This weekend Mars enters Cancer and cast long intense looks at Jupiter, with whom he has a close up meeting; then he looks round at Saturn (now direct but not yet steaming ahead in Scorpio) and Neptune. This further emphasises the famous Water Grand Trine that dominates the skies at present.
However, Mars is not comfortable in Cancer because it is his least powerful placement. His best “exalted” sign is Capricorn which is opposite, so we say that Mars is in his “fall” in Cancer. This indicates that people who are born with Mars in Cancer will find it hard to express their anger, will, desires in a direct way. Rather they will tend to hold their strongest feelings inside in order to protect their family/tribe which is represented by Cancer. This will result in all the feelings being pushed down into the stomach, which can result in all sorts of digestive issues. In health astrology, Cancer rules the stomach and upper intestines, pancreas and gall bladder. So you get the picture.
By the weekend, the combination of Mars and Jupiter should help as Jupiter is strong in a positive way in Cancer and will help Mars out here. JU/MA is a famous combination for easy births, athletes, ease of muscle action – so could be a good indication for a certain Royal baby to come happily into the world any time now. This is Princess Diana’s grandchild. It’s worth commenting that even though people may no longer be in our midst, their charts still resonate to planetary energies. Pluto, planet of transformation, birth/death/rebirth is actually going opposite Diana’s Sun sign at this time; and also the Sun on the charts of King William the Conqueror (1066 chart) and the 1801 United Kingdom charts. So an important baby this, through its grandmother, who was vital for the UK, for many reasons. And, her legacy lives on.
And, this infant, our future King or Queen, will be coming into the world any day now…….
The rest of the astrological weather:
On 11th July, just for the day, the Moon in Libra is setting up a preview of what could be coming up for us through the first 6 months of 2014. This Moon will be making a square to Mercury, still retrograde, and Pluto, and an opposition to Uranus. This is termed a “Cardinal Grand Cross” and it only exists for a few hours, due to the speed of the Moon. However, it will be interesting to take the temperature of events that occur during the day to get a flavour of things to come at the end of this year and through half of next.
Venus is flying through Leo – enjoying her stay there – lots of parties, fun and love affairs – and why not. She is heading for Virgo, where she is in her fall, bringing her face to face with the bills for the previous sign and giving her a financial headache.
Mercury still goes backwards for another couple of weeks, so it’s giving you lots of opportunities to get all your ideas on paper, well worked out and ready to be fired off after the 20th July. Just keep admiring that new tablet, phone, laptop or whatever and buy it when the energy’s clearer and Mercury has his mind on other things.
Uranus and Pluto still face each other off out there in the wider spaces of our solar system. Uranus changes direction to close up the gap between their square (90 degrees) on 17th July, which will tighten up their energies further. Uranus brings flashes of humanitarian rebellions and Pluto tries to keep calm below the surface, while plotting away to himself. The concern with this period – through another 3/4 years – is that the authoritarian powers-that-be worldwide may eventually shut down these rebellions and introduce hardline governments that could make slaves of everyone, one way or another.
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