Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Solar Eclipse and the Pleiades

This is the most interesting week for over 120 years, what with Venus going retrograde to pass in front of the Sun – visible from earth with clever telescopes that cut out the Sun’s rays, of course. No doubt it will be on TV when it happens – well, I hope it will.

Venus is transiting through Gemini until early August – quite a blast for Gemini people – with lots of negotiating democratic rights, whether in partnerships, governments or personally at the inner level of peace and harmony, beauty and art.

Add that to the Solar Eclipse just before midnight on 20 May, GMT.

It is always interesting to see the actual path that the Eclipse makes as it moves across the face of the earth. This happens as the earth spins under the Sun/Moon shadow. It starts in South East Asia and follows the up coast line of China, crosses the Pacific and lands in California to end in the middle states of the US. This would bring all those nations together in some way and certainly impact on communications between them. The eclipse shadow always highlights the areas that it crosses. We watch with interest. 

This is an important eclipse for all of us, though, as it falls in the first degree of Gemini, picking up the area of the sky where the Pleiades are situated. This star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, is held as most important to human life by ALL the ancient cultures, from Iceland to Australia and New Zealand and everyone in between. They all tell stories saying that the Pleiades produced the seed corn from which humanity was born, many thousands of years ago in our dim and distant past.

The Mayans, particularly, suggest that this eclipse is the birth of our new age, as the Winter solstice is the end of the last age. This is the famous 26,000 year cycle of our Solar system around the Great Central Sun that we have all heard about in recent years and months. What makes this especially interesting for us is that over the last 5,120 years we have been going through a cloud of cosmic dust from the destroyed Sagittarian dwarf galaxy, which is a little like going through an asteroid belt, but for much, much longer.

It is suggested that this dust cloud has obscured and separated us from the Grand Central Sun (GCS), so that we have been going through darkness for over 5000 years. This chimes with the Indian age of Kali Yuga that Hindu astrologers say has brought us darkness and trouble for the same length of time i.e. 5000 years. The Mayans say the same thing.

This would explain why we have had the first warlike cultures on earth, that weren’t like it before 5000 years ago. For further information on this see Greg Bradens’ book “Deep Truth” in which he goes into more details on this than I can here. It seems that in order to survive being cut off from the GCS, we became ego-based and lost our heart connection. It seems that the GCS is the centre of love for us and once more we have the opportunity to redevelop our heart centres and live our lives from a place of love rather than a place of power.

And now we’re coming out of the shadow of this dust – slowly, a bit like the dust kicked up when a car goes through dry earth. However, we are moving into the edges of it now shifting into the Age of Light, the shift of ages that increases the effects of cosmic light and energy on earth.

So, how good is that – and it won’t happen overnight. Though some of us will tune into it more quickly than others – it all depends on how strong the ego and identification with power and possession is. I’ll keep you posted.


Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. You could try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

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The Eclipse is in Gemini along with Venus – a lot of attention on your communication skills and your friendships, wherever they fall on your personal chart. Add the square to Neptune into the mix and see how interesting it’s going to be. As with any retrograde planet Venus can bring friends, ideas, situations and relationships back into your life, no matter how long ago it was that they ended. Take a look at what was happening 8 years ago – is there a connection?

Aries : 21st March – 20th April: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 3rd House of communications and siblings can give lots of effort put in between you and your nearest and dearest. Some paperwork may go astray thanks to Neptune, so being in the know gives you the opportunity to keep copies of everything.

Taurus: 19th April – 20th May: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 2nd House of personal finances, your comfort zone and your possessions can bring sudden changes through friends and your shared ideals. Venus is your ruling planet so her energy will likely bring old friends back into your life. Just watch out for flooding when Neptune’s around – it could be the local river or just a burst pipe – useful to check your plumbing.

Gemini: 20th May – 20th June: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 1st House can bring changes to your attitudes towards just about everything. You may look at those closest to you and wonder “why”? Take a good look at your health regimes. A new job may be on the cards.

Cancer: 21st June – 22nd July: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 12th House of retreating from the world as you need to escape from reality occasionally. This is a good time for research, meditation, poetry, music and visiting others in hospital – doing all the compassion stuff that you’ll be good at at this time. While you may yearn to go and sit up a mountain or join an ashram, forget it and stay home.

Leo: 22nd July – 22nd August: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 11th House of friendships and political ideals will bring about changes to all of those. Your most cherished goals my seem to be further away than previously, but gives an opportunity to examine their veracity in this social climate right now. A friend may move away and cut the bonds that you share.

Virgo: 22nd August – 22nd September: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 10th House of career could bring changes in your expectations for yourself longer term. Be prepared for a change in your business and professional life. A parent may cause anxiety. There’s also the possibility of extra and unwanted responsibilities through events in the life of your business or personal relationship. You may be needed to be a more involved grandparent than you would wish right now.

Libra: 22nd September – 23rd October: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 9th House can bring changes to travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances, which come through in-laws or those living at a distance. Venus is your ruling planet, so this is an important time for you. Please ensure that you don’t spread yourself too thinly and exhaust yourself.

Scorpio 23rd October – 21st November: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 8th House of shared resources can herald the end of some longterm debt problems. If your partner hasn’t been working for a while this will change or if they have been working, this too may change. Difficult to know. A child may become a drain on your resources – sometimes you just have to say No!

Sagittarius 21st November – 21st December: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 7th House of relationships, business or marriage partners could bring a new live-in relationship, which can be stressful and need careful handling. It may be because typically for Sag, you enjoy your freedom just a little too much for someone else to take. Just be certain that you don’t cut off someone who could be Mr/Ms Right for you through impetuous behaviour.

Capricorn 21st December -19th January: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 6th House of health and work – not career, but the everyday chore kind of stuff. You may find co-workers are annoying and giving you grief. Your neighbourhood may be flooded or have a gas leak that necessitates a new journey to work and add half an hour on your journey. A sibling may struggle with something that needs your attention.

Aquarius 20th January – 19th February: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 5th House of children and creative projects bring a major change in the everyday life of a child – they may leave home, for example, or marry – either way, it could cost you more than you expected. If you are not romantically attached at present you could meet someone new, just wait until the energy of Venus passes before making major changes.

Pisces 19th February – 20th March: The Eclipse and Venus falling in your 4th House of your domestic situation, land and property can bring extra domestic responsibilities from an older family member. You may have to dramatically change your living arrangements to accommodate this. This time is a real test of your compassion and tenderness towards others. You must however, let them walk all over you – it’s a real balancing act.

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