Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Royal Wedding, 19th May 2018, and Uranus enters Taurus


XxxxMany clairvoyants on the internet were predicting that Meghan and Prince Harry would not actually tie the knot tomorrow, 19th May. But astrologers watched wisely as Uranus entered the first degree of Taurus 2 days ago (16th May). Uranus is the ruler of sudden reversals, disruptions and changes – and this wedding is Uranian enough without anything else getting in the way.

Or so we thought – however, we did not expect that due to ill health Meghan’s father would pull out of his paternal role of walking his daughter down the aisle. Uranus had struck – and to make it even more unusual – Prince Charles has stepped up to the plate to assume the paternal role. But only halfway, as Meghan will actually walk part of the journey to the altar alone, as an independent young woman.

This all has the signature of Uranus breathing behind the scenes – upsetting and discombobulating the more conservative ranks among the British ruling classes. And there is likely to be more disruption for the Royal Family as Uranus is sitting exactly on the Queen’s Sun and Prince Charles’ Moon – a karmic link if ever I saw one! However, it has 18 months for it to unfold as it is a slow moving planet.

The position of the planets for the wedding pick up Zodiacal degrees that echo the royals, including Princess Diana – so in terms of Cosmic Essence, she will be there, too.

Your Zodiac Signs – Sun, Moon or Ascendant

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. You may even read them all together for an even broader picture of your life.

Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path. Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!!

Aries : 21st March – 20th April: With a sigh of relief you will find the next few years less disruptive and more steady as Uranus finally leaves your sign. Uranus is the ruler of your 11th House of future hope and objectives entering your Taurus 2nd House. This offers you the possibility to begin to look around for a more innovative approach to your value systems, the skills you need to survive and the resources to back them all up. At least you will be able to de-stress now as the pressure is finally lifting.

Taurus: 20th April – 20th May: And now it’s your turn Taurus – to feel an innovative wind blowing through the more staid aspects of your life. Time to look at a new creative way of expressing yourself with the Bringer of Fire planet to your 1st House – and people will notice this with great interest – suddenly you are the person everyone wants to invite to their parties. Uranus rules your 10th House of career so may offer you more choices to express your uniqueness at work. If it’s not appreciated then find another way to do it. You may change location, as well. Just remember to breathe and takes long walks in nature to restore your balance in the face of all this excitement!

Gemini: 21st May – 21st June: As you are permanently interested in absolutely everything, this position of Uranus in your 12th House is likely to bring some major questions about the meaning of life as you see it. And at the end of the 8 years, you are likely to have a whole new spiritual context within which to experience yourself. You may suddenly develop an interest in healing, tarot , astrology, travelling to experience new religious beliefs. Or you may find you have a strong wish to serve your local society doing something practical and meaningful – such as food banks, volunteering to help young children with special needs for example. And you’ll have to read up on it all, so serving your own mind too, as learning is all part of this position.

Cancer: 21st June – 23rd July: Due to recent career changes you are likely to meet a whole new group of friends who have very different values to your own. Cancer can get a little parochial, believing that home is best and mother’s lessons still hold true today. Well, with Uranus blazing his way through your house of new ideas, beliefs and humanitarian movements, you may find that your horizons broaden significantly over the following 8 years. It may offer you an opportunity to dig deep within your own psyche to let go of old habits that get in the way of progress and open you up to sharing yourself in a more confident and open manner. In other words, the crab’s shell can start to crack open and let the light in.

Leo: 23rd July – 23rd August: With Uranus entering your 10th House of career and public profile, you may be offered many opportunities to try on new roles over the next 8 years. Relationships could be the arena where this energy is felt as Uranus rules your 7th House of marriage and partnerships – so it’s other peoples’ changes that you have to adapt to in order to get the best out of this period. This will ultimately make you stronger and more creative as long as you remain flexible when making decisions. You look for security in your career and domestic circumstances, yet we all know that nothing remains the same. Leo is a fixed sign so can look for certainties in life. This can keep you resisting when flexibility is called for when new possibilities are offered.

Virgo: 23rd August – 23rd September: Uranus is sitting in your 9th House of long distance travel, higher education, exploration and beliefs – so guess how that’s going to work out for you? As long as you build the possibility of sudden changes into your plans for this exciting time for you, then you won’t start beating up on yourself for forgetting something important. Basically, you won’t know everything about what’s coming your way – so you can’t get it right and that’s OK – let yourself off the hook. And remember to breathe. Make sure you aren’t the one expected to do everything for the rest of your group. In other words do only as much as you are able and pace yourself. Uranus rules your 6th house of service, health and efficiency – very Virgoan qualities you embody anyway. You may take an important trip abroad to study some unconventional healing methods, for example.

Libra: 23rd September – 23rd October: With Uranus inhabiting your 8th House of depth psychology this can be a little tricky for Libra who only wants things to stay nice. However, you have 8 years to practise digging deep and discovering some amazingly powerful things about yourself, and recognising the power that your family had in creating many of your personal attitudes. Uranus rules your 5th House of fun relationships, children and creativity so will bring many of those to the fore. Expecting permanence from any of the relationships could be a stretch too far at the beginning – only time will tell – but it will be fun, no matter what. A child may surprise you with life plans that suit them but may demand that you expand your attitudes and set them free.

Scorpio: 23rd October – 22nd November: Uranus is sitting in your 7th House of relationships over the next 8 years – so plenty of opportunities are arriving to find a middle ground between your needs and theirs’. Both Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs and thus wish to control their piece of the planet – and this life is a lesson in letting go. Especially when Uranus arrives in your opposite sign i.e. other people. Uranus rules your 4th house of the domestic situation so a house move may be on the cards, even if you’re lukewarm about it. With Uranus sitting in your kitchen you will get a very clear picture of how the place no longer suits your needs – so time to move on!

Sagittarius: 22nd November – 22nd December: Uranus in the 6th House can bring you opportunity to finally get down to learning the skills you need to write, use social media, maybe even make podcasts and posting videos online. So a good stretch for your mental capacities is coming into being for you over the next 8 years – but you are far too impulsive to sit and wait that long! It’s an interesting dynamic between your Sagittarian part and the 6th House Taurean part – the lesson being to find a balance between impulsion and staying put – to putting down roots and nurturing your ideas to fruition in the face of Sagittarius’ horror of being fenced in. So things can be exciting in the moment and dropped in the next.

Capricorn: 22nd December -20th January: This is a fun position for Uranus to find himself – as you struggle to trust the Universe to have your back. Taurus is your 5th House of pleasure, creativity, children and love affairs and Uranus spending 8 years in there will certainly give you plenty of opportunity to learn to just be in your world. Let life come to you, as it will surely do, in unexpected and exciting ways. This is a time to develop some new some empowering life skills and give up worrying about how much they cost. Trusting the Universe is a skill, too, and those who have developed it have an almost unique attitude towards faith beyond dogma. Life can offer you a great deal as long as you learn to open up to new things – which is also a skill, too.

Aquarius: 20th January – 19th February: Uranus, your ruling planet in your 4th House of security, home and roots can challenge all of those things, which you will likely embrace with some equanimity. The catch is here: do you want to get out and explore the world or do you want to stay home and remain comfortable? Uranus will bring you plenty opportunities to grind away at this problem and to come to some resolution over the following 8 years. You have such wonderful gifts in sociability, humanitarian movements, politics (with a small ‘p’) that Uranus will give you the impetus to get out into the world and explore them. You may find, however, that things start changing around you even as you rest in your favourite armchair: family suddenly appearing on your doorstep, the heating refusing to play ball, the new computer suddenly shutting down on your latest projects – it all points to a thoroughly unpredictable time. You’ll love it, as it’s closer to your true nature.

Pisces: 19th February – 20th March: Being a mystic is part of your persona – you exude kindness, compassion and tenderness. Uranus, the ruler of you 12th House of mysticism will bring plenty of different ways of expressing your inherent qualities. Sometimes Uranian energy can be a little brusque for Pisces – if you are a tender Piscean. Otherwise if you are more of the comical, clown-like Piscean then you’ll lap up the next 8 years with glee. Either way with Uranus in your 3rd House of siblings, neighbours, learning and communication, you are in for quite a large learning curve over the next 8 years. With new spirituality, religion, ideas, Universal truths etc being offered on a plate, what else can you do but taste them? I think the best thing you can do is to expect the unexpected to arrive at your doorstep – life, you, will look very different in 8 years time – if you go with the flow.

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