Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages – November 2011

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. You could try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

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Aries : 21st March – 20th April: The New Moon in your 9th Solar House indicates that you will be formulating long range plans for your future. You may have a desire for travel or spiritual or intellectual pursuits. As this is also an eclipse you may find that your plans are interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances. You may have a long held dream to write – as the 9th House is also the house of publishing and broadcasting, this could bode well for your success in these areas – you may even be on TV! Watch out for Mercury constantly changing your mind for you, just when you think you have reached a decision. An old friend from overseas may come back into your life. There may be someone in your working environment who causes a general upset for you and your co-workers. You’ll just have to sit it out – not something you’re particularly good at! See it as character building….

Taurus: 20th April – 20th May: The New Moon in your Solar 8th House can bring a major emphasis on joint finances, such as mortgages, partner’s earnings, tax matters and your savings. You will be turning the spotlight on your ideas to eke a little more out of your resources, especially if your partner gets a good job opportunity over the next few months. You may also have a windfall or a gift that enables you to change the course of your life over the next 6 months. Just make sure that you keep all major decisions until after Mercury changes direction in mid-December. You may find that you are over-spending on your children – and not just for Christmas, as this influence lasts until next summer. If they want something desperately, then make a deal with them that they do something for you in repayment. Meditation could be an invaluable path for you to explore as it will give you much solace in the midst of the inevitable Christmas stress. This is a good period for you with Jupiter the Joy Bringer also in your sign over the next 6 months. Lucky you!

Gemini: 20th May – 21st June: With the eclipse falling in your Solar 7th house of relationships you will need to exercise a great deal of patience with everyone around you. Your ruler Mercury loves to play the minx and stir up trouble for you. All in the name of fun, you realise – his fun, not yours. A bit like Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. All your close friendships and even clients, if you work closely with others in counselling, for example, will come in for scrutiny. If you are single right now, you may meet someone special over the next 6 months – if you are already with someone you care for, then do nothing to upset the apple cart – as this is about their needs, not yours. Your gift is communication, so why not try opening a conversation with your loved one and listen to what they say? It could work wonders. New friendships will prove exhilarating – a new group that offers you some personal insights would also fit here as well.

Cancer: 21st June – 22nd July: This eclipse falls in your Solar 6th House of health and routines so this is a very good time to bite the bullet and get fit. Put your health at the top of your agenda – so get walking and eating healthily. You won’t really need to do more than that – as long as you stick to it. Your Moon ruler is so very fickle and what you think is a good idea at the time can soon fade away as the impetus is lost in your general caring for those around you. However, it’s important that you take as good care of yourself as you take of everyone else in your life. A sibling or neighbour may involve you in their problems and demand more from you than you can give right now. Your neighbourhood may be under siege from building works or repairs and may mess up your journey to work adding more time to your already busy schedule. Your career may receive some welcome publicity and perk up your professional profile. A new piece of technology would come in very handy.

Leo: 22nd July – 22nd August: This eclipse falls in your Solar 5th house of children and personal creativity. A child may leave home or if they have already done so, may come back for some parental TLC and financial support. Whether still or home or not, they may need more from you than you may be able to afford right now, yet your natural generosity may overcome that. If you are in a “fun friendship” rather than a relationship (as the 5th House also rules love affairs) then you may find that it’s costing you more than you are getting from it. Time to re-assess. This is not a good time to take financial risks – no matter how exciting they may seem and you may later regret at leisure. Play it safe for the next 6 months. There may be interesting offers to travel or take a course that will enhance your hobbies – these may ultimately play a larger part in your life than before and could be a source of income for you. You may have news about the impending birth of a grandchild.

Virgo: 22nd August – 21st September: The eclipse falls in your Solar 4th house of home and domestic matters. You will have a lot of energy this month due to Mars’ slow dance through your sign – (more on that next month) and will put some of it into decorating your home and office space. De-cluttering is a favourite occupation for all Virgos – Sun, Moon or Ascendant – and the minimal look is definitely for you. Sadly those you share your life with may not be so refined in their habits. Live with it! A long term debt may be signed of over the next 6 months bringing you much relief – and you may have a tax rebate that is a welcome gift as well. Family members may also help out financially – it all goes a long way to ease your level of worries, which you can raise to an art form. Mercury is your ruling planet and may fragment your energies somewhat – you could waste time making lists of lists – and then leap into action along altogether unexpected lines. There could be a surprise in your everyday work that changes the way you approach it all – resulting in a new job, perhaps.

Libra: 21st September – 23rd October: The eclipse falls in your Solar 3rd house of siblings, neighbours and your immediate environs. A cousin could go through difficulties that demand your presence – necessitating a short journey or even a stop over with them. You may also find that the local authorities are digging up your road and this makes travelling somewhat tricky. Relationships open up for you over the next 6 months – isn’t that always good news for a Libra? Also if you work one to one with others, then this will suddenly go through many changes – you may even find you are being broadcast or on TV through this work. This is a favourable time for signing agreements – after Mercury changes direction, of course – as you are your mental best for dealing with all of these matters. It would still be advisable to seek help from experts before you do anything however, as you could overlook a vital piece of information in your excitement to get the deal closed. The challenge from Mars may come through careless parking and a ticket when you least need the expenditure – so be vigilant when leaving your car in a hurry.

Scorpio 23rd October – 22nd November: The eclipse falls in your Solar 2nd house of personal finances and value systems. You may find that your earning powers go through many changes through the next 6 months. The things that you used to find important in your life no longer give you the same pleasure as they once did- so you begin to re-evaluate your ideas and find a new strategy for living. This is not the time to join a club or health spa that has high fees as you will not really receive any benefit from the expenditure. You may get a gift from a co-worker or someone who appreciates your work as their adviser or agent. This really is the time to be working with the details of life, from checking your accounts to looking at your health – make changes if you have to and enjoy the rewards. With Jupiter the Joy Bringer in your house of relationships, you will gain great satisfaction from one to one work. Your partner or business colleague may be the one who gets the limelight – sometimes life is just like that!

Sagittarius 22nd November – 21st December: The eclipse falling in your own birth sign brings about a change in your personal affairs and ambitions over the next 6 months – just wait until Mercury changes direction before you start to activate them. Your relationships and your home life may also go through changes – and you will be able to free yourself of those situations that have long outlived their usefulness. You may even move house or country altogether! On the mundane side you may have a change of “look” by a new hairstyle or a face lift. Career-wise you will have masses of energy and new ideas that others may find hard to handle – you no longer put up with sloppy work from them and they may fight back. Someone in authority may criticise you and you may have to fight back. Your creativity is riding high – you could be on the media as a result. New ideas grab you and you will want to pursue them further – things like astrology or alternative healing, for example. This is such a good time for you that my advice is just to enjoy it!

Capricorn 21st December -20th January: The eclipse falls in your solar 12th house of hidden matters and spiritual practice. You should be more aware of your health over the next 6 months – get a good check up and deal with anything that may arise immediately, rather than putting off. It is not likely to be serious, just annoying, so don’t worry about it. Stick to research work, writing or learning to meditate. This is really the time to just follow your routines – and wait for things to come to you rather than pursuing them actively. You may find a neighbour challenging you about something that may be nothing to do with you. Or you may feel sorry for someone whom you can’t really help – it could leave you with regrets if you do decide to get involved. A sibling or cousin may go through sudden difficulties and want to you help as well – the same advice applies. You may decide to upgrade your technologies – wait until Mercury changes direction. This is a good period for clearing your in-tray before you start anything new. There could be an interesting twist of fate that brings you a great deal of joy.

Aquarius 20th January – 19th February: The eclipse falling in your 11th house of cherished goals can spur your ambitions to a successful achievement. You could undergo a complete Damascean experience that changes all your previously held values and ideals. Join a new group that enables you develop them. There are likely to be some losses in your friendships as a result – however, that won’t deter you. As old friends leave new ones will arrive to take their place. If you meet someone special who seems to tick all the boxes in your new life, then wait until next Spring before you do anything rash about it. The attraction may fade quickly once the eclipse energy recedes. This is a great time for writing, communicating and social engagements. You may find that a neighbourhood issue is so pressing that you decide to become involved and bring you to some position of authority. This could also be part of the new social circle that opens for you and may also bring you into the public eye. Those around you will see you as a mover and shaker in the world of local politics.

Pisces 19th February – 21st March: The eclipse falling in your solar 10th house of career and public profile is likely to bring changes to your business and professional life. This will force you to make an in-depth survey of all your aims and goals that you thought were set in stone. This is no bad thing – if you resist it, however, that’s where you create problems for yourself. These changes will bring you into contact with prestigious people who admire your work and are willing to help you. This is a great period for setting new financial values that will likely be with you for the foreseeable future. Avoid making any business plans without consulting an expert as the excitement may be making you over hasty. You may find that a client or friend is acting in an overbearing manner towards you – just smile and hold off. Scream into a cushion when you get home instead. This is not a good period for entering into partnership with anyone until after next spring. An older person may make you a gift. Jupiter your Sun ruler is in your 3rd house of neighbours and communication skills. These will increase during this eclipse period and bring you many enjoyable social engagements.