Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

What a Day – Full Moon and a powerful Scorpio combination. My free ebook & a message from Oz.

“Since 2009, banks and the stock market have got used to the flow of “free dollars” being thrown at them.

However, since May of this year, speculation has grown that the Fed is going to slowly close the tap – or “taper” Quantitative Easing.

Most economists now agree that tapering will probably begin as early as this September 18th when the Fed will have its next Federal Open Market Committee (FMOC) meeting.

Friday’s disappointing job’s report may delay that date to December. We don’t know. But one thing is becoming certain: Liquidity is going to be slowly removed from the market.

If you doubt that this is a reality, you only have to look at the falling bond market and the rise in interest rates.

The smart money is also betting on tapering this year and they’re not hanging around to see what happens. They are getting out now while they can.”

NB Sadly, the friend who sent me the quote above cannot remember where he read it. However, he’s a reliable person, so I trust his information.

Looking at the planetary relationships on the 18th September may make us hope they do delay until December, to be honest.

On 18th/19th September there is a Full Moon across Virgo/Pisces plus an exact and thus powerful combination between Venus, Saturn and the Moon Node falling exact at 8 degrees of Scorpio, all in exact sextile (60 degrees) to Pluto. This is an extremely intense aspect on its own without the Full Moon coming into play, too.

Scorpio is the sign of power – the kind of power that can be deeply transformative and also deeply destructive. It is also associated with the point in any close relationship where both parties merge their assets, their bodies and their emotions. It’s also about taxes, mortgages and debts, through its association with the 8th House, which is the traditional domain of all these things.

Venus, too, has her fingers in the money pots through her rulership of Taurus, the sign of personal finances and values. Venus likes goodies that are valuable enough to reflect her good taste – she loves jewels, paintings, good food and wine. However, we must note that she’s not happy in Scorpio because her realm is across the other side axis in Taurus.

Saturn can happily block anything that you hope is coming your way, cause delays and just make you wait. Not because he’s out to get you, I hasten to add, but because he wants you to be absolutely certain that whatever it is you are doing is right for you and yours, before you get your rewards. Saturn was in Scorpio during 1953-56, when the Western world still felt the bruising from WWII.

Joseph Stalin died in 1953 and was replaced by Nikita Krushchev and there was subsequent unrest in the Eastern Bloc. That same year General Dwight D. Eisenhower became President of the US. Both these men had great impact on their own people, not least by Krushchev denouncing Stalin as a tyrant; and Eisenhower determining to feed the people of his own nation first before even considering arming his military forces. There was on both sides of this “Cold War” a fear of the rising of further dictatorship after Hitler’s regime.

Saturn ‘returned’ to Scorpio in 1982-1985 when, thanks to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, we were plunged into the worship of money and power the like of which we hadn’t seen before. Generation “X”, the children born in the mid-60s, were thrown onto the scrapheap with no possibility of ever being able to find a job. And no one cared a fig. In fact, worse than that, they were ridiculed shamefully by those politicians and the right wing media who could have helped them. At the end of Saturn’s sojourn through Scorpio, Gorbachev became President of Russia, bringing to an end over the following 3 or 4 years the Communist hold over his nation.

And now it has ‘returned’ again to Scorpio over this last year – and we can see pretty much echoes in all of the above. Particularly Presidents Obama and Putin facing each other off over Syria right now. Saturn does have a habit of dragging things out and making them chronic rather that acute – one hopes that the Syria situation doesn’t go on for years.

The Moon Nodes (there are two, North and South) position sees the strong, ambitious, hungry head of the North Node in Scorpio, the sign of other people’s money; and the swishing tail, now you see it – now you don’t, in the sign of personal finance through the South Node in Taurus. So, the taxman gets rich and individuals get poorer – you might think.

The Moon Nodes are also understood to be linked with groups – Saturn and Venus with the NN are can be described thus: isolation, inhibition in unions and associations; assistance coming from a foreign source; looking to mature and experienced experts for help and advice; on a personal level Venus can also bring relationships with friends from the past who can be helpful in the future.

Then there’s the sextile to Pluto which is exact within a few minutes. I have found a sextile to be an open, positive aspect that suggests communication and opportunity for positive change. Pluto in Capricorn is changing ALL the institutions that hold our societies in place. Capricorn is the corporate structure, the Church (whichever – you choose), governments, nations, major companies, big Pharma, etc. PLuto is changing the face of all of these so that nothing will be the same, except us, of course – we can rest assured that we can observe rather than get pulled in unless there’s a major issue, like war, for example.

The sextile from Pluto to both Saturn, Venus and the NN speaks of profound shifts in all levels, even the personal – we will all notice a difference – in a positive manner. Saturn is in Scorpio ruled by Pluto and Pluto is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn, so they both have powerful friends in the background to help move things along – as it’s a communication aspect, it maybe some media leak that clears the air – who knows? Venus sextile Pluto is great for the opportunities in the economy – particularly in the beauty trade, for example.

The Full Moon impacts well with all of these planets – thank the heavens!!

And all we can do is wait and see.


My free E-book on Pluto through the signs is now ready for you to pick up. Just go to the box on the right had bar, fill it in and bingo! it’s yours. Let me know your thoughts, please.


Friend and colleague Edgar Winter in Australia sent me this:

“I have to tell you that your heading below played out in our elections here. 

Jupiter the Benefactor meets Pluto the Transformer and Uranus the Rebel (see blog of 7th August)

 We have just had the Liberals thrash the Labour party with the surprise of an outsider ….Mega rich miner, Clive Palmer, in the role of Uranus. 

So Jupiter was played by Kevin Rudd the PM who can’t stop talking and expanding.

Then Pluto was Tony Abbott, a Scorpio with sheer determination to cut waste and succeed. 

Then Clive, the way outsider, who came in from nowhere and may have grabbed a couple of seats. 

It’s been a Soap Opera here in OZ with Pluto on the Sun Sign of Australia and in square to Uranus. 

I guess there’s more funny stuff coming up.”

Thank you Edgar, I wish you luck – at least life isn’t boring in your part of the world!

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