Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

EFT – What is it and why all the excitement?

I asked my good friend, Jo Spaczynska, an EFT Practitioner, to write about this most amazing healing technique – here is what she has to say and I’d highly recommend you have a session with her. Doesn’t matter that you can’t visit her in Edinburgh, EFT works over the phone!!


Heard about EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) but not really sure what it is all about and what it involves?   It is all about energy and vibrations.  Everything, animate or inanimate, vibrates at different frequencies which can be measured either in cycles per second (CPS) or Hertz (Hz).

Emotions are also energy and they can affect physiology dramatically.  If you are embarrassed you may feel a rush of heat to your neck and face and often you blush.  Think of a person who is depressed, generally their head is forward, their shoulders are forward and it almost looks as if they are carrying the world on their shoulders – which in a way they are!  Now think of a person who is happy, vibrant, and dynamic – wow, the difference.  They appear to be very light on their feet, head held high, good posture and are open and relaxed.

Emotions are great, however they can get “stuck” and we then have difficulties which affect us in lots of different ways, physical or emotional pain, which can hold us back.  We are then not able to be in the flow!

What happens during a session?   A simple way to describe EFT is ‘acupuncture without needles’.  We tap on different parts of the head, face and body that relate to various acupuncture points while repeating pertinent words or phrases connected to the difficulty we are experiencing.  This allows the body to begin to release the ‘stuck’ emotions and be in the flow!  It can also help eliminate aches and pains.  It is so simple to learn that during the first session you will learn how to use it for yourself and, if you want, be able to use it between sessions.

What can we work on?   With EFT we can work on anything and everything.  If you think there is a difficulty, then tap on it.  EFT can bring noticeable improvements or completely clear anxiety, fears, phobias, panic attacks, dramatically reduce pain, help with bereavements, lots of different things.  EFT can help us to make peace with where we are and change an experience that isn’t going well to an experience where you might even enjoy and have fun with the process.  Helping ourselves to accept ourselves fully, is the key to being in the flow!

What if you feel your problem is SO BIG, you can’t even talk about it?    No problem – one of the beauties of EFT is that you do not have to be re-traumatized by telling your story.  There are various techniques I can use, to enable you to work on the issue, without having to tell me all about what happened.  EFT is such a wonderfully supportive way of working that it is sometimes called the Tearless Trauma Technique.

Live too far away from a big city where there are practitioners?   No problem – we can do EFT over the phone just as effectively as face-to-face, sometimes even better.  We arrange a time suitable for both of us, you can sit in your favourite chair where you are comfortable and relaxed and the work begins.

Allowing all of our emotions to flow through us makes us human. Preventing the flow makes us rigid, cynical, dis-eased and unfulfilled. 

This process and its consequences are illustrated so powerfully in the lovely poetic words of Lao Tzu:

At birth all people are soft and yielding
At death they are hard and stiff.
All green plants are tender and yielding.
At death they are brittle and dry.
When hard and rigid
We consort with death.
When soft and flexible,
We affirm greater life.

For an appointment contact Jo Spaczynska on 0131 556 8878

or email: [email protected]  

Why don’t you book a session by telephone and we will do EFT over the phone from the comfort of your own home!

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