Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

September 23, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences for Grownups – October 2008

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your birth time. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 

Please note that this year is a Leap year, which means that a day has been added to the calendar. So, you may notice that the beginning and end dates in some cases are a day earlier than usual.  


Aries : 21st March – 20th April With Mercury occupying your house of relationships it is an interesting proposition for you as you are not usually so focused on other people. The see-sawing of this position brings people in and out over this next few weeks – and you will have to make choices about who you want in your life and who you can let go of. The pressure is put on by the New Moon in the same area of life – relationships could really give you headaches as you will be trying to keep too many people happy at the same time – and you know it can’t be done. You have to put yourself in the mix as well and get some kind of routine going before you are snowed under. One way of relieving the pressure is to  take a few days out – a weekend break with someone special, for example. This will regenerate all your energies and give some attention where it’s most needed.  

Taurus: 19th April – 20th May Mercury’s rulership of both your house of personal finances and your house of creativity brings these two themes together. One way of reading that is to suggest that you may earn money through some creative project that uses your gifts and talents. Another is to warn against being too creative in how you spend your money – Mercury changing direction can take as well as bring financial rewards.  It’s up to you. The New Moon in your house of coworkers and office routines can possibly put you under some stress as you will be head down fulfilling deadlines. Just make sure that you take time out to eat properly, sleep your full complement of hours and do some exercise as well. You may decide to let go of one of your projects in order to claw back some quality time – this will inevitably improve your attitudes to life – luckily it’s just for a few weeks. 

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August 30, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

Credit Crunch – Recession, A Point of View

Everyone’s talking about an economic downturn or recession. So, I thought this astrologer could put her piece in too, – just for the non-astrologers 

A special note for non-astrologers – this article is more for your benefit than for astrologers, because we already have this information. This is for you to give you foreknowledge of what you can expect over the next few years – and to alleviate your fears and helplessness in the face of the upcoming events. We are NOT victims – the Universe is NEVER out to get us!!!

We are about to enter a strong period of challenging aspects between Saturn, planet of boundaries and structures and Uranus, the planet associated with breaking boundaries and sudden changes. While this may sound pretty innocuous – and on an individual birth chart, they may be – however, on a world scale their effects can be enormous.

Astrologers work with cycles: Solar – which last a year; Lunar which last a month; Mars which last 2 years, etc. In fact in the world of financial astrology, which is NOT my particular speciality, they seem to concentrate on the cycles of Jupiter (12 years) and Saturn (30 years). Just to note here that I specialise in individual lives and their relationships.   

As this is such an important period we are about to enter I want to unpack it slowly for ease of understanding. So, first of all, I wish to note a few previous periods when Saturn and Uranus were facing each other off across the heavens – just so that you begin to get a flavour of this. And while Saturn’s orbit is 30 years, Uranus is 84 years, hence the duration of a couple of years for each meeting or aspect. Each cycle is 40 years. It is also worth mentioning that there is always a build up of events before the planetary aspects are exact. If a house is to be built, for example, what we actually see is the foundation being dug before the bricks are put in place – however, the digging is the final piece of a long process that began perhaps the previous year.

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August 30, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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“The Bankers Recession”

Below is a letter sent by a dear friend of mine to the Financial Times on Friday, 29th August. Although the FT will publish it, I’m not sure which day it will appear on the news stands. 

“Accustomed as we are to branding pervading our lives from the Coca Cola Cup to the ambulance that rushes us to hospital on the fateful day that we require it, the media has chosen to brand events throughout history. This is especially so for those financial events that have punctuated our existence over the last 100 years or so. The Gold Standard, the Great Depression, Decimalisation Day, Black Wednesday, and I am sure there are more.

I am concerned that we do not miss the opportunity to allocate ownership for the current financial downturn that has us all looking for our parachutes, in the light of fading economic comfort, increasing unemployment and the likelihood that the next 12 months will put us back into post war style austerity.

It is, after all, the bankers who, through their careless, greedy and self-centred investments have broken the rules on prudent money management and exceeded their brief as guardians of our savings and our economic prosperity.

I propose and I hope many will agree with me that we should call this period economic instability ‘The Bankers Recession’.

Let us all hope that having got us into this state, they find the courage of their convictions and the balls to get us out of what is likely to be a prolonged and probably the most disillusioning period in Post War economics. Why should we all suffer for their selfish greed.

Let us hold them responsible and publicly remind them of their actions, in history, through the brand, “The Bankers’ Recession”.

August 29, 2008
by Dawne Kovan


This article was sent to me recently from Reuters’ website and I thought it deserved a wider audience – DK.

Something fishy is happening at the Olympic Games in Beijing. Put it all down to the stars.

Forget training, dedication and determination. An athlete’s star sign could be the secret to Olympic gold.

After comparing the birth dates of every Olympic winner since the modern Games began in 1896, British statistician Kenneth Mitchell discovered gold medals really are written in the stars. He found athletes born in certain months were more likely to thrive in particular events.

Mitchell dubbed the phenomenon “The Pisces Effect” after finding that athletes born under the sign received around 30 percent more medals than any other star sign in events like swimming and water polo.

In the history of the Games, the big winners in the overall medals haul were born under the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Aries. They boasted a significantly higher number of Golds.

Checking out the birth dates among the Beijing winners produces some intriguing results.

For fencers looking to deliver a sting in the tail and make it to the podium, Scorpio is the right sign. Two of the three Beijing medallists in the men’s individual sabre event were Scorpio, he said.

For pole vaulters charging down the track, it is better to be born under Taurus, the sign of the bull.

Any Olympic hopefuls unsure which event to pick can now turn to www.olympicstarsigns.com

check out their birth date and find which sport would be the perfect astrological fit.

Even Mitchell was surprised by his own findings which he said were conclusive “and I really mean conclusive.”


Please note that you can go to www.olympicstarsign.com and pick up Kenneth Mitchell’s book on line for free. It makes very interesting reading, I have to say.

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August 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Happy birthday Virgo!

Just to say before you read your sign readings, that if you look at the evening sky through the winter months you will see Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the Western horizon, setting after the Sun. They shine so beautifully and give us the experience that the ancient priest-kings had when they began to note down their stellar observations thousands of years ago.

That is, of course, provided you have clear skies. Here in Scotland we have had cloudy skies for nearly 2 years now – I have seen the Moon about half a dozen times in the last 2 years – so I certainly can’t see the wonder of the planets setting.  

Happy Birthday Virgo 

I imagine that Virgos have been feeling pretty hard done by since last summer (2007) with Saturn, the planet of structure and reality checks entering your sign for his 30 month visit. Earthy Virgo is THE sign of perfectionism and minimalism and you can feel quite happy with some reality – however, there does come a point when it all gets a bit in your face. 

So for early Virgos ( 23 August – 5th September) who have been going through it all over the last 9 months – throwing out the old stuff and not quite sure where you’re heading – that’s all rather perfect for you, really. And, happily it’s over for another thirty years or so. Now it’s a new fresh start that you can begin to put in place. It is often suggested that this transit (passage) of Saturn over the Sun can signal a period of greatest success – but it is hard won – and totally your own making. So congratulations!

For mid-Virgos (5th – 15th September) this year is a real roller coaster ride. Saturn is making demands that you seriously look at the things that no longer serve your long term goals and start the process of letting them go. You may not wish to throw them out completely yet, but you will have done that by next August, 09. And then a brand new thirty year cycle will begin – a bit like being reborn, I guess.

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August 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology August/September

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 

 Please note that this year is a Leap year, which means that a day has been added to the calendar. so, you may notice that the beginning and end dates in some cases are a day earlier than usual. The Full Moon in Libra, which traditionally heralds Easter, always presents relationship matters in your face, whatever your sign happens to be.

Aries : 21st March – 20th April – This is a good time for you to seriously work on your relationships with your co-workers due to a pile up of planets in Libra, including your ruler Mars. This puts huge emphasis on negotiation, and cooperation in all your relationships – both business and personal – and it will put you in good stead for the future in your profession. It’s hard for Aries to be a good team player but you have to bite the bullet and do it this month, for your own sake. You may find that one of your colleagues seems to have a down on you and you need to use some diplomacy to put it right.

However, you are the stronger one here and will easily overcome any challenges thrown at you. You may be asked to take a course in some practical subject as well, in order that you really understand the deeper workings of your business. 

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August 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Agony Aunt – Your Problem Answered

This is the “Agony Aunt” venture on my blog. I would like to invite questions from you that would include your birth data, so that I can answer from both Astrology and LoA. Your name and birth data will be withheld for confidentiality. 

I cannot enter into private consultation unless it is done on a client basis. For further details about this, please see my Astrology page.


Two years ago I started up my own business.  I am very ambitious and determined to make it work. Recently I ended a relationship – this has been painful to go through and let go of. I am very interested in Astrology as well. Can you give me some thoughts/advice?

Hello, K and thank you for your question.  Using both Astrology and the Law of Attraction to respond, please read on…

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August 9, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Mentoring – My Unique Selling Point (USP)

When I was studying an online business course recently, I was asked what my USP was. This is the one thing about me that singles out my work from all the other work that’s out there in the public eye. In other words, how do I grab the attention of prospective clients and encourage them to do MY mentoring course?

I thought for a while, as it’s a big question, then I realised that my USP is timing.

My understanding of planetary movements and cycles can assist a client to have a clear overview of what is in front of them and when the best times for pushing ahead and pulling back are likely to be.  So, I can say, as I did yesterday, to a client – by a certain time of this/next month etc, you will be able to take advantage of the astronomical “weather” to launch your latest project; and these are the times when you are likely to be pushed and challenged, or when you will experience resistance from the outside world to your ideas – in other words, the best times to take a holiday.

If a client wants relationship, self-development or career mentoring, then together we can explore and reveal their expectations, gifts, talents, passions and needs by examining their birth chart and working with whatever comes up as a result.

I find that working at this in-depth level with a client is so rewarding and ultimately power giving to them that I would suggest that what I can offer is truly “Unique”.

Available Sessions:

Three new spaces for the Mentoring Program will become available starting on 25th August, 2008.

I will need your birth data – i.e. time, date and place to fulfill my USP – as described above.

The fee per session is £40 GB or equivalent, See payment instructions here

We initially start with 6 sessions and work on the phone and back up with email contact. You will receive a copy of my Mentoring Program e-Book.

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August 6, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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The Eclipse Period of August 2008

Friday’s Solar Eclipse was only total across Northern Canada, Russia and China i.e. completely blocking the light of the Sun from the land – however, it was still visible as a partial eclipse right down to Spain and across those same latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere.

Traditional mystical teaching suggests that the Sun brings consciousness, which is obvious really – we either see the light or are in the dark about something. Those same traditions also suggest that the Moon represents our unconscious function – the past, memories, dreams and our hidden motivations. So, when a Solar eclipse occurs we go unconscious in some way.  

It made interesting reading that many people on BLC (Boundless Living Challenge) wrote on their blogs published around 1st August, that they couldn’t get anything together, felt down, uninspired or emotionally flat. This is exactly what I would expect people to feel when they are deprived of their light and left to the darkness of Lunar mind. The reaction to that event is equal to the effort made by us to deny our connection with the so called feminine energies – so if we feel depressed we have to ask who is the me that is holding down and denying my emotions, my connection with my past, my feeling life and my collective?

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August 6, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

The New Religion of the 21st Century

On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark

But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light
It is a silent revolution
From the inside out
From the ground up

It is time for me to reveal myself
I am an embedded agent of an secret, undercover
Clandestine Global operation
A spiritual conspiracy
We have sleeper cells in every nation on the planet

You won’t see us on the T.V.
You won’t read about us in the newspaper
You won’t hear about us on the radio

We don’t seek any glory
We don’t wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes
Colours and styles

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August 1, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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The 45 Day Boundless Living Challenge

Nearly a month ago I was contacted by Bob Doyle’s Wealth Beyond Reason program and invited to join the Boundless Living Challenge, although I was unsure about what to expect, obviously. 

Bob Doyle is one of the original teachers in “The Secret” movie0 and one whom I immediately liked when I saw and heard him speak. And as a result of that positive vibration towards him I kept in touch with him via his WBR website – hence the invitation.

When I joined there were about seven hundred names on the list – now it’s almost five and a half thousand and rising!

So, what is it, I hear you ask. First of all, it’s a social network site of which all the members are Law of Attraction users and “Secret” enthusiasts. Many are teachers, personal therapists, artists, musicians and healers – and many are in regular professions like doctors and lawyers, for example – all with this same base line of the understanding of the LoA. And most importantly it is a program designed to encourage all its members to enter their very own personal challenge and work towards achieving it during the 45 days, starting on 20th July and ending 4th September. 

People can join and still do the challenge right up to the end of August – or even just join as observers, without entering the actual challenge. Members are advised to post a daily blog on their progress towards achieving their goal and everyone else is invited to comment and offer advice and support. For example, Bob Doyle has entered the challenge himself – that being to sing and play guitar live in front of an audience! The video posts he’s made these last few days on his progress show him to be a trembling wreck – and he suggests that if our challenges don’t have our hearts thumping, then we have to come up with something else. There are sponsors and even prizes for various categories like – most original blog, artwork, videos and recordings – and, of course, success with the challenge. So, it’s all singing, all dancing.

My challenge is to start earning my living through writing this blog and the ebook that I’m co-writing with Ann-Marie Caffrey of the Attractor Factor fame  http://www.smart-attractor.com/   And in the last few days it has already begun to happen – people are already donating through the button on this site. How amazing is that?

Unlike other social networks like Facebook, MySpace, etc, the contributors are all mature adults who have a vision of making something meaningful for themselves in their lives; and who are also willing to put in the time on a daily basis to check on each others’ progress and make comments. However, like Facebook ad MySpace, Bob as regulator of the BLC site, is tough in refusing to allow spamming of business opportunities or products etc.

I am finding the most extraordinary compassion, support and encouragement to take risks from the members towards each other. They are by and large mainly female, from the US, UK and Australia, with a smattering of Europeans – as English is the base language.

I would encourage you to contact me if you wish to join the BLC – email me at [email protected] – and we can take it from there.

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July 27, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

Happy Birthday, Leo

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

Happy Birthday, Leo

With Friday’s Total Solar Eclipse it’s quite a momentous birthday that will have significance for Leos through the next 6-12 months. It’s a funny thing the way the planets whizz around the Zodiac, sometimes regularly and predictably and sometimes quite erratically. This eclipse is more on the erratic side of things, and I’ll explain more below.

Usually, we can trace an Eclipse on the same degree of the Zodiac every 19 years – for Saros Cycle fans, this is something Zodiacal rather than Nodal. However, occasionally we get a rogue eclipse that doesn’t fit that particular pattern – a little Cosmic Joke, perhaps, who knows? And there’s probably a technical explanation that I once knew and have since forgotten – sorry about that, but forgetting things happens as we get older!!

Eclipses tend to repeat in the same sign for about eleven and a half months – so we usually get two hits in the same sign over a year. Not this time, however – the next one in July 2009 falls in Cancer. So this is a one off, folks, peculiar to Leo on 1st August – no wonder the Chinese are claiming it as their very own Olympic Eclipse! Incidentally, the shadow cast across the Earth by the Moon covering the Sun, falls across Northern Russia and China, where it terminates. This is how we can often predict earthquakes and political disturbances for a nation by tracing the Eclipse’s shadow and seeing which nations it covers. I feel another article coming up – later, I promise!

An eclipse usually leaves its effects over a period of about 6-12 months, over which time many of the predictions are likely to pan out – things like babies being born, older people leaving, creative ventures being launched, money being made and even lost. A time of rich pickings. An eclipse effects us all no matter which sign it falls in and we will respond to it differently each according to our birth signs.

So Leo here we go:

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July 27, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology July/August

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

Please note that this year is a Leap year, which means that a day has been added to the calendar. so, you may notice that the beginning and end dates in some cases are a day earlier than usual. The Full Moon in Libra, that traditionally heralds Easter, always presents relationship matters in your face, whatever your sign happens to be.

The eclipse on the 1st August is sitting with Mercury in Leo, so I have taken into account the houses that it rules with each sign below as well. Please note that an eclipse can have an effect in your life for around a year.

Aries : 21st March – 20th April

The eclipse falls in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance. If your children are teenagers, they may decide to leave home or go to college that requires many short journeys for you all. If they have already left, be prepared, they may come back for a while and again need you to help them put their futures in better order. Your daily routines could be changed as a result. You may acquire new neighbours who could challenge your domestic peace and quiet for a time, by doing a make-over, for example. A co-worker could cause more work to be put on your shoulders by, for example, going on maternity leave or something similar. In the romance department, if there’s no one on the horizon, then this may change over the next few months, because you’re giving off good energy.

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June 23, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

Solar Eclipse on 1st August, 2008

A total eclipse of the sun will be observed on 1st August 2008. To see a total solar eclipse, you must be standing within the band of its shadow, stand anywhere outside and you only see a partial eclipse.  A solar eclipse is a New Moon that occurs when the moon is on the same latitude as the Earth and the Sun. As this New Moon passes between them  it blocks out the sunlight and casts a shadow across the earth’s surface.

The track of the moon’s shadow on this particular Solar Eclipse will first touch the surface of the earth at dawn in Northern Canada, it then moves across the north polar region and into Siberia, then across the western edge of Mongolia and leaving the earth at sunset in Central China.

It is being highly regarded by the Chinese because it is the eclipse of the Olympics  – hmmm! I wonder who will be eclipsed during the Games? Just a note for the Numerologists – the Games open on the 8/8/08 – the number 8 is the most prestigious number according to the Chinese.

An eclipse repeats its degree every 19 years. One way of looking at what it can bring up on your chart is to ask what was I doing around the beginning of August 19 years ago? I have noticed that clients often say it was when their first child was born, when they got married or some such major event of that importance. 

Many astrologers say an eclipse is only significant if it falls on the Sun, Moon or Ascendant – not so, say I – we are ALL effected one way or another. In my opinion whichever house on your birth chart that the eclipse falls in will be intensified as an issue, rather than just an event.

For example, a client with an eclipse falling in his 8th house of debts, was forced to deal with his debts as a major event and go into a debt repayment scheme. Although he had had many New Moons falling in his 8th previously over the years, it was the eclipse that was in his face, so to speak. And it changed his life – freed him up to look at his future possibilities instead of living in permanent terror. In effect, the Eclipse was the knock on his door. 

So, eclipses are not to be feared – simply seen as a “click” mechanism creating circumstances that can help clear up the old “stuff” in whichever area of your life indicated by where it happens on your birth chart.

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June 22, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Report on Your Free Sun/Moon Combination Readings

My first ever freebie!! And boy was I surprised by your response!

The requests trickled in at first. Then my friend Ann-Marie, of Attractor Factor fame put my offer on her monthly NL, as did my Australian Astro-Pal, Edgar Winter. And the requests flooded in – and to be honest took me by surprise. I had over 100 people asking for readings.

Now, I do tend to leap before looking – so had not written many combinations until they came in – in other words, no data base to draw from. The information was all in my head and needed to be written, request by request. So, I set to and was working for about six weeks to clear the list completely. This is why I have not written much else on the blog – but now I’m clear of it the LoA articles will start flowing again! And I know that the odd requests will still trickle in – and that’s fine, as I’m now much better organised for them. For those of you with Astrological understanding, I have no earth on my chart – ‘nuff said!

Anyone who can do the maths will know that there are 144 possible combinations and I actually had fewer people with the same combinations than I had thought I might.

Having said that, my mini-survey suggests that those with Gemini and Libra Suns or Moons, or both, gave me the biggest numbers, which was predictable, really, as these signs are the most sociable and curious to find out about themselves.

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