The “feel good factor” that is the weighty Jupiter has moved into his most favourite of all the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
At present as he is still in the earliest degrees of Cancer he is making very positive aspects to both Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. These three signs are all in the element of Water – a powerful emotional trio of energies. Cardinal Cancer rules the Lochs and Lakes; Fixed Scorpio rules the icy cold waters of the polar regions, maybe even the icebergs; and Mutable Pisces rules the wide, deep oceans on the planet.
So, this is a Water Grand Trine that promises to bring good emotional outcomes. My friend Edgar winter, the Australian Astrologer suggest that “ this year as Jupiter enters Cancer he connects simultaneously with both Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces gathering momentum and depth of feeling. Emotions have special power now to shape reality. Our dreams can come true as Saturn gives form to Neptune’s images; make sure your dreaming is upbeat.”
Sounds good doesn’t it? So, now I can hear you saying that “it’s all very well, but what does it mean for me?”
So, below are the 12 Zodiac signs and how Jupiter enables you all to have a good time for the following 13 months…..
Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages
NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.
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Aries : 21st March – 20th April: – Jupiter falls in your 4th Solar House of your family life,your home and hearth, your parents, your land and your ancestral inheritance. Jupiter here is happy and will expand your family, if that’s what you wish to have happen; you may also expand your home, or sell it for a good price; or have a parent come to live with you in a Granny flat. You may also decide to check out your family tree and get some nice surprises about what you are carrying in terms of family expectations. Jupiter rules your 9th House of higher education, so you may decide that this is the year for you to either go to college for the first time or retrain in some subject that would enhance your profile in some way. The 9th House also offers the opportunity to travel into some far flung foreign field and experience the interesting ideas, people, etc that new cultures can offer you.
Taurus: 20th April – 20th May: Jupiter falls in your 3rd Solar House of your immediate neighbourhood, your siblings and cousins, learning and communication in general. This Jupiter could bring new and interesting people coming to live near you, who offer a wider vision to your existing cultural understanding. You may also attend some street parties or local festivals, that bring you lots of joy and excitement and enable you to meet new people. Jupiter rules your 8th House of shared finances, mortgages and inheritances, so you may feel that you are finally getting to the point where you can upgrade to a new pasture that suits you better. You may also decide to retrain as some kind of healer or therapist. You may even decide to study Astrology with yours truly! Who knows? Whatever you decide, you will learn a lot about yourself that can only bring you more joy and expansion.
Gemini: 21st May – 21st June: Jupiter falls in your 2nd House of earnings, personal values and your comfort zone. This could up your earnings and give you a sense that your efforts up to now have been worthwhile. You may need to watch your spending however, as Jupiter can encourage you to overspend and that would negate some of the benefits gained so far. Jupiter rules your 7th House of relationships bringing you new people into your circle of friends – one of whom may be very interesting for you to know better – particularly someone who could open up a whole new world for you. If you are in business with a partner, then it is suggested that it is your partner who will get the limelight and steal the show, even if you’ve both been working equally hard . Don’t worry – in a couple of years time, when Saturn enters your 7th, you’ll be the one to shine.
Cancer: 21st June – 23rd July: Lucky Cancer with Jupiter in your 1st House – this is the point when you begin to feel as if the Universe has finally noticed you and is sprinkling fairy dust all over you. You will be given a real boost of confidence that you are on the right track. Now you are attracting the opportunities that you need and the people who will help you along your journey. However, Jupiter doesn’t make things happen, what it does do is that it gives you the confidence to believe in yourself, and that is a very attractive position to be in. As you are a very sensitive soul who hides away in her shell, you may need to be encouraged to believe that you are worthwhile – and Jupiter’s your guy to do just that! Jupiter rules your 6th House of everyday routines, office work, health and rituals, so you may have to take care that you don’t burn the candle at both ends and exhaust yourself with all the attracting that you’re doing.
Leo: 23rd July – 23rd August: Jupiter is in your 12th house of spirituality, creative retreats, poetry, imagination – most things that have Leo saying very loudly “Yuk!” However, you will likely find yourself at some point joining a meditation program, a creative writing group, or even taking yourself off to some place where you can look at the spiritual practices of a very different culture. While Leo needs to shine Jupiter will enable you to do just that by quietly feeding you new ideas about your creativity in the background. Jupiter rules your 5th House of creativity, love affairs and children, you may find yourself falling in love with someone who doesn’t want the oxygen of publicity just yet. This could mean that you are having to live with a secret for a while to come just yet. Like the Doris Day song “Once I had a secret love” – what fun! Remember, this is Jupiter not Saturn, so enjoy.
Virgo: 23rd August – 23rd September: Quiet Virgo can find Jupiter a bit over the top and pushy for her tastes. However, Jupiter in your 11th House can really open you up to new ideals and friendships. Traditionally the 11th House is all about decent human beings who cares about the environment and people’s welfare. Jupiter here could boost your interest in alternative health regimes, as the 11th house is very independent in thought and ideas. Whatever form it takes, your social circle will certainly expand positively. Jupiter rules your 4th House of home, family and parents. You may decide to use your domestic setting differently and work from home, if you are in private practice; or use your home to bring in extra money, such as taking in a lodger while you study for some extra qualification. New people will be supportive of you and in a year’s time you will be amazed how your life has changed.
Libra: 23rd September – 23rd October: Jupiter is in your 10th House of career, bringing you opportunities, ideas and people who will support your chosen endeavours. This is an exciting time that will open you up to a whole new life experience. Foreigners or people from a different religious background may pay a part here. You may even travel more widely beyond your own country for a while. However, as Jupiter rules your 3rd House of short journeys, siblings and cousins, the most part of the year could see you continually on the road, both actual and virtual, expanding your business and building up relationships with new customers and clients. This is really a good time for you to be stepping off into new territory as Jupiter imbues you with a confidence you believed was long gone. You may have to keep a weather eye on Mercury’s phases when you’re communicating either by the internet or plain old fashioned paper, because Mercury can meddle there when he’s in backward mode.
Scorpio: 23rd October – 22nd November: Jupiter in your 9th house of religion, long distance travel and higher education could see you asking for answers to the bigger questions in life. You may also feel on a creative high during the next year and wish to publish, start a blog, broadcast or publicise your work in some new way. Jupiter will help with the confidence which will attract new opportunities as a result. Whenever the 9th House is brought into play in a reading it always opens up positive vibes, as does the 5th House. Jupiter rules your 2nd house of earnings – so they could have a real boost over the year. However, Jupiter’s results always seem to last, rather than be ephemeral and disappear quickly, so this bodes well for your future. You may spend money on a course or a journey abroad and need to be sure it’s worth the effort i.e. will it really help you to expand your life, or just drain your resources?
Sagittarius: 22nd November – 22nd December: Your ruler Jupiter in his best sign, Cancer, will give you the boost that you need from life right now. Ruling your 1st house will certainly have you feeling very itchy in the foot area – maybe you’ve already been to the travel agent to see what deals are available. Travel to Sagittarius is globe trotting, not just popping down the road and is as necessary as food. So this is a great time for you to do just that. You may also decide to take a course that will boost your earning potential, such as in the new social media, or publication and broadcasting. This can really put you on the map for your future. Jupiter falling in your 8th house of shared resources, mortgages, which could mean that you will need to finance your moves, even if you decide to completely decamp to another country. You may also wish to study a subject that touches you deeply and that will feed the rest of your endeavours.
Capricorn: 22nd December -20th January: Jupiter falls in your 7th House of relationships and brings you much joy and expansion through them. This is the perfect opportunity for quiet, reticent Capricorn to kick over the traces and just have a good time – for the whole year! You could go mountain climbing in a completely different culture with your partner and have a ball. Your partner may be very busy – maybe too busy to accompany you, but will give their good wishes and support in whatever you choose to do. Jupiter rules your 12th house of meditation, spirituality and retreating from the world, so part of your year may find you doing just that. You may find the right spiritual practice that brings you into contact with people whom you may describe as your tribe. Always with your partner, of course, as the two things work together. When you look back on this time you’ll realise that it was the best year you’ve had for many years. Enjoy!
Aquarius: 20th January – 19th February: Jupiter falls in your 6th House of health, routines, rituals and office work. This is the perfect time to get your health checked out so that you can be free from niggles about how your body works on a day to day basis. You may have to change your diet, do more exercise or give up the habits you’ve developed around eating sweet things that do you no good at all. Following a spiritual practice would also help – meditation being by far the best way. Jupiter rules your 11th House of ideals, human values, politics and green issues. You will always seek to find the best in others and wish to help the world so that we can all live in peace with a decent lifestyle and good clean water. You are an ambassador for the “different drummers” of the world and thank heavens for it! You are also a paid up member of the awkward squad – and aren’t they the ones to get things moving for the rest of us?
Pisces: 19th February – 20th March: Jupiter falls in your 5th House of creativity, children and love affairs. Jupiter is really your planet as it co-rules your sign along with Neptune. So, wherever it falls year on year will be highlighted for you. And now it’s the 5th House – how good is that? It’s a very positive house bringing good outcomes in whatever you choose to do, be, see, explore or learn. You will find that you are filled with an abundance of creative ideas and as this couples with Jupiter ruling your 10th House of career and public profile, it looks as if this is the time for you to reach out into a whole new world. And the world will reach back out to you. I know that you can sometimes wish to hide yourself away, but this year is really not the time. Just get creating, writing, publishing, broadcasting, crossing huge oceans and have a ball. You deserve it.
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