Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

February 13, 2014
by Dawne Kovan

The Predictable Face of Astrology

The title of this article is self-explanatory because we can see the movements of the planets, orbiting our charts, as predictable as the hands of an alarm clock. When a planet transits into our lives, usually accompanied by some outer event, such as a birth, death, falling in love, falling out of love, job change, etc, the energy throws us back on ourselves and makes us ask “Why me? Why now? Why here?”

There is no such thing as an “accidental birth” – we are all born on purpose. Put another way, we are all here at the right date and time, in the right place, living the right life, which gives us the right birth chart for our personal life’s journey.

It is worth remembering that there is no such thing as a “bad” chart, “bad planet”, “bad” sign or house – what we have on our Birth Chart is absolutely perfect for you. Your chart is as perfect for you as mine is for me. This would suggest that each of us is perfect just as we are – in the potential shown on your Chart. Sometimes, however, we may fall from grace when we become less than we may be, by ignoring our best bits in favour of our worst bits.

However, moment by moment the Universe prods us with reminders, some subtle and some not so subtle. A reminder from Venus, Moon and Mercury may be shrugged off as imagination or wishful thinking. But once the Universe is on your case, heavier hints will come along when the slower moving planets homes in on your individual chart – almost as if they only have you in mind.

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February 6, 2014
by Dawne Kovan

Mercury Retrograde, the Winter Olympics and more…


Mercury goes Retrograde 6th – 28th February, 2014

Once again we are entering the Retrograde Mercury territory. As many of my readers will know, this is a phase which happens every 4 months or so for 3 weeks each time, and it messes up our communication systems and plays havoc with the small things in our lives.

For those readers who are new to this page, I must tell you that of course Mercury doesn’t go backwards – no planets do. However, it is an effect that shows up when the orbit of the Earth overtakes the orbit of a planet – then the planet appears to go into reverse. Think slow trains and fast trains: they are both heading in the same direction, one quickly, the other slowly. When the fast train (Earth) overtakes the slower train (in this case, Mercury) then the slower train seems to go backwards. If you are sitting on the slow train, then you can have the illusion that you are indeed suddenly reversing.

All of the planets spend a number of months retrograde each year. Except the Sun and the Moon because they are not planets.

OK – now that’s out of the way I shall continue.

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January 29, 2014
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Aquarius New Moon. Venus goes direct on 31st January, 2014

The New Moon in Aquarius falls on 30th January. It is also the Chinese New Year on that day, too. As Aquarius is the sign most associated with humanitarian values and philanthropy, we must hope that the month following this New Moon will bring a breakout of peace and diplomacy for our beleaguered world.
Those born with either their Sun or Moon in Aquarius will always hold the highest ideals and wish that the rest of the world to do the same. They are also very independent, strong minded and are able to keep their cool when everyone around them is losing theirs.
Venus now standing still in readiness to start her journey in forward motion on Friday will bring a sigh of relief for Taurus and Libra natives – at last they can finally start to bring their hopes and wishes into the real world. No more feeling as if they are going backwards on their projects.
Venus represents the quality within us all to love, to be generous, to value the good things in life, and to enjoy ourselves. The ancients knew her to be symbol of beauty and grace, sensuality and harmony.In her backwards motion over the past couple of weeks, Venus has been pulled by Pluto to join him in his cave in the Underworld. She would have been attracted to his magnetic powers of attraction because they do have an ancient back story together. However, no matter how hard he tried to lure her back to him, she managed to resist an exact aspect with him – stopping just one degree ahead of him, thus just managing to avoid his advances, and standing her ground. This is not easy for Venus to do as her natural way of dealing with strong or aggressive people is to try to appease them, often at great cost to herself.
I am sure that this will resonate with all of those who have Taurus and Libra Sun, Moon or Ascendant on their charts. Even those who have Venus close to their Sun or Moon will recognise within themselves a strong “people-pleaser” characteristic that can work against them. Well, this time around Venus has resisted Pluto and NOT pleased him – maybe that’s a good lesson for all Venusian types to take to heart. And practise makes perfect, remember, so give it a whirl – just say “No” occasionally – the sky won’t fall in, I promise and your Venus will feel great.

New Moon in Your Sun, Moon or Ascendant Signs

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path. Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!

Aries : 21st March – 20th April: Aquarius New Moon in your 11th Solar House of hopes and objectives will bring a month of making plans for your future. Your focus will be on social activities, groups and friendships. You may meet people who can help you move your projects forward. With Venus moving ahead in your business and career sector, life is beginning to get interesting again, in your relationships, both personal and in business. Your finances could also begin to look healthier this month.

Taurus: 20th April – 20th May: Aquarius New Moon in your 10th Solar House of career and business will bring a month of working hard to bring your goals and aim to fruition. You are willing to take responsibility for whatever must be done to achieve this. You may be in the public eye, such as being interviewed in your local paper, which could be a very useful step business wise. Your ruler Venus is giving you a sense of moving ahead in your life and imbuing you with a sense of adventure.

Gemini: 21st May – 21st June: Aquarius New Moon in your 9th Solar House of long range plans, journeys, higher education will bring a month of looking closely at what you can do to augment your skills and gifts. You may have a renewed interested in spiritual or religious matters. With Venus moving ahead you will begin to sense that you have ignored your creativity for too long and so may dig out some old manuscripts that have been languishing in your attic. You may take a creative course.

Cancer: 21st June – 23rd July: Aquarius New Moon in your 8th Solar House of shared resources and in-depth personal enquiry will focus attention on all your shared financial dealings, such as mortgages, loans, resources and savings. You may decide to begin a period of self-discovery through personal therapy of some kind. This will have a good impact on all the different aspects of your life. Venus moving ahead will bring domestic and family matters to the fore. Close friendships will be important.

Leo: 23rd July – 23rd August: Aquarius New Moon in your 7th Solar House of relationships, both business and personal, will highlight the needs of those closest to you. You will have to be ready to listen to them and find ways of making peace between them. This will call on your legendary creativity and generosity and will bring you all closer together. Venus now moving forward will speed up your communications with others – so lots of paperwork, telephone calls and short trips, that will impact well on your career.

Virgo: 23rd August – 23rd September: Aquarius New Moon in your 6th Solar House of everyday work, routines, co-workers and health will focus you on the area of life that interests you the most – your health! You will look at your dietary habits, your exercise regime and all your bodily well-being. You may decide to take up a new exercise plan. You may need to seek medical advice to correct a physical ailment. Venus moving forward now will bring new opportunities for financial improvement and maybe a trip across water.

Libra: 23rd September – 23rd October: Aquarius New Moon in your 5th Solar House of children, creativity, pleasure, love affairs and everything that is exciting in relationships will focus your energies. This is the month to let your hair down and have a good time. Invitations could come your way as well as interesting creative opportunities. With your ruler Venus getting a move on now you will find that others are very attracted to you – and you never know where you will meet them – maybe at work or at the gym.

Scorpio: 23rd October – 22nd November: Aquarius New Moon in your 4th Solar House of home life, family and endings. This is the month to get down to clearing out the cupboards and attic in order to de-clutter your home and, of course, your head. With Venus moving ahead now you may even think about moving house or revamping your existing home. You may join a meditation class which opens a new social circle for you. During this month things are often resolved so that you can move into a new future.

Sagittarius: 22nd November – 22nd December: Aquarius New Moon in your 3rd Solar House of siblings, neighbourhood, communications and short journeys can bring a very busy and stimulating month filled with interesting ideas, visits and news from family members. You may take on a study course which can have implications for your future. With Venus moving ahead now, you may be looking to change your health regime, or daily routines, as you sense a new life is just around the corner that you want to embrace with your usual enthusiasm.

Capricorn: 22nd December -20th January: Aquarius New Moon in your 2nd Solar House of purchases, belongings and personal financial dealings. This is a good month for making new economies and increasing your savings. You may spend on a new computer or tablet which will have to have a practical use as well as being fun. With Venus moving ahead in your 1st house of personal interests and ambitions, you will feel ready to explore them in more depth. Your career and creativity are linked this month, so changes could be heading your way.

Aquarius: 20th January – 19th February: Aquarius New Moon in your 1st Solar House of personal ambitions and style. You may decide to make a change of image – new hair, clothes, etc, that give you a boost. You will find that you are popular and sought out by friends, so have fun – always with an eye to the future. You may also launch some new projects. Venus moving ahead now brings you new creative outlets, love affairs or just having a good time. You may finally get around to taking a meditation class.

Pisces: 19th February – 20th March: Aquarius New Moon in your 12th Solar House of spiritual and mystical leanings, yearning for a perfect world, and imagination. You may find that you want to be alone more this month to explore your creative gifts. Your gift for empowering others to express the best in themselves may come to the fore. With Venus moving forward now you can develop your projects with enthusiasm. You may meet a new social group that suits you. Meditation can be a way of stilling your mind and relaxing.

January 21, 2014
by Dawne Kovan

Three topics for you to enjoy

This to alert you that I am raising my price for astrology chart readings on 1st March 2014. If you want to avoid that, then you can order your reading now. Your Paypal payment secures your place on my waiting list and you will get it as soon as possible. My fee is available on request by email at [email protected]


1)Purpose and meaning

2)A word of caution re the Grand Cross

3)The Maunder Minimum 

Purpose and Meaning

We all want to know what our life’s purpose is and what does it all mean anyway? One simple answer could be that if you’re alive and living your life well enough, then that’s probably your purpose. If you’re not, then you may need to speak to someone like me.

When I read a chart, I always ask myself what is trying to be expressed through this person’s Cosmic map – in other words, what is the Universal intention for him or her? The Meta level of a human life, if you like. And what needs to happen so that they can fulfil their Higher Purpose?

I always regard a chart as a map of a journey, like any other kind of map. The only difference being that the characters on a birth chart, i.e. the planets, are all rushing around in their orbits, while having a direct effect on your original map i.e. your life.

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January 9, 2014
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Neptune in Pisces and what you can expect


2014 began with the worst weather for a long time across the UK and North America with little hope of it letting up just yet. The US is covered in ice and freezing temperatures, while here in the UK it is unseasonably mild – in fact, some of my trees have begun to hope that spring has arrived


This to alert you that I am raising my price for astrology chart readings on 1st March 2014. If you want to avoid that, then you can order your reading now. Your Paypal payment secures your place on my waiting list and you will get it as soon as possible. My fee is available on request by email at [email protected]


Today I am looking at Neptune in Pisces – this beautiful blue planet is so like our own in colour and may be the highest energy that we can express here on earth. It is a gas giant – I saw some pictures from one of the space telescopes the other evening on TV and it took my breath away with its beauty.

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December 31, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy New Year and Happy New Moon

Every month a New Moon occurs – this means that the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree of the Zodiac. When they are on the same latitude (somewhere out there in space) it creates a Solar Eclipse. On the 1st January this year the Moon is New which is fairly unusual, it happens every 19 years – other occurrences of this Soli/Luna event are at the same time of day GMT 11h15; 21h15 around the globe in Australia; and earlier in the morning across North America – on New Year’s Day. Previous years were 1995, 1976 and 1957, etc.

However, what marks this year’s New Moon out as different, is that it falls within seconds of Pluto’s position with Mercury 2 degrees ahead. The Moon will go over the Sun, Pluto square Mars in Libra then catch up with Mercury over a 4 hour period. This is big stuff, particularly for the UK, as it is the 113th birthday of the United Kingdom 1st January,1801. Although, in all the nations that celebrate the New Year this is the year that we will look back on and remember as the beginning of something major – who knows what?

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December 21, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Happy Solstice and Season’s Greetings from Skywatching Wisdom Pages

This message is going out much later than I had intended as I came down with a nasty bug and have been languishing in my bed for nearly a week – not being someone who gets sick often, it came as a great shock, I can tell you.

So, I will keep this short as we are all busy with various festive events and preparations – here’s hoping that the New Year 2014 brings you whatever your heart’s desire may be.

Below is my Christmas Present for you all to say a big “Thank You” for being loyal readers, clients, friends, family etc. It is based on another interest of mine – Numerology – and will enable you to see what other influences will form a backbeat for you in 2014.

I hope you enjoy it.


Here’s how to find your Personal Year:

2014 is a Number Seven year – 2+0+1+4 = 7. Then add the digits of your birth day and month together (ignore the year) i.e. 14th September – 1 and 4 together make 5; September is the 9th month; added together 5+9 = 14, which then break down to 5.
Add 5 to 7 (for 2014) = 12; 1+2 = 3.
So, 2014 will be a 3 year for that person.
Similarly, 6 January birthday will break down to 6+1 = 7. Add to 7 (for 2014) makes 14 which breaks down to 1+4 = a 5 Personal Year. And so on.
However , if the numbers add up to 11 or 22 don’t break them down any further as these are Magic Numbers.

Your Personal Year through all the numbers:

Personal Year One: This is the year of new beginnings, starting afresh, launching new enterprises and births of all kinds. Many people start their families during a One year. Projects begun during this year will develop through all the stages of the nine-year cycle.

Personal Year Two: A year of co-operation, marriage, moving in with a lover, taking on a business partner. It is a year of sharing and taking the needs of others into account. Many people find it an emotional period.

Personal Year Three: Life beckons. It is period of exploration, of ideas, philosophies, countries and creativity. The urge to communicate is strong. This is a good time to finish that novel in the bottom drawer of your desk. Start thinking of yourself again.

Personal Year Four: This can be the most difficult year for some people. A good period for putting structure in your life. You may be in a financial hole. You hone your skills, behave like a true professional, have a make-over, and get out into the market place.

Personal Year Five: Some find it a relief after the previous year. Life moves creatively on. This is a good year to take a long trip overseas or launch a new creative venture. A year of having babies, either of the mind or body. Freedom from routine is the keynote.

Personal Year Six – Personal concerns are lovingly put aside as others need you more. An elderly parent may need help or a grandchild may be born. Property changes such as a new home or building extensions are on the cards.

Personal Year Seven: This is a good year for getting your research project underway. Some people enter psychotherapy or analysis to explore their patterns. You are extra sensitive to music, colour and movies during this time. You may begin a spiritual search.

Personal Year Eight: This can be a good time to revamp your pension cover, reduce your mortgage or make your Will. For some it can be good for borrowing – also you may need to take care of any kind of debt. Good for corporate management.

Personal Year Nine: The end of the process that started Nine years ago. Relationships past their sell-by date, habitual ways of behaving, even old clothes that no longer fit can all go now. You may find a new idealism growing within that could propel you onto a larger stage than before. Realistic action for change is the keynote. Can be an uncomfortable unless you are willing to make the life changes you know you must make.

Eleven and Twenty Two Personal Years: This can be a time of great insight and expansion of consciousness about yourself, the world and your place in the whole scheme of things. The Master Numbers reduce to Two and Four – good practical numbers with their feet firmly on the ground. Much needed during these special Personal Years.

You can even use the Personal Years above in retrospect to see how they were for you over the last 9 years – from 2005 to 2014 – 0r 2004 to 2013 (this year).

Once again I wish you all a happy Season of Celebrations,


December 4, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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On 7th December Mars enters Libra and stays there!

Mars has a two year cycle and is in each sign for almost six weeks – and the sharp eyed among you will have noticed that 12 signs x almost 6 weeks = 16 months. That’s right – so what, you may be wondering, happens to the other 8 months?

Well, every two years Mars stays in one sign for the whole of the 8 month period by stopping somewhere along the sign, going backwards, stopping again and then going forwards to leave for the next sign up to his normal speed. This is called going retrograde when a planet goes backwards. Actually, planets don’t go backwards, but appear to do so when our orbit overtakes the orbit of the planet in question.This creates a similar visual sensation that we get when a fast train overtakes a slow train – from the fast train, the slow train appears to go backwards; and if you happen to be on the slow train, it does feel as if you are moving backwards until you reorient yourself.

This weekend, Mars enters Libra and slowly moves through almost to the end of the sign, then 1st March, 2014, he stops and begins a slow roll back to 9 Libra on 20th May. He then begins to slowly move forward and leaves Libra at the end of July. A long and exhausting time for gentle, laid-back Librans to suffer the action, decision and sheer chutzpah of Mars in their camp.

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November 27, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

The Comet ISON/Venus Visible/Doris Lessing

The Comet will be seen by everyone over the next few weeks end November- beginning December 2013. It appears just before the rising Sun in the East. The signs it will occupy are end Scorpio and early Sagittarius, whereupon it whips round and goes back (retrogrades) to be visible around the Big Dipper in the Northern part of the skies.

It all sounds very exciting, I’m sure, and I shall be up early enough to see it in the morning – however, there s a chance that it can also be seen in the Western sky close to sunset, apparently and will be close to Mercury. Comets shed X-Rays – offering the opportunity to see right through people, things, ideas, etc.

Comets are said by the ancients to represent drastic changes worldwide. An early comet is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestries of 1066, suggesting a huge shift in the politics of early Britain and France. This particular comet does not have a regular period of appearance, like Halley’s comet, for example. It has emerged suddenly and brightly from the Oort region of our Solar System far, far away. This region of space is the domain of Sedna, a small planet, that caused a great deal of interest a few years ago when it was first seen. It was given the name Sedna after the Innuit Sea Goddess, who seemingly created fish, seals and whales from her severed fingers when they were thrown into the sea. There is a suggestion that the Comet may bring some echo of her energy into our world. Maybe through Greenpeace and their oil drilling protest in the Arctic, Sedna’s natural home.

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November 13, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Venus – art, music and reason

Today we will take a good look at dear Venus as she slowly grinds her 4 month path up the mountain ranges of Capricorn, meeting Pluto, nodding nervously to Uranus across the sky, taking a friendly backward glance at Saturn, Capricorn’s ruling planet and opposing Jupiter. Then she turns direct and does it all again! All this from a very small planet – a very busy time indeed.

But first …..

Yesterday, 12th November the world lost a great Soul. The composer and mystic John Tavener (28th January, 1944) died at his home in Oxfordshire, England, aged 69. His beautiful piece “Song for Athene” was played at Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997 and touched many people with its simplicity, purity and spiritual quality.

He was a true Sun Aquarius/Moon Pisces mix. He called himself a “Universalist” recognising as he did that the underlying principles in all the major religions reflected similar basic truths. His own chosen spiritual path, Greek Orthodoxy, gave him a form within which to express his devotion to God musically. However, it did not confine his genius, as he wrote music on the Vedas, Mythology, Sufism and Islam.

He will be missed – the world needs people like him who wear their mysticism lightly on their sleeves like a badge of honour.


And now to Venus and her slow dance in Earthy Capricorn. 

Venus’ orbit is more or less the same as the Sun and Mercury of around 12 months to cover the Zodiac. However, while Mercury has his retrograde dances three times a year; Venus chooses to move more deliberately and retrogrades phases for 4 months every 21 months.

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November 5, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Sun signs and their significance in our lives

As an avid reader of the obituary column in ‘The Guardian Newspaper’, I always check the birth date given at the bottom of each piece. This will obviously only give the day, month and year of both the birth and death of each subject. However, it means that I can check the Sun Sign of whoever has died. And I find that the lives of those who are deemed worthy of having an obituary written, are most clearly described by their Sun Signs.

When I was Chair of the Association of Professional Astrologers at the turn of this century, I was surprised by the loathing of the idea that the Sun Sign meant anything, by many members of the organisation. In fact, at the time, the rule was that no one sitting on the council could write a Sun Sign column. This I saw as a deliberate prevention of livelihood of we who were running the organisation as a voluntary pursuit. Together with another council member, we lobbied to delete the regulation and succeeded.

So, I pursued my private interest in Sun Signs through reading obituary columns. And I kept quiet lest I was thrown out of respectable astrological society and banished to the woods for my sins.

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October 29, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Solar Eclipses, Saturn and Jupiter

Happy Birthday, Scorpios everywhere. Today, I am writing about the upcoming Solar Eclipse at 11 degrees of Scorpio. And as I write, Mercury is cuddling up to Saturn – perfect for this profound sign and subject. Mercury will then go back to meet up with the Sun and the Eclipse point (Moon Node). This means lots of deep, serious thinking. However it is not the time to make decisions based on anything that comes up until Mercury goes direct.

The Eclipse is interesting as it is right beside Saturn and makes a nice aspect to Jupiter – lots going on then for me to write about and you to enjoy, then. You may wish to look at what happened around the last 3rd November Solar Eclipse in 1994. The effect of an eclipse usually lasts for a year, sometimes 2 years. Eclipses have a 19 year repeat pattern, so sometimes we can learn something about how we’re handling events that have a long time span between them. The astrological House an eclipse falls in is the key to understanding here. See below for further enlightenment. I also look at the planet that it sits with and the house the planet rules.

Just need to say that the troublesome Uranus/Pluto square is exact again on Friday – this is the aspect that seems to be the marker for the breakdown of all our institutions. As it is only halfway through the cycle, there will be more to come – I’ll keep you posted.

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October 23, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The Power of Mercury – smallest planet, biggest upsets

As you must realise by now, astrology is my passion. I love watching the world outside respond unknowingly to events as they unfold, believing them to be random acts of irritation. And as I do, I think how much easier life would be if everyone knew that what was irritating them was predictable and liveable with once they understood.

And irritation is the key here. Has your computer/smart phone/tablet/landline been going nuts these last few days? Have you “lost” that all important document, only to find it exactly where you thought it would be yet couldn’t see it?

This morning, I was due to Skype a client – the connection went through easily, but could I hear him? I could see him and watch his mouth moving, but I heard nothing. He called his server who insisted that all was well after exhaustive checks at his end. I knew that my Skype was fine as I had just used it elsewhere. Frustrating, but not life threatening.

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October 18, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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Tweets & Speaks

I am now sending out regular Tweets to keep you updated about the various planetary changes as they happen – so that you’re in the Cosmic Loop, so to speak.

Just click on the little blue bird on the right side of the page and follow me
@ Skywatchwisdom.

You can also send me a voice message on Speakpipe – also on the right side of the page. And you’ll get a voice reply from me – what fun is that? Please try it.

October 15, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom

Hello Everyone

Over the past few months I have come to realise that my postings are much, much more than just a “blog”. However, it took a wonderful email message from a reader in Maui, Hawaii, that challenged my continued use of the word to describe my work. It was, she suggested, too ugly a word for these pages.  Paying heed to her I decided to call this publication “Sky Watching Wisdom”

So, here we go ……….

A Period of Eclipses and Mercury Changes Direction

On Thursday night/ Friday morning, 18th October, just before midnight in the UK, (GMT) there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, followed two weeks later on 3rd November by a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse, at 12h38 (GMT) – more about this last nearer the time.

The important thing about eclipses is that they act as triggers in our consciousness across an axis on your chart i.e the Lunar Eclipse in one house and the Solar Eclipse in the opposite house. I will write about the Lunar phase this time and will look in more detail at the Solar Eclipse next time. This set of eclipses is interesting because the first occurs in Aries and the second in Scorpio two weeks later – usually they are in opposite signs, but not this time. A Lunar Eclipse brings emotional issues to the fore and ensures that you examine what is hidden in your life emotionally and spiritually. Aries is the sign of raw action, so can feel wrong footed when stopped in its forward motion by the eclipsed Moon. However, it is always important to remember that the Universe is truly birthing a new way for us all to BE on this wonderful planet of ours, and is not singling any of us out for special attention. And I know it can feel like that sometimes.

It could be a new mantra – “The Universe has my best interests at heart”. Please know it is true and repeat often.

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