Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

More about Venus

The pattern Venus makes through her journey around the Sun is a five pointed star – i.e. a Pentagram – created by her five retrograde stations over a forty year period. In other words, 5 times over 40 years. This Pentagram is contained within a heart formation – truly Venus is the planet of love. The ancient astrologers knew this without computers to draw the image for them.

There have been a number of national elections over the last couple of weeks around the world – France, Greece, Egypt (as I write this today) and the Irish Referendum to be held on 31st May. Although the first two were held before the direction change, it was in her mind so to do and still counts as an important energy pattern, during those events. Whatever has been said about values, monetary and social, and women (Venus rules women) is likely to change once the retrograde period is over and Venus swiftly exits Gemini on 7th August.

On the world stage, political leaders do seem to have the uncanny knack of performing important duties when Mercury is retrograde – signing the Maastricht Treaty; the Peace Process with President Clinton, Yasser Arrafat and Ehud Barak; the Good Friday Agreement in Ireland, again with Clinton, Tony Blair and the NI Government. As soon as Mercury resumed normal motion, so did the fighting again. And I know that this was Mercury and a different energy, no matter, as Venus is equally as powerful as Mercury, due to being the other “Inner Planet” – i.e. closest to the Sun and within Earth’s orbit of the Sun.

Venus rules Taurus, sign of beauty, nature, material goods, and personal values; and Libra, sign of balance, harmony, peace and legal agreements. Both these signs are being affected by this retrograde period, as is Gemini, of course, because that’s the ground where it’s all happening. Gemini is associated with communications, education and siblings – Jedward to win the Eurovision Song Contest? Hmm, maybe not, for Ireland’s sake.

So what can I expect, I hear you ask? With any planet going backwards, it can bring a period of meeting people from your past – and as it’s Venus, it can be lovers, business partners or creative friends that you lost touch with years ago. This can be a time of renegotiating relationships, while bearing in mind that it may come to nothing by August. Beauty and creativity are also Venus matters – so if you have a book or project that you have had on the back burner for the last 8 years, dig it out and see how well it stands up to your ideas today. If you like it – finish it. Or make a new one. As long as you are being creative, that’s the important thing.

Venus is all about relationships, as her heart image suggests. And right now in her backward motion it’s as if she is going over old ground to be certain of getting it right before she next goes forward. She is the attraction planet – what and who we attract depends on the inner attitudes that we learned while going through life’s journey, particularly during our early years. We have all noticed that we seem to attract the same people, in different guises, and the same circumstances with the same experiences to be gone through. Until one day, we say “Enough!” and begin to strip away the skin from our eyes and see things differently.

I think that taking responsibility for everything and everyone in our lives enables us to move towards personal freedom. Once we do that, our vibration changes. We then attract people who resonate with our new energy patterns and who are closer to who we really are, rather than who we were. It sounds simple and it can take a lifetime to achieve. Yet, we owe it to ourselves to do it. And it gives Venus something new to co-create with us and our relationships.

NB: The Venus design is from Neil Michelsen’s Tables of Planetary Phenomena Published by ACS Publications 1990