If only we could acquire the correct spectacles (eye-glasses) we would be able to see the wonder that is the so-called invisible world. The world of the quantum material that makes up our entire Universe. The thinking and loving “stuff” from which we and everything else is created.
We would be able to see the vast net of criss-crossing lines that are the result of our planetary system weaving the planets in and out and fabricating the most spectacular vision of our reality that exists beyond our eyes.
I call it “God’s Knitting”. And it is this “net” that we are all respond to from the moment we are born. Up until that point, we are subject to our mother’s “net”, so her reality is ours just as her breath is ours. As soon as we emerge into the world as an individual in our own right, something within us responds to the position of the planets, their interrelationships, their placement along the ecliptic as they are filtered through the Zodiac Sign that the Eastern shoulder of our planet is turning. This is our Ascendant, our Rising Sign, that represents our coming into life.
We all have an Ascendant, even if we don’t know it, which is based on the exact time of our birth. The actual birth itself can be described by the planets (if any) that also occupy the Rising Sign. For example, Saturn Rising, a slow birth; Jupiter, a joyful birth; Uranus, a quick and maybe alienating birth, such as being in an incubator for months on end; Neptune, a drugged birth where mother was anaesthetised, taking a long time to wake up; Pluto, a struggle to survive; Mars, a mechanical birth with cutting or forceps – Mars ruling both metal and knives.
This imprint then fixes in our energy field and shapes our primary reaction to all new experiences, so that even going through a door to meet a new group of people will likely bring up our initial birth experiences. Taking the above examples, Saturn born people will be slow to come to decisions and take a long time to trust; Pluto born people will look for a way of continually renewing themselves and have identity crises; Jupiter born people will believe that the Universe loves them and will radiate confidence in themselves and the world; Mars born people will continually look for a fight, maybe joining the armed forces in adulthood.
This then is our uniqueness, what makes us special and individual, each with our own paths to tread and Destinies to follow. Many of you know already that I only believe in a benign God, not punishing or destroying us for our “sins”. The only punishment we get is initially through our care givers and teachers – we then transfer this experience onto god because as an infant our parents are god-like. However, I truly believe that Karma is kind. If we can only be patient long enough, it will reveal to us, through our “accidents”, our relationships and our life choices , those lessons disguised as experiences, that teach us the most about our reason for being here on earth.
How wondrous it all is – how amazing we all are. We all carry this beautifully woven net somewhere within us, which can be seen so clearly on our birth charts. This life that we live is an opportunity to fine tune our responses away from negative thinking and behaving into something more creative and bountiful. How lucky we are that we can do this – some people never know when or where they were born. To travel without a map is not easy – to know where our journey takes us – not in terms of our destination (we all know that) – but in terms of our experiences along the way is the gift of our birth chart.
The children born in the mid-late Sixties, with Uranus and Pluto together in Virgo, twinned, if you like, are being shaped by the UR/PL square right now. Those born in the early Fifties will be shaped by the Saturn/Neptune conjunction that repeated itself in 1988-90; describing a slow and determined search for a spiritual structure that would nourish them. The children born in the mid-Nineties when Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn were sitting side by side for a few years, are the generation who have the Super Highway woven into their psyches. Many of them are described as the Indigo Generation, Diamond, etc, who think differently from the rest of us and who process information in ways we can only imagine, as they’re still developing. However, with Pluto now going over that conjunction, many of them are trying to find their feet in a very troubled world right now. My guess is that they came to save the planet and all our wildlife, including ourselves. This is a huge Destiny they have which they will all step up to it at some point.
Some of us have difficult childhoods from the get-go; others among us may have easy childhoods, yet experience huge rage and negativity towards life much to the bewilderment of their parents. In his book ‘The Soul’s Code”, James Hillman suggests that these are children who know that their adult lives are going to be tough and are already practising for that as babies.
If we can learn to listen to our “wee small voice” with gentleness and love – learning to love and appreciate ourselves is a huge task. Unless we have Jupiter Rising, of course. Yet, if we can look back on our beginnings with sympathy for our baby self and our beginnings, then we can begin to forgive and be grateful for our selves/parents/teachers for how we were back then. Once we get to that point, compassion for our baby self will set in – and that offers us the freedom to do what we really came here to do.
Somewhere we all “know” why we are here, after all, it was a Soul’s choice to be born, for reasons we may not actually know intellectually. However, we can bet that something in us knows – the net is never wrong. The rest is up to us.
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