Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Demise of the Eurozone?

“Actually, it’s not that there are recurring themes throughout (time) but that there are recurring choices.”Slightly emended from Mike Dooley’s “Notes from the Universe”

This quote landed in my messages inbox on 7th December – the same day that I listened to BBC Radio 4’s “World at One” and heard a report on a fringe meeting in Germany that discussed the state of the Euro and whether they (Germany) should pull out of it altogether. The general feeling of the delegates at this meeting was that they should not support the poorer nations of Europe by offering them financial assistance i.e. loans.

One man commented that the Southern European nations and Ireland didn’t have the same work ethics as those countries of Northern Europe. When I heard this I immediately thought that he was actually saying that the Catholic countries had a completely different set of life values to those of the Protestant ones.

I began to smell Pluto when I pondered on this. This then led me to thinking about the Reformation which started with Martin Luther in 1517. Where was Pluto then, I wondered? I rushed to my trusty computer program and put up the chart for 31st October, 1517, Wittenburg, Germany and nearly fell off my chair when it came up with the data that Pluto was on the same degree in Capricorn as it is right now! As I use two programs to calculate my data, I checked a second time and it gave me the same information.

As Pluto has a cycle/orbit of around 250 years, this was a double cycle i.e. 500 years – however, the themes are clear and as Mike Dooley suggests we may have to change our choices this time. As far as making new choices goes, I tend to agree with GI Gurdjieff, the Russian mystic, who suggested that we cannot change society, we can only change ourselves. And by changing ourselves we can then become more effective citizens.

So, will we have another split between wild profligate Catholic Europe and her sensible controlled Protestant Northern neighbours? This is a deeper question than the statement made by the aforementioned delegate – he’s tuning into the collective of his nation and voicing Martin Luther’s ideas without realising it – I surmise. If he is doing it knowingly, then he has an astrologer in his employ – as he probably hasn’t, then there’s nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come. And this is an idea that resonates with the collective memories locked into Pluto’s intelligence of being in Capricorn and how his role is to bring down all the institutions represented by corporate Capricorn – particularly those that no longer fit for purpose.

The next same cycle of Pluto in Capricorn came in 1762 – 1788/9 i.e 250 years after the above. This was at the time that Europe was deeply in debt after the 7 Years War. The split between America and Canada was on the cards with the signing of the Paris Treaty that ceded Canada to Britain. Closely followed by the American War of Independence during Pluto’s 17 year trek through Capricorn. Could this hint at a possible end to the Special Relationship between the US and the UK?

Aren’t we living in interesting times? And all we can do is wait and watch…….


For more information on the Pluto begin with a previous post of entitled Pluto in Capricorn” .

Mike Dooley’s “Messages from the Universe” can be ordered from www.TUT.com. They arrive daily Monday to Friday and are wonderful.

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