Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Happy Birthday Sagittarius – Your Year Ahead

It is always suggested that Sagittarians are generous and optimistic types, and your behaviour does seem to bear that out. Jupiter is your ruling planet, and is known as the “Greater Benefic”  – in other words, the Giant Good Guy in the sky. I think that part of your reputation for generosity lies in the fact that the period that the Sun traverses your sign is the one directly before Christmas. Most people are preparing feasts and buying gifts over these few weeks in readiness for the “Coming of the Light” that is the Christmas period. I will write more on that on my Capricorn page at the end of December.

Jupiter has a 12/13 month residence in each Zodiac sign and is just coming to the end of his stint in Capricorn – not the happiest sign for him to be placed in, to be honest. This could explain why many of you Sagittarians have been somewhat subdued over this past year, and have felt hemmed in by the sheer necessities of life. The sign change into Aquarius occurs in the first week of the New Year and will herald a year of opportunities and openings. It will offer you a more interesting future, which is after all your favourite view – your eyes firmly fixed on tomorrow  – no looking back for you!!!

Change comes slowly for you, though, due to Jupiter’s slow orbit around the Zodiac – once you make a decision you are likely to see it through, even if you do take time out along the way to chill out. The song “I was born under a Wandering Star” was written with you in mind – and boy, can you wander – all in the name of exploration, of course. 

Even if you don’t move from your armchair, you will do it one way or another – mentally, philosophically and idealistically. Some Sagittarians I know change furniture around, swap rooms or build extensions to their homes rather than hit the road – however, the net result can feel the same for them.

2009 is therefore a year of mental stimulation and creative ideas coming thick and fast. The New Moon this month (December) sits with Mercury and Mars in your sign. This brings a great deal of mental activity, but still with a sense that you must wait until the partying dies down before you can profit from it. And that’s partly due to the season but also due to Jupiter’s continued stint in Capricorn. Then once the New Year hits and the noise dies down, Jupiter moves house into Aquarius and you can get your head into gear.

For those who have their birthdays in mid-sign (7th-14th December) you will feel a reality check operating in both your career and domestic life. This is a period of real ground breaking possibilities and risk-taking on an unprecedented scale for you, and continues until August 2009. It’s a 9 month aspect made by Saturn and Uranus challenging your Solar principle – if you can see it as a period of rebirth in your life, then you will get the best out of it. Certainly there will be many changes of attitude at least, and even maybe changes of circumstances, too – that, when you reflect on them, will move your life on tenfold.

Often we attempt to resist change – as if we can hold back the tide – without really understanding what it can offer as a dynamic of psychological and spiritual growth. Once we embrace it then the better aspects of it can expand and flourish in our lives – if we resist, then it will happen anyway. And this is where being a Sagittarian works for you – even if things are challenging today, well, tomorrow is another day!

It’s important to remember that the Law of Attraction will attract those situations and people to you who will match your inner state of being – or vibration – and will help with the birthing process.  To quote Mike Dooley “Thoughts become things better make them good ones”

So, it’s a year of two steps forward and one step back – as if you’ve got kangaroo petrol in your car. Then after August, it’s the turn of the late Sagittarian birthdays (14th-22nd December) to get their chance to be reborn as well, through the following 9 month period. Those of you with earlier birthdays went through this rebirth through 2007 – so no doubt you will recognise the scenario.

Also during the months May-August, open-minded Jupiter meets up with spiritual Neptune, offering you the possibility of a strong connection with massive humanitarian, ecological, and mystical ideals. This is quite a combination and you need to stay grounded to get the best out from it. It can signal the most beautiful lifetime experience – but also the most confusing, if you only see life from a literal viewpoint.

What an amazing life-changing year it will be for ALL Sagittarians – I wish you Bon Voyage on this journey of discovery you are now embarking upon!

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