Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Uranus through the 12 signs of the Zodiac

Welcome to your forecast for the next few years. The effects of both Uranus and Pluto are good for 7 years. Saturn in Libra is the opposite sign to Aries and is actually Saturn’s best sign – we call this planetary exaltation. All the planets from the Sun to Saturn have an exaltation sign – a different sign for each of them. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do not.

Uranus and Pluto will have an effect on all birthdays at the beginnings of all the signs – so those birthdays at the end of each calendar month – effective for the next 2-3 years. For birthdays falling in the first week of the month, 4-5 years hence. For birthdays the second week of the month, 5-6 years hence. For birthdays the third week of the month, 6-7 years hence.

Rest assured our lives will change and a new way of being will be ours.


If you know your Ascendant sign then by all means read the text that applies to that sign.

Aries Uranus 1st House/Pluto 10th House/Saturn 7th House – for those Aries natives born up to the end of March, this will be more in your face than later April birth dates – at least for the next couple of years. However, don’t worry, you’ll get your turn later on. Remember, it takes Uranus 7 years to go through Aries……..

With Uranus moving through your Solar 1st House you will begin to feel that life is exciting again. This is the time for you to begin to feel creative and inventive about the direction you want your life to take. However, Uranus can bring surprises – so even if things suddenly seem to be going backwards for a while, in hindsight you will see how necessary that was for you. Your challenges come at you from your career and home life. You may feel that you have to work all the hours you can just to keep afloat which can have an effect on your domestic life. You need to take time out to de-stress and maybe take up meditation in order to relax your wound up system. Your relationships will give you the structure you need or alternatively, you may feel that they are holding you down too much, when all you want is to be “free”.

Taurus Uranus 12th House/Pluto 9th House/Saturn 6th House: although Taurus is a fixed sign and thus resistant to change – remember that once the changes are made, you find that you actually like your new pasture and are perfectly happy there.

With Uranus in your 12th House this is a time for you to trust the Universe and go with your desire to turn your passion into profit. Not in the open market but much more like finding a niche that you can fill and then get on with it. If it involves foreign affairs so much the better. Your challenges will come from the more mainstream practitioners who will try to make you doubt your own skills. As long as you keep up to date with all the very latest technologies – take a course if it helps – then you will find that you do know enough and can trust that your foundations are secure enough to make it all work out for you.

You may find yourself drawn to mystical ideas and a new way of expressing your spirituality. If you are drawn to poetry, music or art, then the above applies to you, too, re how you can profit from it, if that’s what you want to do.

Gemini Uranus 11th House/Pluto 8th House/Saturn 5th House: with Uranus in your 11th House, your social life expands very quickly – and brings unexpected and unusual people into your ken. You may find that you are drawn to new humanitarian and political ideas that will enrich your intellectual life. Some of your new friends may challenge you and your old ways of thinking by making you look at the harsh realities of life. So, a bit of a roller coaster experience – however, you are well able to take it with your Mercurial nature, adapting quickly to each new situation you come to. Saturn in the opposite side of your chart will teach you how to use diplomacy to very great effect. And of course, the way to learn is by getting it wrong until you get it right. Your natural Gemini flair is steadied down to good effect and makes for a powerful new you, well able to take new responsibility for your ideas and beliefs.

Cancer Uranus 10th House/Pluto 7th House/Saturn 4th House – this can bring changes into your work and domestic life. you may have an offer of new work that means that you have to move house in order to be closer to the job. Cancer really doesn’t like change and wants to stay in familiar surroundings for ever. However, needs must and you will have to bite the bullet. Alternatively, it could be your partner who has the big life change and you have to relocate in order to maintain the relationship and family group that you cherish so much. This is a major life challenge for you – however, the outcome will be worth it – it is vital to remember that the Universe is never out to get us. It is our resistance that causes us pain and gets in the way of our enjoyment of the changes the planets bring us. You may find that the older generation in your family that also makes demands on you and that you have to relocate to be closer to them.

Leo Uranus 9th House/Pluto 6th House/Saturn 3rd House: with Uranus in your 9th House you will be filled with the desire to travel and to learn more about the world. This could translate itself into you going back into higher education in order to be prepared for a new personal direction. The 9th house is also associated with long journeys and a strong desire for freedom. You will be challenged to put your restlessness into a structure in order to get the most out of it and if that sounds like a tough choice then life will make it for you. So, new languages, comparative religious studies, can be the order of the day. Certainly your neighbourhood is the least interesting place for you to be right now – but change is on its way, you just have to learn how to still yourself enough to get the most out of it. Your audience will wait for you to do that and love you all the more for it ….

Virgo Uranus 8th House/Pluto 5th House/Saturn 2nd House: your natural careful response to life will be suddenly turned on its head as you begin to feel as if you have a date with destiny. This can come through an intense meeting with a potential partner, to a sudden new family member being born, or a sudden windfall coming through unexpected means. Your partner may suddenly be making more money than you are and may want to live in a way thatupsets your comfort zone. All of this challenges your strong sense of order in the world and opens you up to a much broader view of reality – from micro-vision to macro-vision. Saturn’s position will keep your feet on the ground, however, and will enable you to measure just how much information comes to you so that you are not overwhelmed by it. A new family member can give you an opportunity to set up financial security for him or her, which is what Virgo does best.

Libra Uranus 7th House/Pluto 4th House/Saturn 1st House: you may meet someone from a very different culture, religion or race to your own which will challenge all your racial or religious stereotypes. This person may also be from a lifestyle that is so far from the one you have been used to bringing you an entirely new insight into the way other people live. Saturn in your 1st House will already be bringing you a lot of added personal responsibilities and will slow down the things that you want to be moving ahead with. This is a time when slow and steady wins the race for you – even though others are wanting speed and decisiveness from you. Luckily Saturn will ensure that you wait until the pressure lessens somewhat, so that you don’t do anything too hastily and then regret it. You may be wanting to put down roots for the foreseeable future, but the challenge is finding where you want to put them and with whom.

Scorpio Uranus 6th House/Pluto 3rd House/Saturn 12th House: there is a new energy in the air for you. You are suddenly drawn to new ways of doing things – finding new outlets for your energies – new technologies and using your skills in otherwise unusual ways. This is really a time of working with the unexpected and making it work for you. While it seems that everything is moving very quickly for you now, Saturn will ensure that you do not go into overwhelm with the results. One step at a time is the order of the day for you. Writing, teaching and communicating your new ideas to others so that you widen your personal profile are good ways of using your new found energy. Even though everything looks set in your new direction, you may find a year down the line that you are doing something even more exciting. This is a very changeable time for you and it will take a while for the dust to settle around you.

Sagittarius Uranus 5th House/Pluto 2nd House/Saturn 11th House: this is a time of sudden creativity in your life. This can be an unexpected pregnancy, an idea for writing that best seller you’ve always wanted to write or a new adventure that you simply must follow. The challenge is that however it works out, it will challenge your pocket – so it could cost you more than you would have liked. On the other hand, you could find that you stand to make money from it in the long run and ultimately it could be well worth it. Not that you really care about that – just let me get out there, you cry, as you quickly throw your belongings into your backpack. You may find that your friends are less than enthusiastic about this latest turn of events and they may withhold their support, especially financially. If the sudden element in your life is to do with a child, such as a wedding, for example, then finances are again likely to be stretched.

Capricorn Uranus 4th House/Pluto 1st House/Saturn 10th House: you are already going through huge changes in your life, that are unfolding slowly, and that are in themselves very challenging for you. You are being asked by the Universe to more of who you really are beneath your cool and businesslike exterior. Your career may not be nourishing you as more and more you are being asked to take on more responsibility than you would have liked – not that you are afraid of hard work, for from it. However, striking out on your own could feel like a step too far, no matter how necessary it is, but you may have to do just that. Your domestic life is going through the fastest changes ever – as family members suddenly leap off into unexpected directions and demand that you are the one holding the fort. Their willingness to take risks can actually act as a spur for you to get yourself together and take risks of your own.

Aquarius Uranus 3rd House/Pluto 12th House/Saturn 9th House: your usual cool and detached way of relating to the world will be turned upside down by your siblings and those living around you, with the result that all you really want to do is live on a small island far away from everyone. This comes from an insight into a spiritual dimension of life that you may have not experienced before, so that the idea of quiet contemplative seclusion suddenly becomes very desirable. However, it upsets your intellectual mindset and shakes your natural beliefs in the real and the tangible. You may have a desire to emigrate because your part of the world isn’t giving you what you want from life. Saturn in your 9th will ensure that you will have to go through legal hoops in order to achieve this. Otherwise, you could also be embarking on a long and painstaking research programme that ultimately enriches you and opens you up to new ways of seeing how the other half of the world works.

Pisces Uranus 2nd House/Pluto 11th House/Saturn 8th House: you may have your comfort zone changed so dramatically that you have to find new ways of supporting yourself that are somewhat out of the ordinary for you. You are extraordinarily resourceful with lots of great ideas for doing things differently and the Universe responds by sending you powerful new contacts who will challenge you and bring out the reformer in you. This could bring about a strong social, political shift in your life encouraging you to leave your old life behind as you strike out into fresh fields. Saturn in your 8th house will have you delving into the deeper side of life – you may go into therapy, for example, or train to become a healer of some kind. Someone may leave you the financial means to explore this kind of training programme. During this time you have a serious outlook on life, but that will gradually shift as you rebuild a whole new meaning of life as a result of what you uncover in your search for meaning.


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