Physician heal thyself – that’s the message in this book!
Many months ago I happened across an article by Dr Joe Vitale in which he spoke about a Hawaiian psychiatrist called Dr Hew Len and the methods he used to completely heal a group of criminally insane patients in the unit where he was employed. And he did this without ever seeing a single patient!
Then for reasons unknown – probably due to my rather chaotic filing system – I lost the article – searched for it high and low – nothing doing, it had disappeared. So, I put it out of my mind until a few weeks ago I was trawling Amazon’s latest book list and saw that Joe Vitale had recently co-written a book with Dr Hew Len entitled “Zero Limits -The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More.”
Imagine how delighted I was to find it – and I ordered it immediately. It’s a pretty straightforward read with lots of examples and anecdotes – which is how Joe writes – with great accessibility, humour and humility. However, the book also packs a huge punch, if you’re willing, as a reader to begin to follow the system outlined in the book. The end of the book contains some pretty dense writing by Dr Hew Len in which he talks about his own teacher, Morrnah, and outlines the basic principles and inner workings for the more technically minded.
This system is called Ho’oponopono and is deceptively simply to do and no less powerful for all that. It consists in repeating four short phrases over and over starting with love and ending with gratitude. And by doing this we heal ourselves. Impressive, yes – however, there is more. And it is this more that makes the system really move me. Before the process of repeating the phrases, we must take complete responsibility for our lives, our selves, all the people, events, etc everything in fact that we experience; and recognise that they are all due to our own programming or “memories” as Dr Hew Len suggests. And it is these “memories” that we need to heal, or clean.
Now this is big stuff. Imagine taking responsibility for everything! For example, therapists must accept responsibility for their clients, who only come along because they are pulled in by the therapist. As Dr Hew Len says, they are displaying symptoms that the therapist him/herself has – and by healing their own symptoms, they heal their clients. The psychologically minded among us will recognise “transference” working here – LOA practitioners will recognise the Law in action. In other words it speaks to everyone.
And by cleaning up our little corner of the world, even down through the ages to our ancestors, it seems that we can truly heal the bigger picture stuff out there in the real world.
I have to confess, I’ve read it about 5 times and am still reading! The effects are subtle and life changing, I promise. My experience is that by following the system, I am cleaning up my programmes and finding that inspiration is flowing through me instead. How good is that?
Take a look at this 15 minute video of Joe speaking about this work at
I urge you to buy the book – just click on the icon and there you go!