This next week we have some very interesting cosmic events coming up – a Lunar Eclipse in mid-Gemini/Sagittarius on Monday, 4th June; Neptune stations to turn retrograde later that day; and Venus squares Mars, from Gemini to Virgo, a few hours later, as she gently moves back to wave to him as he powers on ahead.
6th June is the day that the Transit of Venus is visible – and then gone for another 122 years or so. Please see this interesting article from the Guardian newspaper on the subject as it is both fascinating and enlightening.
Venus square Mars:
A square is an aspect of 90 degrees, or quarter circle, known as a hard aspect that creates a challenging environment. Venus and Mars are the relating pair – boy/girl stuff, early sexual exploration, etc. Venus likes romance, flowers, candles, perfume – all the trappings of femininity – in both sexes. She represents the harmony that is needed to maintain good relations with others and rules Taurus and Libra, both appeasing and moderating signs.
Mars likes immediacy, give me it now, and is associated with male sexuality, obviously. Venus and Mars aspecting each other positively are the fun and games of “S/he loves me; s/he loves me not.” This is stronger in our teen years than in adulthood – however, we do have them for life. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, both signs that can be pugilistic and demanding – Aries is the soldier where Scorpio is the strategist, so more prepared to take the longer view.
Men generally will look for Venus in their partner and women will look for Mars in theirs’. Together in this hard relationship these planets can miss the point with each other. I have noticed on charts of clients who have this aspect natally that they tend to find close relationships bewildering and suffer hurt feelings. Each time the person ‘falls in love’ they also ‘fall in aggression’ at the same time. So love can be a confusing and difficult process. However, as this is all part of the life lesson that our charts bring us, the ‘work’ is in harmonising (Venus) through activities (Mars) that demand both sharing and trusting others.
Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages
NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. You could try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.
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Please note that with all the following signs, the square of Venus and Mars will create challenges for everyone. However, the effects of Lunar eclipses tend to last for 6 months at most.
Happy Birthday, Gemini: 20th May – 20th June.
This is quite a time for you with both eclipses (20th May) falling in your birth sign as well as all the things described above going on as well. However, as a versatile and lively sign you will no doubt enjoy the ride – especially when Jupiter enters Gemini next week. What a busy month for you. However, as this is your birthday, it all flavours the whole year ahead for you.
These aspects would show up on your Solar Return chart – this is a chart drawn up for the moment that the Sun returns on your birthday yet at a different time to your birth time. This is due to the difference between 360 degrees in the circle and 365/6 days in the year. What it gives though, is a brand new chart that describes the following year for you in more detail than I can give here. To book your Solar Return reading, please contact me at my email address.
This hyper activity falls in your Solar 1st House of self-interests with Mars squaring Venus from your 4th House of domestic and family matters. Add the Lunar eclipse across in your 7th House of relationships and this is the point when you sort our your priorities in life – what you want, what the family wants and what your relationships want also. And it will take all year, so no panic there, then.
Cancer: 21st June – 22nd July: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 6th House of work and health and your 12th House of spirituality, escape and retreat from the madding crowds; with Mars stirring things up for you in your 3rd House of siblings, neighbours and communications. This is a good time to have a health check up – Lunar eclipses in Sagittarius generally tend towards issues with hips, thighs and liver.
Leo: 22nd July – 22nd August: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your your 5th House of children, creativity and love affairs and your 11th House of friendships and objectives; with Mars stirring things up for you in your 2nd House of possessions and earned money. Your children and/or a love affair could cost you more money that you would have wished right now. Watch the fur fly.
Virgo: 22nd August – 22nd September: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 4th House of domestic, family matters and your 10th House of career and public standing; with Mars stirring things up for you in your 1st House of personal interests. You will need to stand your ground and challenge others at home and at work, when they don’t seem to be listening to you and making demands of your time.
Libra: 22nd September – 23rd October: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 3rd House of communications, siblings and neighbours and your 9th House of personal and spiritual beliefs; with Mars stirring things up for you in your 12th House of escape, confusion and spirituality. You could be quite forgetful during this period so it would be wise to lists of plans to keep yourself on track. Watch out that you don’t get lost while travelling – take a map.
Scorpio 23rd October – 21st November: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 2nd House of personal resources and your 8th House of shared resources; with Mars stirring things up for you in your 11th House of friendships and projects. You may find that a friend has a business idea that could cost you more than you would wish to be involved with right now, as your finances demand much care from both your partner and yourself. You could say ‘No for now.’
Sagittarius 21st November – 21st December: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 1st House of personal interests and desires and your 7th House of both personal and business relationships; with Mars stirring things up for you in your 10th House of career. It will be quite a time of giving up your time and energy to others, whose needs seem more important than your own right now. Don’t expect thanks, however.
Capricorn 21st December -19th January: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 12th House of escape, spirituality and solitude and your 6th House of health matters; while Mars stirs things up for you in your 9th House of beliefs and legal matters. You may find that you have a mini-crisis of self-worth and confidence in the choices you are making about your future right now. Best to sit it out and wait until the energy passes.
Aquarius 20th January – 19th February: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 11th House of friendships, ideals and projects and your 5th House of creativity, children and love affairs; while Mars stirs things up in your 8th House of shared resources and emotions. A good friend may withdraw and leave you questioning the ideals and social values that you shared together. Hopefully, this could open you up for a new group activity.
Pisces 19th February – 20th March: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 10th House of career and your 4th House of family and domestic matters; while Mars gets active in your 7th House of relationships. This is not the time to go looking for a new job – best to keep your head down and avoid being pulled into any disputes. Family can be demanding and partners can be difficult. This is the time to play Nice Guy and agree for the sake of peace.
Aries : 21st March – 20th April: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 9th House of long distance travel and your 3rd House of short journeys, neighbours and siblings; while Mars makes himself felt in your 6th House of health matters. Best to stay home and take care of yourself a little better than usual. Stress headaches are common – so get to a meditation group and chill.
Taurus: 19th April – 20th May: the Lunar Eclipse falls with Venus across your 8th House of shared resources and your 2nd House of personal earnings and values; while Mars does his number in your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity. You may see an object of beauty that you think you cannot live without – get real and accept that you can live without it as it will drain your resources. A child may need financial help from you so you’ll be relieved that you held back on unnecessary expenses.
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