Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Reality Check – 2010 through 2012

There is a lot of talk right now about this ongoing meeting that began on 6th June between Jupiter – the Great Benefic, or Good Guy, and Uranus – the Master of the unexpected and sudden reversals. This meeting takes place right at the beginning of Aries, although it all started a few weeks ago with Jupiter still in Pisces. The aspect is called a conjunction which combines the energies of the two planets.

I have a few things to say about this meeting – not least that, while there is undoubtedly excitement in the air, this is a conjunction that repeats every 14 years or so. Those born in the late 60s and mid 80s carry this in seed form within their psyches. It will ignite their lives and bring inevitable changes from now through until January 2011 – some upsetting and many brilliant. The conjunction will reform a further twice, falling back from Aries to the end of Pisces. So, anyone with birthdays around 18th – 24th March this year will notice something going on.

The German astrologer Rheinhold Ebertin called this the “Thank God” combination because people were heard to utter this when their lives were smiled on by these two planets. He suggested that any difficulties previously experienced would suddenly (Uranus) be removed by the Big Good Guy that is Jupiter. So, he would say that it brings “sudden Grace”.

If we put together the attributes of the two into what my dear friend Dennis Elwell called a holograph, we can begin to see more clearly and accurately what we could experience over the next half year:

Jupiter ………………………………Uranus

Expansion                                             Rebelliousness

Exaggeration                                       Sudden action

Openness                                              Flash of genius

Enthusiasm                                          Earthquakes

Warmth                                                 Accidents

Optimism                                             Space travel

Truth                                                     Detachment

Honesty                                               Disruption

Idealism                                              Independence

Philosophy                                        Eccentricity

Belief                                                    Inventiveness

Generosity                                        Technology

Abundance                                       Revolutions

Joy                                                      Insight

What we do next is to bring together, in no particular order, words from each column and see what we get. Like eccentric philosophy and grandiose leadership, for example, or exaggerated disruption to a meditation course. Just play with these two lists and check them out to see if they are behaving like this for you or for the world about you. Aries is the sign of initiation, beginnings, leaders, and warlike behaviour. Pisces is the sign of peace and spirituality. These need to be added to complete your picture. In the late 60s we went to the Moon on this aspect – how’s that for expanding our horizons with technology in Virgo, the sign of precision?

So far so good

However, isolating these two planets from their collective i.e. The Universe, is a little like removing the background in a photograph and just focusing on two characters in the foreground. It can render it meaningless, to be honest. You would rightly ask “Where are they? Are there others in the picture that we can’t see?” And so on.

In truth, the background is what flavours the action of these two planets – it provides the context. So, the first of the other characters in the photo is Saturn, planet of reality checks and contraction – in fact, the contrary meanings of Jupiter – is right now (June 2010) sitting exactly opposite this conjunction at the end of Virgo. No wonder all you end of Pisces and end of Virgo birthdays have felt all up in the air lately.

Saturn opposite Jupiter is actually a fairly straightforward aspect for us to deal with. It simply slows down the overdoing of Jupiter and enables realistic forward planning. Opposite Uranus is another matter – this can encourage ground (Saturn) breaking (Uranus) events to occur. Witness the volcanoes in Iceland and the earthquakes in South America. Those of you born in the mid sixties have Saturn opposite Uranus on your birth charts. In a clever spin of the cosmos, they were on the same late degrees of Virgo Pisces, but the other way round – so Uranus was entering Libra and Saturn Aries. And look how that period changed things!

The good news is that Saturn is moving on from this scenario within the next few weeks and will leave Jupiter and Uranus to schmooze without Saturn shouting “Turn it down!”

There is more

And this is where the picture gets very interesting. With Saturn at the beginning of Libra facing off Pluto sitting at the beginning of Capricorn again, we will inevitably have more of the financial crisis recurring. More of the organisations that are acting in unethical and dishonest ways will fall. Institutions that don’t fulfill their remit will be destroyed. This has been the key outcome of their recent relationship. We have already seen this happen over the previous meeting of these two planets through 2009 – and it will continue.

Saturn in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are repeating a pattern that formed across the solar system with Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Cancer – glaring at each other, struggling for dominance across the powerful Cardinal signs. This was in the early 30s – in fact, Uranus last entered Aries in 1928. Go look up those years on Google and see what was going on. The real difference between then and now was that Saturn was strong in Capricorn – his own sign – which maintained the institutions. Pluto will have no such compunctions. I’m thinking of the oil industries here, and the desperate need for the new technologies to take over. We know the technology is already there, we just need the will of the powers that be to get out of their marriage with the oil barons.

The message here is, if you are being told that everything is OK now, don’t believe it. Batten down your hatches, save your resources, and enjoy your life. You don’t have to spend money to be happy. Grow your own vegetables. Many of our “rights” will end – like the right to cheap air fares, for example. And the reality (Saturn) is that the planet can’t survive many of our apparent rights. Best to make the choice to do it differently – and then our lives will truly be changed!

And it really does have a world wide effect, because 0 degrees Aries is known as the World Point, because it is the first degree of the Zodiac and so impacts on each and every one of us. As our Prime Minister, David Cameron, said ”We’re all in this together.” So we watch and wait with non-attachment to the outcome. The Universe will turn and it will keep on turning with or without our involvement.

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