This Monday, 26th May, Mercury, the planet associated with communications and information technology of all kinds goes BACKWARDS!! And will remain so for the next 21 days, whereupon he will then go forwards again for another 4 months or so. Because he is the fastest planet he does this 3 times every year – so for those in the telecom and travel businesses, for example, these phase changes will always chime with quite a few turbulent days, on a fairly regular basis.
Now, we know a planet doesn’t go backwards, of course – however, seen from the subjective world we call Planet Earth – it does appear to. To be absolutely correct, it is in Apparent Retrograde Motion (the astronomical term for it). The effect of appearing to go backwards can be likened to slow trains and fast trains – as the fast train (A) speeds past the slower train (B), so train B seems, from the viewpoint of the passengers on both trains, to be going backwards. This planetary retrograde motion is caused by the orbit of the Earth overtaking the orbit of the second planet. It happens to all the planets at some point during each year, as seen from the Earth (for where else are we to see it from?).
Mercury is the Sun’s closest planet and is associated with merchants, communications of all kinds, movement across short distances – railways, motorways, canals; and with public servants, like the health and police services and the workers therein. He rules Gemini, the sign of information sharing, and Virgo, the sign of healing in all its myriad forms. Much has been written about the particular effects that the Retrograde period of Mercury can have on those who work in the above industries and also people born under Virgo and Gemini. Due to his three Retrograde periods each year many people are born with this position, obviously. I have noticed that these people tend by and large to resonate mentally during the times when the phase is repeated in the sky in real time. In other words, if you are born with a retrograde Mercury (or Venus or Mars, for that matter), you will be particularly effected by the change of phase from forward to backwards.
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