I was speaking to my dear friend and colleague Prudence Jones, this morning and she mentioned that when Uranus went over the 4th House (IC) of the UK chart, the bottom fell out of the housing market.
In natal astrology the IC is associated with the family we spring from; the place where we belong and feel familiar. In political astrology it shows the land, housing developments, farming and mining. Here in the UK the aim of every young couple is to get on the “Housing Ladder” in order to move up the ladder by buying bigger and better homes over the years for themselves and their family. This comes from the idea that owning one’s own home is the most important goal of any sane human being. “An Englishman’s home is his castle” goes the mantra. This means that most people in the UK see living in rented accommodation as some kind of failure, even if the greatest portion of their earnings goes on their mortgage payments, leaving little to have fun with. No wonder they’re stressed out!
When Uranus crossed the IC in 1990/91 the bottom fell out of the UK housing market – many bargains were to be made as many people had bought their properties in the 1980s with mortgages that created negative equity for them; thus rendering them effectively bankrupt as they couldn’t sell their properties and realise a profit from them.
Transit Uranus is now making a challenging square to that position and at present our news is full of “housing issues” i.e. too expensive, not enough houses, homelessness, etc. This will run and run as Transit Pluto is now in on the act. Continue Reading →