Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Kung Hei Fat Choy!

“This article is used by permission from Ed Ludbrook’s free monthly

e-newsletter 100% Success available at www.edwardludbrook.com.”

Happy Chinese New Year!
They say that the 21st century will be the Chinese Century after the American 20th Century and British 19th Century.

If you live in Asia or where I do, you would not doubt it.

Many Westerners see this strategic reality as an enormous threat yet whatever you think, get used to it or, do as I do, embrace the whole concept as an exciting challenge.

I think of the British giving the world the legal, economic and administrative systems so important to cultured life.

I think of the Americans giving us the entrepreneurial managerial systems so important for wealth creation and life improvement.

I see the Chinese 21st century giving us the cultural, personal and family systems so important in an open and rapidly changing world. We can easily forget that the Chinese were developed peoples living in grand cities inventing technologies when our fore-fathers were in animal skins. They have learnt what is important in a world of change. 

Their lessons for us will always be based on ‘long term investment based on natural principles’ – Some lessons:

  • Family is everything. We have lost sight of this so much in our modern open world and we wonder why we are having so many problems with our next generation. Their rule is that you do business with your family FIRST, or the business is not worth going into.
  • Health is the base of all things. The Chinese will spend a fortune on natural health products. They laugh at our Western medicine philosophies. 
  • Financial discipline is critical. They understand that this debt-spend binge of the West over the past decades will be our downfall. 
  • Education is the base of all long term success. Their kids are taught to learn from day one.
  • The greatest lesson the Chinese will teach the world is that you cannot force nature. Water will take the easiest downhill path. An extreme focus on beauty produces ugliness.

I welcome the Chinese Century. We, in the West, need their wisdom.   In fact, we need the wisdom that comes from all old cultures who have endured centuries of dramatic change, whether this comes from Sweden or Peru, Swaziland or Indonesia, Bulgaria or Mexico.

If you have any wisdom to send me from your culture, you bless me.

This is the year to build for the long term. To build it once so it lasts.


"This article is used by permission from Ed Ludbrook's free monthly 
e-newsletter 100% Success available at www.edwardludbrook.com."

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