Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

God’s knitting Part 2 and a Podcast

Who knew that there would be another episode of this article? I am as surprised as you are.

My dear friend, the Reverend Bill Darlison, Unitarian Minister, sent me this comment on the last article He said “It reminded me of these inspiring and consoling words from Psalm 39:

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

 your works are wonderful,

 I know that full well.”

He finished by saying: “It’s all a far cry from the ‘life is pointless’ philosophy which seems to dominate our culture these days.”

I confess that I had not heard the  psalm before and it touched me deeply.


Part Two of God’s Knitting

As we are born we take a breath and with that we ingest the net of God’s Knitting. For everyone else it is simply a moment, with a moment that went before it and another that would follow it. It is only the infant that knows the importance of this first breath moment.

This multicoloured interweaving of light energy forms a template from which all the possibilities of the infant’s life can be read – like a map of sparkling rainbows. Once it is formed it can be understood by an astrologer. Not in a deterministic way, for how can we learn anything from a pre-determined set of instructions? But more as infinite  possibilities within a particular framework that is created by the sex of the infant, birthplace and the parents’ backgrounds and their ‘plans’ for their child.

We can use the analogy of a train travelling from London to Edinburgh, for example. If we know the time the train leaves the station – i.e. the birth time – then we can plot each station it will pass through with some accuracy, and also know what time it will arrive at its destination. Happily we are not trains, but the birth chart can offer us a picture of our life’s journey with the various stops along the way that we will pass through. The journey is, however, uniquely our own, lived and experienced not along railway lines but on the net of God’s Knitting.

When I read a chart for a child, although the reading is commissioned by the parents or even grandparents, I always do it with the child uppermost in my thoughts, rather than anyone else. They may have ambitions that have little relevance and could get in the way of her desire to be true to her own nature. So, I always tell the parents that I want them to let the child guide them rather than them forcing anything onerous on their infant. This can be hard to hear as we all have our dreams of what our children could be – but we must remember that the Psyche/Soul of the child is created by God’s Knitting, not Mum and Dad’s.

In fact, can you imagine what a mess we would make if we were to weave our own babies? What lives they would lead? What possibilities would be open for them? It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it? Best to leave it to the expert weaver – we are only the loom.

Each chart is unique because each soul has its own life to live – even if a dozen babies were born in the same hospital at the same time. We each come into life with our Soul Journey continuing from where we left off last time around. Each one of the dozen babies will have a different agenda for this lifetime, so will favour certain planets over other planets to express through their lives. They will have come from different Soul experiences in their past lives – some will be young souls and others will be more highly developed – which will influence the choices they make as they mature.

From this viewpoint we can see why some people can really struggle throughout their lives while others seem to take things in their stride, no matter how difficult. This is not to say that any of us gets an easy ride, but it is how we frame it or explain it, that is the meta-level of living. Finding meaning and understanding in the pain that we go through – and the joy – may be the real reason we are on this earth.





I have made an audio recording, my first, that you can download by clicking on this link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/408989/Podcast%201.mp3 which will open n a ew window. Let me know what you think. It is about our energy centres and how we can raise our vibrations to refine our lives.

i am working on setting up a regular Podcast and i shalll keep you informed of progress. Watch this space!