Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Scotland the Brave – and the “Untied” Kingdom

I am moved to write about this as I live in Scotland and there seems to be a political move towards us leaving the United Kingdom (anagram of untied Kingdom!). While the ruling party in London is demanding that the Scottish government ask its people to vote “Yes or No” for Scottish Independence, right now, the original idea had been to wait until 2014.

This could be easily dismissed as a nonsense and an impossible dream of many Scots over the centuries – however, the planets do seem to tell us another story.

The first chart for the United Kingdom is of the coronation of William the 1st on Christmas Day, 1066, in Westminster Abbey at midday, local time. This is regarded by many (including me) as the definitive chart for England.

There is a chart for the Union of Scotland in 1707, however as the two countries were at war with each other, and remained independent, this too tends to be overlooked. Wales was united with England through King Henry 8th – as a Welshman, he brought Wales along with him. The heir to Elizabeth 1st’s throne was King James, 6th of Scotland, 1st of England. Similarly, he united the two countries by dint of his nationality.

King William’s chart is of interest because it’s Solar position is at 9 Capricorn. When the United Kingdom, which included Scotland, was signed on 1st January, 1801, it also embraced Ireland. Ireland divided into two parts in 1922 and that chart has its Pluto at 10 degrees of Cancer, exactly opposite both UK chart’s Sun – indicating power struggles between the two nations. So maybe this chart could also be a chart for Northern Ireland – hmm!

However, to keep it simple I will simply say that the Union with Northern Ireland has its Solar Position at 10 Capricorn. The same Sun as the King William chart! This is due to the change from the Gregorian calendar to the Julian calendar that we now use. We lost 10 days in one fell swoop, when the changeover was made.

An earlier passage of Pluto over the same degree as was when Henry 8th split from the Catholic Church and founded the Church of England. This was Pluto in Capricorn, sign of institutions and governments at work here.

You may well ask why I am telling you this in detail – well, the sharp eyed among you will remember that Pluto, planet of profound changes goes to 9/10 degrees of Capricorn from now for the next 2-3 years. Pluto could separate England and Scotland more decisively than any “Yes/No” vote could, especially as Alex Salmond, First Minister of the Scottish Parliament also was born with his Sun at 9 Capricorn.

Pluto rules deep underground (oil?), power struggles, oligarchs and total transformation of any given situation symbolised by the sign he occupies.


Thanks to Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes for the above information.

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