Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Happy Birthday Pisces


This is a fairly quiet period for early to middle Pisceans (20th Feb – 5th March) – the decisions that you made over last previous year that came out of the upheavals of both Saturn and Uranus are now being integrated into your daily lives. The New Moon on 25th February will enable you to see how much you have gained and just how your life has changed as a the result of all your efforts in 2008.

This is now the picture for the later Pisceans to get ready for – as if you hadn’t noticed! It’s really time to let go of the people whom you feel you’ve outgrown. It’s a funny thing – and it can come as a surprise – but often those very same people are getting ready to let you go too, so no need to get into the famous Pisces guilt trip about it. Remember you can’t save the world.

It’s also time to do a check over all the other aspects of your life as well – but the key focus is really on your relationships, friendships, and  the efforts you make to achieve balance and harmony in your everyday life.  And if they’re not working for you then why not work to change them? A huge part of that is to let go of worrying about everyone else, and think about yourself for a change? So ask yourself what is it I want/love/need, etc? And when you find out – go for it!

Pisces’ traditional ruling planet Jupiter has recently moved into your Solar 12th House, acting like a magnifying glass on all your dreams and imagination. The Law of Attraction states that as you dream so you will achieve – and Jupiter will help you do just that. Your domestic situation this year can be a positive experience for you this year, and you may be ready to take another step into relating with someone you are attracted to – with a deeper and more nourishing result.

Your challenges will be an over confidence in believing that everyone who tells you something has your best interest at heart. Go and do the research before agreeing to play things their way – it could really expand your self-confidence and your world view. 

It is also a good year to finally sit down with a fitness trainer and dietician and work out a good plan for your long term wellness.

From now until June, Venus plays around in your 2nd house of personal earnings and values – you may have an offer to spend your hard earned cash on some beautiful and desirable goodies. It would be wise to wait until Venus moves on in mid-June, just to be on the safe side.

Love may be in the air in May and June, when Venus and Mars come together for a couple of romantic liaisons. This is a rare opportunity, as Venus usually nips hastily past Mars, but not this Spring(Autumn for my Australian readers) – they are on a mission to find a way of being together – and as they both meet up in Taurus in June, this could be it! Great time for communications and lots of lovely trips out – love emails abound!

For mid-Pisceans, the pressure begins to lift by June/July and you feel more freed up that of late. It has been an intense 9 month period that started end of 2008 – so you can breathe a sigh of relief. You will however have the gift of knowing exactly how you want your future to be and how to make it so.

For late Pisceans, the pressure begins to build up for you by September and you start to feel as if your skin is a little too tight for you – like the snake just before it sheds its skin. This is a 9 month period of on/off intensity until mid-2010. However, it is an extremely productive one and nothing to be emotional about – just do the work and carve out a new future for yourself.

Watch the monthly column below for further information as the year goes on.

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