Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Jupiter the Benefactor meets Pluto the Transformer and Uranus the Rebel

What a month we are having with energy flying all over the place: Jupiter’s broad arms open wide to embrace both Pluto and Uranus until late 2014 when Jupiter leaves Cancer and enters Leo.

This creates a strong T-Square between Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus that has an impact on each of us individually, socially and nationally. The Grand Trine of Jupiter/Saturn/Neptune is dissolving now as Jupiter moves forward and Saturn separates from Neptune who is also heading backwards away from him.

So, what can it possibly mean? I think that when Jupiter is involved in any combination with the Outer Planets there can be a powerful exaggeration of their particular energy patterns – so for example, with Uranus, extremely sudden changes with good results; and with Pluto, power urges that can help others to help themselves. These are just ideas to show you what is possible. See below for how they impact on your own chart.

Just to say – this will continue until 2014 until Jupiter leaves Cancer and enters Leo.

Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

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Aries : 21st March – 20th April: Uranus will continue to keep you on your toes with life throwing changes at you like they’re going out of fashion. Pluto is challenging you to be honest about who you really are and what you really want to do with your life – particularly in your career or vocation. Powerful people may be facing you off and seem to be undermining you in some way – could this be because you are not really sure of how you want to be seen in the world at large. Once you get where your passions truly lie, then you’ll be unstoppable. In fact, you may wish to work from home with Jupiter in your domestic arena – or even do something with your culinary gifts or homemaking skills – you may even broadcast or publish about this professionally and becoming the star you always believed you really are.It just takes courage – a quality that is yours in spades.

Taurus: 20th April – 20th May – Taurus is a fixed sign and likes certainties, but they’re a bit thin on the ground for you right now, so you are going to and fro unsure which path is the right one for you. However, it teaches you to let go of wanting things to stay the same and trust that the Universe is at work here and is on your side. Uranus can bring hidden matters to light and help clarify some old questions that you may have about your spirituality and creativity. Pluto may set you down a new path of foreign travel, beliefs, higher education, that give you a great deal of confidence to go forward with. Jupiter is influencing your siblings, cousins, neighbours one of whom may bring a gift that helps you along your way. Life is full of surprises for you and if you can let go of wanting to know and just enjoy them, then you’ll be happier by the day.

Gemini: 21st May – 21st June – Change is like food and water to you and Uranus is going through your social life like nobody’s business – has you saying hello and goodbye in equal measure. Pluto is also asking some deep questions about your sense of purpose and trying to bring depth of meaning into your life, rather than seeing you just skating on the surface as you often do. Jupiter is looking across your solar chart at Pluto and could be offering some new generous openings in your earning capabilities. This will be a relief after the financial worries that have been plaguing all of us recently. Don’t hold your breathe but some of those positive events could be just around the corner, bringing life back to where you are most comfortable with it. You could be joining a new group that stretches your great mental abilities.

Cancer: 21st June – 23rd July – Jupiter is right where you want him for this year – up close and personal. This is the time when you can make the most outlandish wishes and have them come true, such is the power of the gifts of the gods. for example, you could be walking down the street minding your own business and someone you meet offers you a job – Uranus can behave like that and he’s minded to pull some kind of trick like that for you over this next year. Pluto will bring relationship issues to a head, which may see one ending and then another, deeper, more powerfully life changing opportunity just appears as if out of nowhere. It could be a bit of a roller coaster for a while, but should settle down – as long as you are prepared to come out of your shell a little.

Leo: 23rd July – 23rd August – Uranus could be in line to bring you some broadcasting, publishing opportunities – or even some long-distance travel that will open you up to the wonders of life. Thanks to Jupiter, your sense of who you are will align with your Divine Purpose and bring all the different ideas you may have together in one package. Your creativity could awaken and you’ll be rushing to find enough hours in the day to make them all happen. You may have to go on some kind of course – in IT, for example, to learn how to express some of your rich seam of ideas. You may have a run in with a work colleague and decide to stand up for yourself in the face the aggression – this all fits with knowing who you are and how to handle yourself in the world.

Virgo: 23rd August – 23rd September – Your natural caution will ensure that discovering who you are at the deepest of your being will have a firm footing in reality. No rushing off up the Himalayas to sit in a cave to find yourself. And yet you will feel a call to do something similar closer to home. Jupiter will bring new friendships and a new group that will answer your spiritual needs if you choose to go with it. You could find yourself in a position to financially allow yourself to spend on yourself, for once, and meeting others who offer you new opportunities for expanding your earning capabilities. You may have a sudden inheritance coming that will also help – as long as you are wise in how you spend it. Your creative output may develop along interesting lines – and your children may behave in ways that take you by surprise, in a good way – don’t worry!

Libra: 23rd September – 23rd October – This is a strong period of time for you – not much chance of finding the balance and harmony you crave as you’ll be too busy sipping nectar from the cup of the gods. New people are heading in your direction, they are creative, lively and interesting in a very avant garde way – time to expect the unexpected. Your public profile goes through a huge boost of confidence, with offers of expansion being clearly on the cards. This will be like a breath of fresh air for you as you will be weighing up all the offers to see which floats your boat before you make any decisions at all. Your asset is your home as it enables you use it to further your own cause – just ensure that you don’t let it go in you enthusiasm to move on. Caution is advised here- some Librans can behave like Aries and be impulsive.

Scorpio: 23rd October – 22nd November – You are in a strong learning period this year – and may be getting your voice out over the airwaves or in print. The famous “lucky break” is heading in your direction and can have you living a life that you always wanted but didn’t dare to ask for. One wonders why not? The Universe certainly has you in its heart at this time in your life. You will have an opportunity to make many short journeys, visiting cousins, siblings and even complete strangers who seem to be part of your Karmic experiences. Your writing life may develop in a deeper and more rewarding manner as well. Teaching, writing, communicating, are all ways that you can express the wealth of experience within you. You may find that you are being offered an opportunity to learn how to use the new technologies, or buy some new technology, that will move your life on apace.

Sagittarius: 22nd November – 22nd December – You will be awash with lots of fizzing ideas and creative ways of expressing who you are. These are powerful times for you now and this year ahead will bring you into a new level of success that will put you on the map. Financially, you could be en route to earning more than you thought possible, and as a result, you regard yourself differently, too. You begin to develop a new set of personal values that work for you for years to come. You may have a legacy or a gift coming that will move you on apace in the shorter term – to ensure that you have things around you that you need for developing your new life style. Your creativity is alive with new ideas, particularly around many of the New Age philosophies, that your innate spirituality will respond well to.

Capricorn: 22nd December -20th January – this is a year in which not only will you be climbing you famous mountain to reach the topmost pinnacles of success, but you will have a partner who will want to support you to do just that. No matter in what way you need to be supported, it will be forthcoming. Your relationships are a rich seem for you right now – love them well, and learn to bend a little. You may be moving house in order that you can benefit from the expansion that is promised – in other words, to be in the position of living nearer the action and taking the weight off your feet for a while. Your partner will be getting a lot of attention too from their powers-that-be and will be basking in their own limelight. They will ensure that some of it falls on you, too, though.

Aquarius: 20th January – 19th February – This year is a period of just living in the fairy dust of Uranus sparkling its way through your everyday life. The only thing you can do is to expect the unexpected and be grateful when it arrives. This will be the most exciting era for you that you will look back on with a certain wistfulness when it comes to an end. The breaks that present themselves to you will move you light years from where you are now, through writing, teaching and all forms of communication. You will be working as ever in your own “niche market” never going mainstream, but doing very nicely thank you. You may find that you feel healthier than you have for many years and be physically to take the opportunities as they present themselves to you. Some family secrets can come to light that tell of events that may give you lots of food for your writing career.

Pisces: 19th February – 20th March – Jupiter is your ruler and is in your creative sector for the following year. You will be awash with new ideas and also new spirituality that nourishes you from a very deep well of energy that you are able to tap into. Friendships may be a trial and some of them may leave to go abroad, or simply dip out of your life forever. Sometimes life’s like that. Your financial life may get a wake up call bringing you a possibility of reorganising your resources that offers you more freedom. You may have an idea that you know will make you money and decide to go for it. Certainly the thought of being self-employed may seem daunting to a tender soul like you, but with Uranus on your side, what else can you do?