Today’s blog is going to take a further look at the revolutionary idea that as the heavy, slow moving planets move through the Zodiac signs, evolve as they orbit around the Sun, and thus around Planet Earth. They also cause an evolution of the signs themselves.
In my last publication two weeks ago, I suggested that when the slow moving planets meet up together in a particular sign, they will, through their extreme power, change the nature of the sign in question. And how does that work? I hear you ask. It happens through the generation born under the planetary line-up in question, as they will have a different level of consciousness to their parents. It also happens through some people who are able to read the wind of change, the Zeitgeist, of their era. These people are the movers and shakers who are instrumental in bringing those changes into birth, that the children will then carry in their psyches.
The three conjunctions I want to look at are the Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini in the 1880-90s; the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo, in the 1960s; and the Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn in the 1990s. Each of those events changed the way we think and see the world today.
In the last decade of the 19th Century, Sigmund Freud worked on his psychoanalytic theories and published “Interpretation of Dreams” in Germany in 1899. The conjunction of Neptune, the signature planet of dreams and fantasies with Pluto, the planet of depths and hidden materials reflected Freud’s work to a tee. The effect on subsequent human development of this particular planetary meeting, that lasted an inordinately long time, due to their slow progress, was huge. Gemini is an Air sign – a sign of mental development and communication. Freud called his treatment “The talking cure”, reflecting Gemini’s love of verbal exchange. That was the moment that the way we in the West regarded childhood, trauma and parental control over infants began to change – in other words, we began to think psychologically. No longer was a good beating seen as a useful child-rearing tool. The insights thus gained mean that today we cannot deny the effects that early childhood experiences have on adult lives and personalities.
In short, Neptune/Pluto changed the way we think and speak, but also changed Gemini as well. People were more confident about speaking to each other in a more relaxed manner rather than the stiff ways of the Victorian era.
In a peculiarity brought about by Neptune and Pluto’s orbits, they have formed a flowing 60 degree aspect with each other from the early 1940s through to the 2040s – an aspect of just about 100 years. German astrologer, Rheinhold Ebertin, in his work Combination of Stellar Influences (COSI), suggests that this is why so many people have become interested in esoteric and mystical subjects. It also continues as a backbeat, the psychological insights that Freud opened up for us.
The next conjunction happened through the mid-Sixties and again changed Western society forever. It was a meeting of Uranus, planet of technology and revolution, with Pluto, planet of depth, power, and rebirth. This occurred in Virgo, the sign associated with health, science and chemistry – or recreational drugs. This was the time when it was recognised that the dull, respectable, mediocre, postwar years were over; people were shaken to their roots and the Alternative Society was born. Youth Culture had arrived! It was an exciting time to live through. Films that picked up the themes were “Billy Liar”, “Saturday Night Sunday Morning”, indicating that people were beginning to make personal choices for themselves rather than follow their “olders and betters”.
Interestingly, the psychotherapeutic movement began to really take hold during this decade and beyond, thus enabling people to challenge the values that had been handed down to them by an unthinking educational system. The Women’s Movement took off in earnest once again, having gone quiet during WWII. All the old assumptions were challenged – particularly around the idea that “Doctor knows best”. Alternative therapies and spiritualities from the East and India began to interest the young, and are still strongly in evidence today as alternatives to the old ways of worship.
John Robinson, Bishop of Woolwich, published “Honest to God” right at the beginning of the period, having already caused a stir by defending “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”. In his book, he sought to show how the idea of a Transcendent God “up there” did us no favours as an idea, but rather we should be appreciating an Immanent God “all around us”. This idea fits very well with the Eastern idea of God within us all. Boy oh boy, did he put the religious cat among the pigeons and brought all the hardliners out against him. However, there is nothing so powerful as an idea who’s time has come and so a seed was sown.
The next major slow moving conjunction was between Uranus and Neptune. The technology of Uranus and the Universal energy of Neptune brought the world wide web into being. The corporate status quo of Capricorn was changed forever, as everyone had easy access to ideas, friendships, courses of study that required no effort other than learning, etc. The egalitarian energy of Uranus enabled many people who may have seen themselves as “unworthy” of going for their dream, to even start up their own on-line businesses easily. The power structures that are Capricorn’s domain began to loosen.
Capricorn can be a sign that engenders snobbery, Uranus is a different drummer, humanitarian and social – put the two together and we can see how social networks that transcend personal class and education are popular with the masses.
I heard on Radio 4 yesterday a scientist describe how they are experimenting with data storage in stem cells, that can be somehow read and retrieved by a computer. He mentioned the complete works of Shakespeare being stored in a single cell. Amazing! And absolutely Uranus and Neptune taken to the next level.
The children born during the 1990s process information very differently from the rest of us. They will create a new kind of thought pattern that will show us how to think beyond our habitual limits. These children now have Pluto in Capricorn aspecting their Uranus/Neptune combination. Who can guess how that will inform and impact them and society in the future? And Capricorn will never be the same again.
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