beyond 2012. He suggests that before each age change there are a few hints along the way that occur during the previous century that carry the seeds of possibilities that will emerge as the realities of the coming Age.

He illustrates this by using the metaphor of a tide washing in, staying for a few brief years and demonstrating the microcosm of great changes, before they are superseded by the prevailing culture that seeks to clamp down hard on such nonsenses.

This idea is elegant and gives great hope to all of us by demonstrating what we can expect to experience as the Aquarian Age unfolds around us.

Professor Jerndal says that “The 1960s was the next strongly Aquarian decade marking a major advance of the Aquarian tide with a thrust for freedom of choice and expression. This was a decade of massive new ideas and research spanning such typically Aquarian subjects as holistic medicine, organic biodynamic farming, collective community living, parapsychology, transpersonal psychology and astrology, but also new free energies.

All this was documented in a flood of new books, most of them published during the early 1970s. It was the decade when the International Peace Corps was thought up by John F. Kennedy, and it was the decade of the Beatles and the musical “Hair”, with its famous song “The Age of Aquarius”.

But, perhaps most of all, the 1960s was the “space decade” when humanity conquered space and put men on the Moon. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a major and premature blow to the Aquarian wave of the 1960s, but the definite turn did not come till around 1974.

The strong and long reactionary wave of the 1970s cut short much of the promising Aquarian progress of the 1960s. Instead it brought the cruel and ruthless fascist dictatorships in South America, notably Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, as well as the death squads in Central America and the so called “Iran-Contra” scandal, all orchestrated from within the nucleus of US foreign policy.

Finally, the 1990s brought the Aquarian tide further up on the beach than ever before. It was the Internet decade with PCs, laptops and mobile phones becoming everybody’s toys. Exploration of space for scientific and peaceful purposes had a new high. Clinton’s decade was also the decade of the tech bubble on the stock market. Ecology and protection of the environment was high on the international agenda throughout the decade.

As could have been easily predicted if we had been following the long term trend and its rhythmic waves, the water receded once again and gave room for another reactionary decade beginning with the stock market crash in 2000 and the ascension of George W. Bush to the US presidency.”

And much, much more, including Barak Obama who has an Aquarian Ascendant, which gives the perfect psychological impulse to take us all through the crossing with our eyes wide open …

This major work is a must read for anyone interested in readying themselves for the true and lasting (for over 2000 years!) reality change that is only a couple of years away now. I cannot recommend it highly enough.