Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Credit Crunch Agreements & Retrograde Mercury

Mercury Changes Direction on Wednesday 15th October

What can we predict from this activity? After all, Mercury does his merry little dance every four months or so and causes upsets at both ends of his three week period of backwards motion. 

Mercury is the ruler of the marketplace, business deals and communications. In mythology, he was also the Trickster, and at no other time is this element of his behaviour more evident than during his direction changes.

Let’s get real here – this behaviour has been observed for thousands of years by all the cultures on Earth and remarked on, noted and duly followed. This is what mythology is – a treatise on the behaviour of the planets and their effects on human life. It is only in the last few hundred years or so that society has poo-pooed this phenomenon, to its cost, I would suggest.

For Law of Attraction followers, our vibrations match each planet’s vibrations and duly attract whatever they offer us. Once we are conscious of this information, we can act accordingly – not rush out and expect to happily work against the vibration of a particular time, then shout “It doesn’t work!” – because it won’t.

However, by mindfully being careful during Mercury’s shenanigans, we can avoid being tricked. After all, no one would choose to walk along a train track when the timetable tells of an approaching express, would they? And yes, I know that UK trains are never on time ……!

In my client work, I always advise when these periods are coming up. In fact, some clients ask for the periods of Mercury’s actions annually – a simple thing to do for them. All I’m giving them is a train timetable, in effect.

So, for example, I would suggest putting off any major agreements, large buying (selling is fine because it’s the other person who is buying under this aspect), signing deals, etc, because it’s guaranteed that the moment Mercury changes direction the fun starts. And Mercury the Trickster is delighted.

One thing is obvious – many agreements are made during the retrograde periods of Mercury, for example, in the European Union, the Maastricht Treaty was ratified under a Retrograde Mercury – and has been constantly changed about since then; the Kyoto Protocol was also signed under Mercury’s backwards motion and has never been sorted out. 

Mercury went retrograde on the Friday before (so-called) Black Monday, the day of a major world stock market crash – October 19th 1987. Incidentally, that particular Friday was the night of the Hurricane that laid the Southern half of Britain low, destroying power lines, trees and homes. This link between major collective human events and weather patterns is a particular interest of mine and an article will emerge at some point – watch this space.

As soon as Mercury rights himself and goes into direct motion, those apparently watertight agreements made during the retrograde phase start to become very plastic and full of holes, causing chaos for years afterwards. 

What price the credit crunch agreements of the last few days then?