Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

How Astrology works and other ideas – Plus the “Degree of Flight’

I am often asked if I know how astrology works; or if it does work, how come scientists haven’t come up with a way of proving it?

There are many things out there in the world that we can witness as being effective, yet science still hasn’t come up with a cast-iron reason why they work – placebos, for example. Look at quantum theory – how many years have we known about that – 100 years? And yet we still think in pre-quantum, Newtonian push/pull ideas. We believe that scientific method is a set in stone activity – that there are things that can be proven and things that can’t. Of the things that can’t be proven, we never blame scientific method and say that there isn’t a method designed yet, that can prove something. It is always the unproven thing that is ridiculed. So that the fact that it hasn’t been proven means that it is at fault and is “mumbo-jumbo”. I always like to use the word “yet” when I hear someone talk about the nonsense of miracles, for example, or homeopathy. Be assured that there will come a time when they are seen to be bona fide, understandable and proven to work.

When I think of how astrology works, I always think of the song “We are Stardust”; and how we are all made of the same fabric as the Universe. Did we really ever think we weren’t? And if it is true, as it seems to be, then maybe that could explain how astrology works.

The way we have developed our understanding over the thousands of years that we have walked on this Earth, has changed as we have changed. At one time, we believed that the planets were to blame for our behaviour – they were outside of us, just as God was outside of us, high above waiting to swoop down and punish our every transgression. Many people still see God that way. Others on the more mystical side, suggest that we are swimming in God, that the Divine is both within us and outside us. Some even suggest that we are Divine. Quite a thought.

If we can understand that the planets are as much a part of ourselves as are the stars, the trees and the fishes in the sea (and the sea), then we can begin to take responsibility for our actions. We can still undergo a planetary effect, such as a strong Saturn aspect, for example, and feel a particular emotional reaction, but we don’t have to act negatively and destroy something because of it. Better to ask “What does this mean in my life” and see ourself reflected in the answer.

If we view the planetary energies as functions of our human behaviour by taking them in, rather than having them outside of ourselves, then there may be a third way of responding to them. Maybe they are both outside and inside us at the same time. Maybe we are co-creating our reality as we go through our lives, and everything we do and think has an impact on the nature of the planets as well. I have often written about how the ancients thought that the planets were intelligences – Mercury being thought, Mars being action, for example.

How about playing with the idea that the way in which we communicate now through technology is having a direct impact on how Mercury will function in the future? Imagine, a baby born tomorrow could have a modified Mercury function, could communicate very differently to the way we do now, possibly. Or the more we don’t go to War (!!) the more Mars becomes active in a very different way – a warrior for peace, for example, rather than a foot soldier for God, ready to kill anyone who believes differently.

Twenty years ago, we had a Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn that lasted over a period of about 5-7 years. For the first couple of years of the period, Saturn was also in Capricorn with them. The last time those three planets came together was 1307 – the massacre of the Knights Templar was the big event in Europe at the time; and here in Scotland Robert the Bruce was crowned King of Scotland. During the following period through the 90s, we saw an upsurge of interest in the Templars, Dan Brown’s popularity grew and Scotland was devolved.

We also had the birth of the Super-Highway, the Internet, and our structures began to dissolve as a result. Many children were born during that period with those planets together on their charts. The ones born in 1989/90 are now undergoing Uranus and Pluto activating that massive conjunction in their psyches. I don’t know how that will pan out for them, but I do think that the energy of Capricorn that Pluto is transforming now, is a different Capricorn from the one that Pluto transformed in 500 and 250 years ago, due to the powerful effect of that triple conjunction, just 20 odd years ago.

If the heavy planets leave their marks on the signs that they transit through, then something within us, will also have new markers within our psyches.

Good, eh?


Note on the Lunar Eclipse of 25th May last weekend.

 Did anyone notice how many planes were in the news over the two or three days around the eclipse? In the UK, we had a plane hijacked by terrorists from Pakistan – it was escorted to a quiet airport by fighter jets and the men were disarmed. There was a light plane crash in Europe (I’m ashamed to say I cannot for the life of me remember where!). The Japanese Air industry announced that they were relaunching their previously grounded 747 Dreamliner last weekend. And here in Scotland, a memorial was unveiled to commemorate the loss of pilot’s lives in the oil industries in the North Sea.

Too many things of a similar nature clustering together make me sit up and wonder what’s going on. The Lunar Eclipse was across 5 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius – in other words a Full Moon eclipse across the GE/SAG axis on the 5th degree of both signs. This degree is “The degree of flight”. It turns up on all major first flight charts since beginning of flying, both by individuals and on through to the launching of public flights, etc.

The axis of the Eclipse was at 90 degrees i.e. square to Neptune that day as well – Neptune is associated with both dreams and the oil industry.