Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

March 21, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
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Uranus through the 12 signs of the Zodiac

Welcome to your forecast for the next few years. The effects of both Uranus and Pluto are good for 7 years. Saturn in Libra is the opposite sign to Aries and is actually Saturn’s best sign – we call this planetary exaltation. All the planets from the Sun to Saturn have an exaltation sign – a different sign for each of them. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do not.

Uranus and Pluto will have an effect on all birthdays at the beginnings of all the signs – so those birthdays at the end of each calendar month – effective for the next 2-3 years. For birthdays falling in the first week of the month, 4-5 years hence. For birthdays the second week of the month, 5-6 years hence. For birthdays the third week of the month, 6-7 years hence.

Rest assured our lives will change and a new way of being will be ours.


If you know your Ascendant sign then by all means read the text that applies to that sign.

Aries Uranus 1st House/Pluto 10th House/Saturn 7th House – for those Aries natives born up to the end of March, this will be more in your face than later April birth dates – at least for the next couple of years. However, don’t worry, you’ll get your turn later on. Remember, it takes Uranus 7 years to go through Aries……..

With Uranus moving through your Solar 1st House you will begin to feel that life is exciting again. This is the time for you to begin to feel creative and inventive about the direction you want your life to take. However, Uranus can bring surprises – so even if things suddenly seem to be going backwards for a while, in hindsight you will see how necessary that was for you. Your challenges come at you from your career and home life. You may feel that you have to work all the hours you can just to keep afloat which can have an effect on your domestic life. You need to take time out to de-stress and maybe take up meditation in order to relax your wound up system. Your relationships will give you the structure you need or alternatively, you may feel that they are holding you down too much, when all you want is to be “free”.

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March 14, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
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More on Uranus in Aries

Thank you to David your comment on the previous article. One of the joys of Astrology is to be ready for events to unfold and then observe how we react to those events. I am reminded of my dear friend Rev Gordon Strachan, whose sad death last year robbed the world of a great trailblazing thinker and dear soul. He was a Church of Scotland Minister who loved astrology with a passion. I remember him telling me over one of our many shared lunches in Edinburgh that when he was a History student at Oxford, he realised very early on in his studies that history was cyclical and followed patterns that he couldn’t then understand. It wasn’t until his discovery of astrology that he was able to make sense of it all. His book “The Bible’s Hidden Cosmology”, published by Floris Books, demonstrates the depth of study and passion he brought to the subject. It was originally entitled “Christ and the Cosmos”.

So, back to the article – I think that the key point of Uranus in Aries is an inventiveness that we haven’t even begun to understand in mainstream thinking, yet. The recent work by Bruce Lipton in “Biology of Belief” and Dawson Church’s impressive “The Genie in your Genes” both point to a whole new way of looking at our health and the impact our thoughts have on our genetic makeup. This book stresses the importance of taking more personal responsibility for our own wellness without relying of the Pharmaceutical companies to “cure” us and make us more ill in the process.

Another challenge will come through the banks – aren’t we fed up of them already? New innovative technologies for moving personal money around are already starting to enable people who would not normally get through the front door of a bank in the so called Third World.

Uranus brings all these ideas to the forefront of collective thinking and with Pluto challenging all the new ideas, from Capricorn the sign associated with the establishment, it will be an interesting time to watch everyone line up their ducks over the next 3 or 4 years. With Aries involved some of the technologies may be swallowed up by the military first – much as atomic energy in the form of nuclear fission, was used to make a bomb – rather than nuclear fusion being used to serve humanity by giving us clean, cheap fuel.



March 12, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
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Uranus in Aries March 2011 until May 2018

(with a brief earlier showing in mid-2010 for a couple of months)
Uranus is associated with invention and technology; he is the different drummer, a member of the awkward squad. People with Uranus writ large on their charts will embody some  or all of these attributes. The sign Aquarius is Uranus ruled and its natives naturally display some of the above, together with a certain independence, strong mindedness and a tendency towards humanitarian idealism, sociability and downright decency.
Aries is the sign of the pioneer, the instigator, the initiator. It is the “me-first!” sign of the Zodiac, so it springs into life with enthusiasm. It is a Fire sign ruled by urgent Mars, so can be  up for a fight, whether emotional or physical. It is associated with entrepreneurs,  and the armed forces. Aries’ natural impulse is to be a trailblazer whether on the playing fields of everyday life or the competition of situations that require him to think fast and strong.
Put these two into a blender together and how exciting does it all sound?
Uranus has an orbit of 84 years – so it’s now or never, folks to enjoy the roller-coaster that will be the next 7 years for us. However, before I predict how I think the cosmic climate will pan out for us, I need to look at the last time Uranus was traversing Aries. This was from March 1927 – March 1935. Uranus was in Aries at the time of the Great Depression, but I don’t think it was necessarily the “cause” of it, although it probably didn’t help. Many astrologers believe that it was due to Neptune, planet of diffusion, entering Virgo the sign of accountancy and financial dealings, and I would tend to agree with this hypothesis.

December 13, 2010
by Dawne Kovan
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Wikileaks, Freedom of the Press and Pluto in Capricorn

I am reproducing two recent articles , one from the Observer/Guardian and the other from an Australian paper, ‘The Daily Reckoning’ sent to me by my colleague Egdar Winter from Down Under.  Thanks Edgar!

In the article from yesterday’s Observer/Guardian 12th December 2010, please note that John Wilkes gained freedom of the press during Pluto’s now famous sojourn through Capricorn 1763-1779 – these recurring themes really are something, aren’t they?  See my recent post entitled ‘Demise of the Eurozone?’


Article by Henry Porter

guardian.co.uk, Saturday 11 December 2010 21.30 GMT

WikiLeaks may make the powerful howl, but we are learning the truth…..

WikiLeaks has offered us glimpses of how the world works. And in most cases nothing but good can come of it

I have lost count of the politicians and opinion formers of an authoritarian bent warning of the dreadful damage done by the WikiLeaks dump of diplomatic cables, and in the very next breath dismissing the content as frivolous tittle-tattle. To seek simultaneous advantage from opposing arguments is not a new gambit, but to be wrong in both is quite an achievement.

Publication of the cables has caused no loss of life; troops are not being mobilised; and the only real diplomatic crisis is merely one of discomfort. The idea that the past two weeks have been a disaster is self-evidently preposterous. Yet the leaks are of unprecedented importance because, at a stroke, they have enlightened the masses about what is being done in their name and have shown the corruption, incompetence – and sometimes wisdom – of our politicians, corporations and diplomats. More significantly, we have been given a snapshot of the world as it is, rather than the edited account agreed upon by diverse elites, whose only common interest is the maintenance of their power and our ignorance.

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December 10, 2010
by Dawne Kovan
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‘How to live before you die’ – Steve Jobs

You may already have seen the video in this post but  if not, do take a look now – it’s Steve Jobs’s address to students at Stanford University a few years ago.

I’d like to comment on one particular aspect of his talk when he said:-

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward (in life), you can only connect them looking back”

This is where we astrologers have the advantage – we can look back at a specific time, using the planets’ positions, examine the events that occurred then and then extrapolate for the themes that are likely to emerge during the present period of that same planet’s orbit. Planets really are repositories of human history – some call it the Akashic Record and imagine it in some astra beyond place – it isn’t that far away at all – it’s orbiting us on a daily basis. All we have to do is look and ask “What happened the last time that this planet was in ….?” And just watch the same process unfold – different costumes, different cultures, same themes.

Enjoy the video…..


December 8, 2010
by Dawne Kovan
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Demise of the Eurozone?

“Actually, it’s not that there are recurring themes throughout (time) but that there are recurring choices.”Slightly emended from Mike Dooley’s “Notes from the Universe”

This quote landed in my messages inbox on 7th December – the same day that I listened to BBC Radio 4’s “World at One” and heard a report on a fringe meeting in Germany that discussed the state of the Euro and whether they (Germany) should pull out of it altogether. The general feeling of the delegates at this meeting was that they should not support the poorer nations of Europe by offering them financial assistance i.e. loans.

One man commented that the Southern European nations and Ireland didn’t have the same work ethics as those countries of Northern Europe. When I heard this I immediately thought that he was actually saying that the Catholic countries had a completely different set of life values to those of the Protestant ones.

I began to smell Pluto when I pondered on this. This then led me to thinking about the Reformation which started with Martin Luther in 1517. Where was Pluto then, I wondered? I rushed to my trusty computer program and put up the chart for 31st October, 1517, Wittenburg, Germany and nearly fell off my chair when it came up with the data that Pluto was on the same degree in Capricorn as it is right now! As I use two programs to calculate my data, I checked a second time and it gave me the same information.

As Pluto has a cycle/orbit of around 250 years, this was a double cycle i.e. 500 years – however, the themes are clear and as Mike Dooley suggests we may have to change our choices this time. As far as making new choices goes, I tend to agree with GI Gurdjieff, the Russian mystic, who suggested that we cannot change society, we can only change ourselves. And by changing ourselves we can then become more effective citizens.

So, will we have another split between wild profligate Catholic Europe and her sensible controlled Protestant Northern neighbours? This is a deeper question than the statement made by the aforementioned delegate – he’s tuning into the collective of his nation and voicing Martin Luther’s ideas without realising it – I surmise. If he is doing it knowingly, then he has an astrologer in his employ – as he probably hasn’t, then there’s nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come. And this is an idea that resonates with the collective memories locked into Pluto’s intelligence of being in Capricorn and how his role is to bring down all the institutions represented by corporate Capricorn – particularly those that no longer fit for purpose.

The next same cycle of Pluto in Capricorn came in 1762 – 1788/9 i.e 250 years after the above. This was at the time that Europe was deeply in debt after the 7 Years War. The split between America and Canada was on the cards with the signing of the Paris Treaty that ceded Canada to Britain. Closely followed by the American War of Independence during Pluto’s 17 year trek through Capricorn. Could this hint at a possible end to the Special Relationship between the US and the UK?

Aren’t we living in interesting times? And all we can do is wait and watch…….


For more information on the Pluto begin with a previous post of entitled Pluto in Capricorn” .

Mike Dooley’s “Messages from the Universe” can be ordered from www.TUT.com. They arrive daily Monday to Friday and are wonderful.

October 12, 2010
by Dawne Kovan

2012 & The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius

Unless you’ve been living in a cave recently you can’t help but notice that we are entering a New Age – the Age of Aquarius. An idea that is being dismissed as New Age Hype.

However, this is not the first time we’ve entered a new age – in fact, we do it every 2000 years or so. To the Ancient Priest Kings, religious and biblical leaders this was Big Stuff as it heralded major changes in their societies. They knew about it and taught students of various mystery schools about it in readiness for the inevitable changes.

We now live in a social system – worldwide, I might add – that seeks to dislocate us from our place in the cosmos by eradicating our natural connections with the macrocosm and using organised religions, even atheism, to colonise our thinking. They use the most powerful tool of all – that of ridicule – to maintain their position. So anyone who “peddles” New Age ideas is dismissed as crazy at best or harmful at worst. And yet, many people do manage to get the message through – and people are ready for it now. Everyone in my world is talking about 2012 with varying degrees of trepidation and thus in need of reassurance and information.

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August 27, 2010
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

More on Students and our changing society

Further to my article “A-Level Results Day” that spoke about the fact that a change in our education systems is about to occur – hopefully in the way that young people seem to be hurriedly pushed straight out of secondary education into university without any opportunity for learning life skills, such as paying their own rent, paying for their own food – and indeed cooking it! – and generally trying out being an adult first.

Alternatively, they could be encouraged to grow up in the market place for a couple of years, rather than being removed from it as is the case at present. They could then go on to study something that really turns them on, instead of than gaining a degree in a subject that will never support them or even interest them long term. How many people really work in the subject that they are qualified in? And, yes, some young people take a Gap Year, which can fill this need to some extent. But such is the manufactured panic to gain a university place, many of them forgo this, in order to get ahead of the game….

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August 19, 2010
by Dawne Kovan

A-level Results Day

Today it is A-Level results day. This is the day when students throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland receive their exam results that will get them into University.

Or so they have been led to believe. We are heading for early evening, and as I write this piece, many are already becoming aware that it is definitely not true for them. There is no automatic passage into tertiary education (University) at this time in our current financial climate.

It is also a special day from an astrologer’s viewpoint, too, because Saturn, planet of limitation, delays and reality checks is finalising his 9 month hard relationship with the planet Pluto, he who is tearing down all our institutions that are represented by Capricorn, one by one. Uranus is also involved in this picture, planet of technology and brilliant ideas. For further information on that please see my earlier article on the economic downturn and my free ebook  “Pluto in Capricorn – How it will impact on your life”.

So, this Results Thursday, is not a good day to hear good news. Although, for some students, there will always be good news – Pluto loves wealth, it’s where we get the word Plutocrat from. So, for those with money – need I say more. It was ever thus …..

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August 17, 2010
by Dawne Kovan

Changing your thoughts, changes your reality

A client was telling me yesterday that he was concerned about going from his new home in Paris next week to return to Israel to celebrate Jewish New Year with his family there.

He told me that he always has hassles from European airports when coming and going. “They always want to look at everything,” he complained. “And yet they know I live here and they have checked me enough times to know that I’m not a threat.”

I sympathised with him for all of two minutes and then suggested that he tell me the story again. And it was the same words as before – exactly, word for word.

“You know what?” I said. “Change your language – say ‘thank you” to the Universe for making your journeys easy and straightforward.”

“Yes, but …” he said.

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August 17, 2010
by Dawne Kovan
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Living to work? Working to live?

I was reading an article in Saturday’s Guardian entitled “Living to work? Working to live?”

The writer was actually reviewing the latest ebooks by Joe Vitale of “The Secret” DVD fame; and was questioning the whole premise that doing what you love will make the money follow. This a philosophy is enthusiastically promoted by all of the stars of the film, and can make for a very interesting evening’s discussion over dinner.

The article goes on to look at the confusion between paid employment and work. The suggestion being that they can be different and that the former can be used to support the latter, rather than producing a kind of grindstone attitude towards our everyday work. So that we can recognise the necessity of earning a crust, and while also supporting our dreams and creative processes.

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June 29, 2010
by Dawne Kovan
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The Reality Check – 2010 through 2012

There is a lot of talk right now about this ongoing meeting that began on 6th June between Jupiter – the Great Benefic, or Good Guy, and Uranus – the Master of the unexpected and sudden reversals. This meeting takes place right at the beginning of Aries, although it all started a few weeks ago with Jupiter still in Pisces. The aspect is called a conjunction which combines the energies of the two planets.

I have a few things to say about this meeting – not least that, while there is undoubtedly excitement in the air, this is a conjunction that repeats every 14 years or so. Those born in the late 60s and mid 80s carry this in seed form within their psyches. It will ignite their lives and bring inevitable changes from now through until January 2011 – some upsetting and many brilliant. The conjunction will reform a further twice, falling back from Aries to the end of Pisces. So, anyone with birthdays around 18th – 24th March this year will notice something going on.

The German astrologer Rheinhold Ebertin called this the “Thank God” combination because people were heard to utter this when their lives were smiled on by these two planets. He suggested that any difficulties previously experienced would suddenly (Uranus) be removed by the Big Good Guy that is Jupiter. So, he would say that it brings “sudden Grace”.

If we put together the attributes of the two into what my dear friend Dennis Elwell called a holograph, we can begin to see more clearly and accurately what we could experience over the next half year: Continue Reading →

January 5, 2010
by Dawne Kovan

The Law of Attraction, memes and Dr Wayne Dyer

In this article I will discuss the latest work by Dr Wayne Dyer – the book “Stop the Excuses – how to change lifelong thoughts” and the CD set “Excuses Begone – how to change lifelong self-defeating thinking habits”. Both of these complement each other and their combined effect is greater than their parts. I have read and reread, listened and re-listened and each time I do, I get more out of them.

Back at the beginning of 2007, Rhonda Byrne’s CD set “The Secret” fell into my lap. Did it change my life? You bet it did –  I picked up the idea and ran with it, because I knew that this was the missing piece that would set me free. Since then, I have regularly run seminars, mentored individuals and written this blog to spread the word.

However,  many times I hear people say that the LoA doesn’t work for them – and it hasn’t worked for their friends either. And, while I believe them, I know something isn’t right with it either.

If we look at the principles that are taught in The Secret, they tell us that all we have to do is ask and it will be given. And that’s a quote from the Bible, by the way, so it must be right. However, if it’s not happening for you or me, and is definitely happening for those people who are the teachers in the DVD, what on earth is going on? Have they kept a little nugget of secret for themselves?  Or are they just not very good teachers? I don’t think either of those questions can be answered in the affirmative, by the way. They are clearly honest and open in what they tell us and they are obviously skilled teachers.

What, then,  is it that keeps us away from what we want? We have asked and shown gratitude. We have visualised down to the smallest item. We have put up our vision boards and written post-it notes everywhere around the house. We have even learned how to make positive statements instead of negative ones and worked on keeping our thoughts positive, too. And yet everything stays the same.

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September 23, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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More on relationships…

Oops! I forgot to include the signs that cannot regard each other – they are below.


Please do NOT take this as an indication that there is anything bad in these relationships – I am simply saying that there is more going on than meets the eye; therefore the phenomenon needs to be understood as some kind of life lesson, perhaps, as these relationships do often endure.


Aries with either Virgo or Scorpio

Taurus with either Libra or Sagittarius

Gemini with either Scorpio or Capricorn

Cancer with either Sagittarius or Aquarius

Leo with either Capricorn or Pisces

Virgo with either Aquarius or Aries

Libra with either Pisces or Taurus

Scorpio with either Aries or Gemini

Sagittarius with either Taurus or Cancer

Capricorn with either Gemini or leo

Aquarius with either Cancer or Virgo

Pisces with either Leo or Libra

September 16, 2009
by Dawne Kovan

An Astrologer’s take on Relationships

Just so that you know where I’m coming from on the subject of astrology and relationships  – if you think that this article is going to give you the magic formula for identifying  your “perfect” mate or even “soul” mate, then stop reading right now, because it isn’t.

There are many publications that suggest by following certain rules, such as your Mars with their Venus, you will have the perfect marriage. However, life, as everyone knows, isn’t actually like that. The only people who use these traditional rules are those whose job it is to arrange marriages in traditional societies – and yes, they too have divorce in those cultures as well.

So, what can I tell two people who have found each other and say they’re in love and ask me if this person is “The One”? 

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