Welcome to your forecast for the next few years. The effects of both Uranus and Pluto are good for 7 years. Saturn in Libra is the opposite sign to Aries and is actually Saturn’s best sign – we call this planetary exaltation. All the planets from the Sun to Saturn have an exaltation sign – a different sign for each of them. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do not.
Uranus and Pluto will have an effect on all birthdays at the beginnings of all the signs – so those birthdays at the end of each calendar month – effective for the next 2-3 years. For birthdays falling in the first week of the month, 4-5 years hence. For birthdays the second week of the month, 5-6 years hence. For birthdays the third week of the month, 6-7 years hence.
Rest assured our lives will change and a new way of being will be ours.
If you know your Ascendant sign then by all means read the text that applies to that sign.
Aries Uranus 1st House/Pluto 10th House/Saturn 7th House – for those Aries natives born up to the end of March, this will be more in your face than later April birth dates – at least for the next couple of years. However, don’t worry, you’ll get your turn later on. Remember, it takes Uranus 7 years to go through Aries……..
With Uranus moving through your Solar 1st House you will begin to feel that life is exciting again. This is the time for you to begin to feel creative and inventive about the direction you want your life to take. However, Uranus can bring surprises – so even if things suddenly seem to be going backwards for a while, in hindsight you will see how necessary that was for you. Your challenges come at you from your career and home life. You may feel that you have to work all the hours you can just to keep afloat which can have an effect on your domestic life. You need to take time out to de-stress and maybe take up meditation in order to relax your wound up system. Your relationships will give you the structure you need or alternatively, you may feel that they are holding you down too much, when all you want is to be “free”.