Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

March 20, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

What is Mentoring?

A couple of weeks ago I launched my Mentoring Program and everyone said “eh?” – that’s a direct quote by the way. Then they said – “ooh sounds way too scary – what is it and what will you do to me?”

So, this post is to answer those very British questions. 

And, first of all, I do nothing to you at all. I do very little – it’s you who does the work – I simply mentor. I act as a mirror – that’s what mentor means, by the way – to show.

We all, including me (or even especially me!!) have inner voices that swim beneath the surface in the undertow of our unconscious mind, drip feeding the old self-defeating statements that have been there for what seems like forever. They are designed to keep us less than we could be, helpless and dumb. Such statements always have their roots in childhood – things that the kids at school sniggered at us, out of their own insecurities; things that parents and siblings said, often unthinkingly, though not always. We took them as gospel and believed that they said something about our intrinsic value as individuals. And guess what – they said nothing about who we were then or who we are now. And yet, the voices go on unheard and powerful, keeping us hooked in.

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March 19, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Easter – a movable feast

 There is a move afoot to bring the date of Easter to a regular weekend in April, so that people know exactly when they can book their Spring holidays. This would be a shame because it would be yet another way in which modern society is being disconnected from its relationship with the heavens.

The origins of Easter lie far beyond the present era – far back in pagan times when the relationship between the Sun and Moon were markers for specific annual festivals. From our earliest history mankind has celebrated Easter, the period of highest fertility for all the creatures in the Northern Hemisphere and the strengthening of the Sun’s light. This festival is associated with rebirth, the arising of life after the death of winter. The roots of most Christian festivals can be found to have pagan origins and Easter is no exception.

The culture that eventually grew into the peoples of the Old Testament celebrates Passover at the same period as Easter. In fact, in the New Testament, Jesus is tried and put to death at the beginning of Passover. Therefore, the date of Passover itself is calculated by the same rules that we use to calculate Easter.

These ancient cultures all used a Lunar calendar – and many still do today. This means that the phases of the Moon, both New and Full, form the basis for all dating of events. Passover falls on the first Full Moon in Libra – which means that the Sun has to be in Aries and the Moon in the opposite side of the sky. Lunar phases are not regular and predictable like Solar phases – we always know when the Sun will enter a particular part of the sky, for example, because it visits the same degree of the Ecliptic (or Zodiac) on a specific date of the year. This is why birthdays are important. However, the Moon changes sign every two and a half days and presents her face to the Sun irregularly. 

The Moon’s complete cycle around the Zodiac is 28 days and the Sun’s complete cycle takes a whole year. Therefore the days when the Moon is either New (in the same place as the Sun) or Full (placed in the opposite side of the sky) have to be recalculated for every festival. 

Another thing that’s worth mentioning here, is that many people have tried many times to calculate the exact date of the Crucifixion by the dates of a Solar Eclipse in the early years of our Common Era. The Bible states that “darkness fell over the land” when Jesus died on the cross. This is not possible historically, as a Solar Eclipse can only happen when the New Moon passes over the exact same latitude of the Ecliptic occupied by the Sun, thus extinguishing its light by coming between the Earth and the Sun. And a New Moon at Passover is not possible as it is always celebrated on the Full Moon. A Lunar Eclipse can only be seen at night.

So, each year Easter is celebrated from the first Friday after the Full Moon in Libra – which is a moveable feast that connects us with our most ancient spiritual roots. And that connection must be maintained lest we lose sight of the importance of the Cosmos in our everyday lives.

March 2, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

Prince Harry and the Virgin Queen

 I watched the DVD “Elizabeth the Golden Years” yesterday evening –  1st March, 2008  – and saw various news flashes throughout the last few days that were about one of our youngest Royals, Prince Harry.

In my work as an astrologer, I have often written about the British Royal Family – mainly because their birth times are accurately recorded, which makes my life much  more simple as events can be timed more acutely. And no-one fascinates the British Public more than Queen Elizabeth the First – the fiery, brilliant, red-headed “Virgin” Queen.

The term Virgin describes the fact that she was born under the sign of Virgo, rather than being ‘intacta’. However, she did milk the ambiguity somewhat. In an age when astrological symbolism was the lingua franca in court circles at the time, everyone got the joke!!

Elizabeth Tudor was born to be Queen. She was born under the joint influences of Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus and Ascendant in Capricorn – all three of them ruled by the element of Earth. Good practical, level-headed stuff, that takes nothing for granted, well able to read the small print on any document and doesn’t get caught up with emotional issues.

That is all I’m going to say on this chart at the moment because I want to get to another Royal personage who has been filling our TV screens and news media these last few days.

And that’s Prince Harry – soldier, hero and all round good egg!!

Another red-headed Royal with Sun in Virgo (only a day different from Elizabeth Tudor’s Sun), with his Moon also in Taurus and Ascendant also in Capricorn. Although he inherits his grandmother, Elizabeth Windsor’s Capricorn Ascendant, it is her Sun that is placed in Taurus – Harry’s Moon sign. Therefore they share very close psycho-genes.

However, his chart is almost identical to that of Elizabeth Tudor. This makes me ask the obvious question – will Harry become King of the United Kingdom?

It is important to realise that Astrology transcends bloodlines – there is no direct physical genetic link between our present day Royal Family and the Tudors. However, in some unseen manner, shared planetary positions between people seem to hint at another hand possibly directing the affairs of humankind. We only have to look at similar planetary links in adoptive families to wonder at the mystery of existence. 

Could his older brother back down from succeeding – in other words could emotional, romantic William follow his mother, Princess Diana and Great-Uncle King Edward the Eighth into a choice between love and duty and let love win?

Wills has a very sensitive Cancer Sun and Moon in the element of Water – born on the day of a  Total Solar Eclipse, which is a highly intense aspect. King Edward’s Sun was in watery Pisces, Diana’s Sun was like Will’s in Cancer – therefore Will’s psycho-genes are very definitely inherited from her. So, to sum up – water signs suggest a life run by feeling values whereas Earth signs suggest the importance of  practical values.

With Pluto the planet of profound changes, transitions and irrevocable endings now entering Capricorn, the sign associated with institutions – it looks as if all collective structures like major oil companies, banks, old universities and old family dynasties are going to suffer massive challenges over the next 15 years.

I do think that the Royal Family will undergo a huge shift through this period and maybe not so far into the future. Prince William’s Sun (the heart of every chart) is now being called on by Pluto through 2008 and 2009.

Like anyone else born around 20-22nd June, he is being challenged to admit his true longings and follow his deepest desires. This aspect, because Pluto falls on the opposite side of the Zodiac to his Sun, would suggest that the arena for this drama is likely to be marriage. In a couple of years along the line Pluto will then call on his Moon which will really change his family life forever and could suggest the birth of children but may not include Kingship!

Please feel free to make a comment on this article – I look forward to hearing your views.

Dawne Kovan

February 20, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Multi-media blogging course

Hi folks, 

I’m evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they’re letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I’ll let you know what I think once I’ve had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it’s still free.


February 17, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Tap into the Powers of Your Brain

Tap into the Powers of Your Brain by Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach

Tap into the Powers of Your BrainYour brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. When those statements are the affirmation of your goals, you are certain to achieve them! Stating these goals can be tricky however, and your subconscious mind needs things put a certain way.

You need to be specific with yourself. The more specific you are with your goal the more your brain has to go on to make them happen.

Remember, vague goals produce vague results. Don’t be afraid to be detailed with what you want! Write it all down as if you were putting in an order. Your subconscious will make it happen for you by steering you toward those opportunities.

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February 16, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Article: Pluto in Capricorn 2008 – 2023

When a planet as powerful and as slow moving as Pluto enters a new sign, the world notices – not just individuals but everybody. Look how Pluto has effected the Sagittarian values of religion, travel and international laws through the period 1995 – 2008. Resulting in the rise of religious fundamentalism, the power of ideologies, the global spread of information, a fear of “the foreigner in our midst” and much, much more. 

Last month, Pluto dipped his toe in Capricorn and will stay for about another 4 months – he will begin his true sojourn there in late November and then will remain for 15 years.

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn brought huge changes in the way we lived. For example, during his first year there in 1516 Martin Luther began his challenges to the established church, which resulted in the Reformation. The result of this was the rise in Calvinism and the worshipping of that good old Capricornian value – hard work as the route to God.

We also saw the beginning of European colonisation of South America. So watch that part of the world for major political shifts over the next 17 years.

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February 16, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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News from the Cosmos – Mercury finally changes direction!

The tiny wandering planet Mercury finally changes direction on Tuesday 19th February and will take a few days to begin to pick up his customary speed. All those Geminians and Virgoans can breathe a sigh of relief – at last – clarity and a sense of steaming ahead again. Just a small warning here – decisions made in haste this weekend may have to be reversed after Wednesday. Such a wayward planet!

During next week, two other events occur: firstly also on the 19th the Sun enters Pisces for a month signalling the coming of spring not 30 days on – at last! Here in March 2007 in the UK Spring happened early and was followed by rain for the next 10 months – with very little sunshine and much of the country under water. So we are all slightly sun-starved, to say the least!

The second event is a Lunar Eclipse on 21st February at 2 degrees across the Pisces/Virgo axis. This can be an intense couple of days with lots of emotion in the air. If your birthday falls across the 21st Feb/23 August dates then you can expect some kind of upheavals for a few months around home and family. In fact the last few years have really been a roller coaster for all Pisces/Virgo natives. For those born in the final third of these two signs, life promises to get more and more interesting and life expanding through 2008 – 2011.

Watch this space for further updates!

From your Cosmic Reporter

February 16, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Two new movies you will want to see

The first is the trailer – just over 2 minutes – of the new movie from “The Secret ” people about to be released next month. You can view it on this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rIaykldvKM

You may also like to view online another free movie – if you have a fast internet link – www.zeitgeistmovie.com a very thought provoikng movie free from Google.


February 14, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Law of Attraction & Valentine’s Day

Making yourself attractive

We often hear young people saying that they’re going out for the evening  “on the pull” – which translates as going out to find someone to have some fun with. In other words, they are going to attract someone into their life – maybe for the short, very short or even longer term.

And this is what attraction means – to pull towards – in both directions. So, how attractive are you? If you were going out for the evening “on the pull” how would you prepare yourself? Assuming it’s a weekend, would you just keep your day clothes on and leave the house in the state you had been in all day – digging the garden, cleaning out the kitchen? Or would you shower, put your on make-up/shave, and then get out that special outfit, that you may have just bought that day? Of course you would – you would want to look your best – knowing that everybody else has done the same.

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February 14, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Book review: ‘Zero Limits’ by Dr Joe Vitale & Dr Hew Len

Physician heal thyself – that’s the message in this book!

Many months ago I happened across an article by Dr Joe Vitale in which he spoke about a Hawaiian psychiatrist called Dr Hew Len and the methods he used to completely heal  a group of criminally insane patients in the unit where he was employed. And he did this without ever seeing a single patient!

Then for reasons unknown – probably due to my rather chaotic filing system – I lost the article – searched for it high and low – nothing doing, it had disappeared. So, I put it out of my mind until a few weeks ago I was trawling Amazon’s latest book list and saw that Joe Vitale had recently co-written a book with Dr Hew Len entitled “Zero Limits -The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More.”

Imagine how delighted I was to find it – and I ordered it immediately. It’s a pretty straightforward read with lots of examples and anecdotes – which is how Joe writes – with great accessibility, humour and humility. However, the book also packs a huge punch, if you’re willing, as a reader to begin to follow the system outlined in the book. The end of the book contains some pretty dense writing by Dr Hew Len in which he talks about his own teacher, Morrnah,  and outlines the basic principles and inner workings for the more technically minded.

This system is called Ho’oponopono and is deceptively simply to do and no less powerful for all that.  It consists in repeating four short phrases over and over starting with love and ending with gratitude. And by doing this we heal ourselves. Impressive, yes – however, there is more. And it is this more that makes the system really move me. Before the process of repeating the phrases, we must take complete responsibility for our lives, our selves, all the people, events, etc everything in fact that we experience; and recognise that they are all due to our own programming or “memories” as Dr Hew Len suggests. And it is these “memories” that we need to heal, or clean.

Now this is big stuff. Imagine taking responsibility for everything! For example, therapists must accept responsibility for their clients, who only come along because they are pulled in by the therapist. As Dr Hew Len says, they are displaying symptoms that the therapist him/herself has – and by healing their own symptoms, they heal their clients. The psychologically minded among us will recognise “transference” working here – LOA practitioners will recognise the Law in action. In other words it speaks to everyone.

And by cleaning up our little corner of the world, even down through the ages to our ancestors, it seems that we can truly heal the bigger picture stuff out there in the real world.

I have to confess, I’ve read it about 5 times and am still reading!  The effects are subtle and life changing, I promise. My experience is that by following the system, I am cleaning up my programmes and finding that inspiration is flowing through me instead. How good is that?

Take a look at this 15 minute video of Joe speaking about this work at http://revver.com/video/521463/15-minute-miracle-by-joe-vitale/

I urge you to buy the book – just click on the icon and there you go!   

February 12, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Writing from the Heart

“We are not Human Beings on a Spiritual Journey, we are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey”

Ideally all creativity enables us to gain freedom from the humdrum of our ordinary existence. Many people do not see themselves as creative beings at all, yet I believe that we are all innately creative and that it is this which marks us as divinely human.

Writing from the heart offers us the possibility of standing outside ourselves and describing our deepest processes and reactions to life. This course is for anyone who wishes to explore these and more about themselves without the constraints that a more formal course would place upon their tender first steps as a writer.

My aim as teacher is to enable my students to gain a real sense of wonder and personal freedom. The work offers the possibility of exploration through guided meditation, imagery work and some journal work as well. My role is simply to encourage the joy that comes from the love of language and personal expression that writing from the heart can offer – in both prose and poetry.

For more details email me at [email protected]

February 11, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Law of Attraction Tip 2

 Listen to your feelings – they know more than you do!

Over the thirty-odd years I have been working in the field of human potential, I have met many people who tell me they want to change their lives. However, on further investigation it soon becomes clear that this may not the whole truth.  For mature, responsible people, who have families, careers and commitments, changing all of that is probably a step too far, in most cases, because it isn’t what they really want. What  they really want to do is change the things that are no longer working for them and develop the things that are. In other words, to winnow out the rubbish and hold on to the good bits.

It is often suggested that if we keep doing the same-old same-old over and over, the outcome can never be different. However, if we use Jack Canfield’s example of his first “Chicken Soup” book, then the above statement may seem confusing. And it is this confusion that I wish to help with in this article. Jack tried 143 publishers before it was accepted – and the rest is history.  And therein lies the rub and this is where belief (I call it “knowing”) comes in – YOUR belief that what you want is right for you. Jack believed, he knew, with every fibre of his being that he was onto a good thing, so he kept on sending the manuscript out, over and over again.

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January 31, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Law of Attraction Tips – 1

Getting your thinking under YOUR control

The key to working with the LOA is to become an instant expert in monitoring your thinking – not easy when you have about 60,000 thoughts a day flying through your brain!

There are a number of small steps you can take to become conscious of your words because they are your thoughts made manifest – “in the beginning was the word”. And this article offers you one.

Choose a small word, such as  but, not, can’t – those little negative words that we all use all the time. Whenever we use them in conversation your mind then says “you want but, not, can’t? I can get them for you!!” and does, repeatedly, year in, year out.

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January 28, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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“Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

I’m heading this part of my Astrology blog page with the above quote because the information I’m giving below is in no way “fortune telling” – it is simply the result of observations made over thousands years and I offer it to you to as a piece of possibly useful input.

We are living in a particularly changeable time through this week, due to Mercury and Mars changing direction and Pluto entering Capricorn. this article will guide you through the choppy waters.

This evening – Monday, 28th January, Mercury, which is associated with communications of all kinds goes BACKWARDS!! And will remain so for the next 21 days, whereupon he then starts to go forwards again. Because he is the fastest planet he does this 3 times every year – so for those in the telecom and travel businesses, this can be quite a turbulent few days, and again in 3 weeks’ time.

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January 21, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

The Law of Attraction – Ancient Wisdom Leading-Edge Thinking

Unless you’ve been living in a cave recently, you must have heard of the extraordinary success of Australian film-maker, Rhonda Byrne’s DVD “The Secret”.

The DVD opens with the statement “As above, so below – as without, so within.” Although, many astrologers have quoted this as an antique license to practice their art, I think this statement says more than “astrology works, folks!” The quote actually refers to the Law of Attraction “The Secret”. The movie suggests that the ancients were alerting us to the fact that EVERYTHING responds to this Universal law – human beings, cats, horses, flowers, trees, rivers, mountains, planets, Universes, etc. It works through vibration. And everything from the electron to the Universe vibrates. And that includes you and me.

The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like, which means that a thing will attract to it something else that vibrates at a similar frequency. For example, a droplet of crystal on a chandelier will vibrate when a specific note is struck on a keyboard because vibrationally they are attuned to one another. If we extend this idea to ourselves we can see how we can only attract things, people and circumstances into our lives that are attuned to our individual vibration. While this may seem an outrageous idea in this day and age, mystics have been talking about it for millennia.

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