Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

June 22, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Saturday 21st June 2008 – “Summer Solstice”

We are all used to seeing the TV pictures of Druids performing their ceremonies at Stonehenge on 21st June each year. The attitude of those presenting these images in the various media seems to be one of bemusement and amusement – which usually comes from ignorance of what is really happening. 

It was the Romans who wiped out the Druids because they were a “backward cult” with little use to the Roman way of worshipping. However, these backward cultists were the keepers of an ancient secret wisdom that existed to relay information about our Celestial connections. A kind of “lest we forget” moment from the ancient world.

This secret that they acknowledge during their rituals is about the divisions in the sky – or annual time – by four. In other words, the Druids knew that the relationship between the Earth and the Sun have four particular phases. These are two Solstices – Summer and Winter – and two Equinox points. These four indicate the amount of light the Earth receives from the Sun.

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June 22, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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June 20: Mercury turned direct…hooray!

(With thanks to Australia’s leading Astrologer, Edgar Winter)

Ah, at last! Communication becomes less confusing and making decisions is no longer a battle. Ever since Mercury turned retrograde in its own sign Gemini on May 26, you’ve been spinning your wheels and going back over the same data and conversations. Now it’s time to leave that hamster wheel behind and put everything you’ve learned into practice. Sign those contracts, send out your resume or pick up the phone! The time is ripe to communicate all of your great ideas! However, it’s worth pointing out that things may seem to be in a holding pattern for a while yet as Mercury moves ever so slowly for about ten days, then he will finally get his act together and start whizzing around the Zodiac again. Until, the next retrograde phase, that is.

June 19, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Happy Birthday Cancerians!

The changeable, fluid and powerful Moon is your sign ruler and it is her phases that fill in the smaller details of your life. The bigger changes in your life are reflected in the movement of the slower moving planets. 

Over the last few years, life has been bowling along quite nicely for you – although with Saturn paying Cancer a visit from 2003-05 things were pretty tough. However, in the grand scheme of things you learned a lot about independence and selfhood, which is no bad thing, as Cancerians can often be dependent souls. Just to confuse things, however, in the middle of the same period i.e. 2004, Uranus the planet of changes and disruption was smiling at you across the Universe from Pisces, offering you exciting new possibilities – and that’s still going on for about 3 more years from now. How good is that?

This is a good year for you, then, filled with confidence boosting and a real sense of getting somewhere in life – can’t be bad.

This month’s New Moon focuses on you – if you have something to put out into the world around this time (3rd July) then this would be a good time to do it. For those whose birthday falls around this period, then you are really stepping foot into a year of new beginnings.

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May 26, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences for Grown-ups – May/June 2008

Happy Birthday, Gemini!

Geminis have been going through a most interesting few years, since early in the century, really. With Uranus going through Pisces since 2003 and challenging your every idea about yourself, your purpose and your life’s path, you can be sure that you will renewed on many different levels of your life by the end of the period in 2011. So early Geminis made the changes at the beginning of the cycle and now it’s late Geminis (10th-21st June) that are doing so for the next 3 years. 

These challenges fall mainly in the career and home areas of your life – career changes that say more about who you really are and a home makeover that expresses your inner values – don’t get stressed about any of this, just learn to listen to your feelings a little more rather than ignoring them. Instead of suffering nervous tension and burnout, take time out, walk, read and relax – try T’ai Ch’i, for example – it can all work wonders for your nervous system.

This month is an interesting one, as your ruling planet Mercury is going backwards in Gemini over the next 3 weeks. (For more insight on this please read this month’s blog article.) This means that you could receive news from an old friend from the past, lose your address book or have a telecom crash. Please make sure that you back up all your files, so that you are well protected just in case.  

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May 26, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences for Non-Geminians – Your Grown-up Astrology for May/June 2008

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 

Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading  and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path.  Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!! 

Please note that this year is a Leap year, which means that a day has been added to the calendar. So, you may notice that the beginning and end dates in some cases are a day earlier than usual.

Aries : 21st March – 20th April

We are all subject to the vagaries of Mercury’s retrograde motion – even Aries! You may have to bite the bullet and go through a load of paperwork that you thought you could forget. A good month for getting out and about, maybe checking out the lie of the land for some future projects you may already have in mind. Don’t make any decisions, though until after the 21st June – otherwise you could have to start over. You may design a plan of action and test out your ideas on a family member, who can be trusted.  Make sure you write everything down because things can move ahead very rapidly next month and you don’t need to overlook an important point in your zeal to push forward. With Mars in Leo,the Universe is behind you though, so you are right to feel enthusiastic about your future – just wait a little longer before you leap into action.

Taurus: 19th April – 20th May

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May 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Pluto in Capricorn and Indigo Children

Every time I pick up an astrological journal or even an ordinary newspaper, I read doom and gloom articles that seem designed to send us even deeper into a slough of despond. The recession, the major shifts in corporate power, modern slavery – all coming as the inevitable result of Pluto entering Capricorn.

I tend to look at life somewhat differently – in that I see it as a process of developing and shifting social and technological mores and values. I also work with the Law of Attraction, which has taught me that nothing simply happens without it being attracted in some way or another. By which I mean that as we focus on our fears of recession, bankruptcy, and loss of individual power that is exactly what we are likely to experience.

Conscious Entities

If on the other hand, we look at what the process this upcoming energy brought into being around 20 years ago, we can begin to understand how things are likely to work out differently. If we agree that life is a process, and not sliced like cheese, then we can accept also that the planets in their orbits reflect that process. They are weaving around the Zodiac, always inter-relating and inter-acting. An ancient view of the planets understood them to be conscious entities, and therefore conscious of each other. In other words, as conscious beings they know exactly where each planet is in relation to the others. So, in their orbiting and spiralling around the Sun they will all visit and revisit the same areas of the Zodiac ad infinitum and communicate this to each other. 

From the moment of the Big Bang, that was the birth of the Universe, these conscious entities “knew” where and more importantly for us, when they would “arrive” at a particular point of the Zodiac at any given point. Therefore, instead of looking at the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn with trepidation, we should look (possibly) at the state of Capricorn as it is at present. In other words, when we enter a room, we can always tell if someone’s been there before us by the state that the room is in. Any mother knows that!

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May 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

Mercury Changes Direction – Again!

This Monday, 26th May, Mercury, the planet associated with communications and information technology of all kinds goes BACKWARDS!! And will remain so for the next 21 days, whereupon he will then go forwards again for another 4 months or so. Because he is the fastest planet he does this 3 times every year – so for those in the telecom and travel businesses, for example, these phase changes will always chime with quite a few turbulent days, on a fairly regular basis.  

Now, we know a planet doesn’t go backwards, of course – however, seen from the subjective world we call Planet Earth – it does appear to. To be absolutely correct, it is in Apparent Retrograde Motion (the astronomical term for it). The effect of appearing to go backwards can be likened to slow trains and fast trains – as the fast train (A) speeds past the slower train (B), so train B seems, from the viewpoint of the passengers on both trains, to be going backwards. This planetary retrograde motion is caused by the orbit of the Earth overtaking the orbit of the second planet. It happens to all the planets at some point during each year, as seen from the Earth (for where else are we to see it from?).  

Mercury is the Sun’s closest planet and is associated with merchants, communications of all kinds, movement across short distances – railways, motorways, canals; and with public servants, like the health and police services and the workers therein. He rules Gemini, the sign of information sharing, and Virgo, the sign of healing in all its myriad forms.   Much has been written about the particular effects that the Retrograde period of Mercury can have on those who work in the above industries and also people born under Virgo and Gemini. Due to his three Retrograde periods each year many people are born with this position, obviously. I have noticed that these people tend by and large to resonate mentally during the times when the phase is repeated in the sky in real time. In other words, if you are born with a retrograde Mercury (or Venus or Mars, for that matter), you will be particularly effected by the change of phase from forward to backwards. 

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May 9, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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My Mentoring Program – Update

I am in the process of putting my Mentoring Program into an email format, so that you can study with me without having to rely on appointments on the phone. They will still consist of 6 initial lessons with an option for further work with me later.

These lessons will not replace my personal telephone sessions – you can still chose that option if you wish – it is really to facilitate ease for those of you outside of the UK or Europe.

Watch this space!



May 3, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Learning to let go – an astrologer’s view


One of the most important lessons I have learned from my studies as an astrologer is that everything that happens does so simply because it happens – and therefore everything that happens cannot be despised, only observed and perhaps understood a little more clearly.


Here in the UK we are sowing the seeds of political change, as indeed you are in the US. However, this article isn’t about politics, either British or American, as it’s not my subject. It’s the phenomenon of change that interests me and our reaction to it. Astrologers  all know that the planets change sign regularly like a series of drum beats each with their own particular rhythm. The Moon is the fastest and Pluto is the slowest. Whether or not Pluto is a planet is not a valid argument as we astrologers will tell you, we have a vast data bank of information on its collective and individual effects. 

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April 22, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Cosmic Influences for Grown-ups – May 2008

Happy Birthday, Taurus – this is your month to begin a new year all of your very own. And it is year in which relationships figure strongly. Things have been quite intense for you over the last few months with Saturn in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, the other two Earth Signs. They have been looking across the Zodiac at your own Earth sign with somewhat serious smiles – which means that basically they’re on your side and will support you, provided you put the effort in and cooperate with them – then the rewards could really be quite something! However, as Pluto will be doing his smiley thing for the next 16 years, you’ve got plenty time to get your act together. And easy-going, gentle as you are, you will need to take your time as change comes slowly for you. 

Artistic, beautiful Venus, your ruling planet, will enter her own sign of Taurus at the end of April, so this is a good month to enjoy all the pleasures that life offers you. You could try a new hairstyle or go for a make-over. Your wardrobe may need a revamp which could be great fun, especially if you take a close friend with you and make a day of it!  With Mars slowly going through Cancer at the same time, this could be the perfect time to socialise with family members and also get out and about locally – you never know who you may meet. It is important that you Taureans make an effort to discover new people and groups, rather than always staying within your social comfort zone.

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April 19, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Left Brain/Right Brain and the Eternal Search for the Beloved.

I have just watched the most extraordinary video clip of a talk given by Dr Jill Bolte Taylor a neuroanatomist, or brain researcher, of Harvard University. The 18 minute talk describes how she awoke one morning, aged only 37, to find herself in the process of having a stroke. (See references below)Ironically, it couldn’t have happened to a better qualified person than Dr Jill. Even as the left hemisphere of her brain was undertaking its 4 hour journey towards total collapse, thus rendering her unable to walk, talk, read write or remember who she was; she was still curious about the actual unfolding of the event.

As the golf ball sized blood clot took over her left hemisphere Dr Jill was still functioning full on in her right hemisphere and discovering the place where mystics yearn to go. She discovered a mental state where time did not exist, which was a centre of bliss and joy, intuition and an overwhelming sense of connectedness to all and everything, an ego-lessness.

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April 6, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Pluto Revisits the Cosmic Cowboy

Pluto stood stock still in the heavens on 2nd April and will begin his backwards move to revisit Sagittarius, the sign of the Cosmic Cowboy, over the next few months. On September 10th, 2008, he will slowly get his act together to finally return to Capricorn, where he will reside until November, 2024.We know that planets don’t really move backwards – it is a relative effect seen only from the Earth (where else would you be seeing it from, I ask?). It is caused by the Earth’s orbit overtaking Pluto’s orbit and speeding forward. This is optically the same as being on a fast train overtaking a slow train – from your vantage point on the fast train, the slow train appears to be moving backwards; from the slow train you feel as if you’re moving backwards. Remember – all the planets have their retrograde periods at some point in their cycles as seen from Earth.

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March 30, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Affirmations – do they work?

This is a question that everyone first asks when they look at affirmations. They say – how can they work – they’re only words? They say – it’s all just positive thinking for the chattering classes – rubbish! To be honest, I’ve heard them all and more – some too rude to write down here for your tender eyes.

So, let’s start by ascertaining what an Affirmation really is. The Concise Oxford Dictionary says: a statement of fact; a strong assertion. (Note the word “strong”, there). It is also a legal statement for those who do not wish to make a religious declaration in court, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. It seems that ANY statement we make strongly about ourselves as if it were true is an affirmation – and nowhere does the definition mention positive thinking!

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March 29, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Shopping Online

I’m not sure if you buy anything on the internet other than perhaps books and CDs at Amazon but if you do , read on…..

A friend mentioned this online shopping to me and showed me that I could earn money, much like loyalty points at Tesco but instead its real money they send you.

The whole purpose of the online shop is that you use it for self consumption. You don’t have to get anyone else to buy stuff from your shop you just join for free and then whenever you want to buy anything you simply do it through your own Ei42 shop and you earn yourself a commission.

How EASY is that?

The REALLY good news is that we are all able to refer other friends and family to join us. There really is nothing to lose, we all help each other. Click the banner below to see my shop and to find out more click the “Find out more” link at the top right of the page.

Everybody seems to be talking about this and it’s growing really quickly. If you consider how many people joined ‘facebook’ for social networking last year, (in the UK alone it was about 20,000 per day!) imagine how many will join this where we can all earn money?

Click the link above and join now then pass it on to your friends. This is NEW and we are some of the first to know about it so we have an unfair advantage at the moment.

See you at the shops!

March 23, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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How To Achieve Happiness In All Your Relationships

This article offers a way of achieving complete freedom from the grind of failing relationships. In fact, what is going to be written here should be taught from the moment we come into the world until the day we leave it.There are many different kinds of relationships – there are friendships, acquaintances, neighbours, colleagues, parents and children; and, of course, the biggie – life partners, whether married, live-in, or even, divorced. Then we have relationships with the people who run our services, such as supermarket cashiers, staff, utility workers, medical practitioners and dentists. We even have relationships with our cats, dogs, horses, rabbits and other pets.  

And in every single one of those relationships described above, we have expectations from them and of them. In other words we expect them to behave in a certain way, and when they don’t, as inevitably they won’t, we are disappointed and blame them. The result being that the relationship becomes an unhappy one. 

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