Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Happy birthday, Aries!

There’s lots of action – your favourite word! – happening in Aries right now. Mercury and Venus as well as the New Moon and Sun are happily moving through your sign. Mercury has his winged boots on again so is zipping through in about 3 weeks; Venus, on the other hand, is going backwards, so gets to bring you more than relationship and friendship fun for a lot longer than you would usually expect.

Venus is in Aries right now then takes a tiny visit back to Pisces for about 10 days in early to mid-April, and then re-enters Aries where she stays until early June. As a result you can expect your days to be filled with people – some new to you, and others coming from your past, who are likely to have a significant effect on your future. The fun really gets intensified through May when your ruling planet Mars comes along to join in -and we all know what can happen when Venus and Mars get together, don’t we?

Mars stays in a sign for about 6 weeks so can impact on your solar houses for about a year. These last few weeks Mars has been in your 12th solar House and will stay there almost to the end of April, so will have held your energies in check somewhat. This may not have been a bad thing, though a little frustrating sometimes, because it gives you the time you need to get down to doing the research that you’ve been putting off for some time.

Then, when Mars goes into Aries through May, this is a time of feeling right on target because you are armed with the information that you gleaned in April. It’s as if all your arrows are hitting the bull’s-eye dead centre – so focus your sights on whatever you choose and go for it! With Venus also being involved you will have to take someone else’s opinions into account, though – so get your negotiation skills activated – it’s a useful skill for you to learn.

June/July Mars is in Taurus, so you will be focusing your energies towards your financial status – or even take some old ideas out of the attic and revamp them to bring in some extra cash. Through the second half of July and through August, it’s the time for you to communicate your desires – maybe even learn some new skills to enable to teach what you already know.

September/October see Mars slowing down in Cancer – home matters are in your face – making you feel as if you’re on the back foot. You are having to curtail your own desires to help family members realise theirs. It could be a good time to take a rest and chill out – just let life happen around you instead of always driving things along.

From November until June 2010, Mars goes to and fro in your 5th house of creativity, children and enjoyment. So take the time to have some fun time, but just make sure that you keep a tight rein on all your expenses and maybe have a quieter Christmas than usual – we are living in straightened times this year and next. I say this because Mars also rules your Solar 8th House of joint finances and arrangements like mortgages – so you need to keep a good weather eye on what comes in and what goes out during this period.

It’s not all doom and gloom, though, you can still enjoy yourself as long as you don’t rush head first into 2010, tempting though it will be! It does promise to be a creative 6 month period for you and one that you will look back on in years to come.

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