Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Pluto through the ages

I recently heard someone on the BBC Radio saying how they were going to sit out the present crisis and wait until everything returned to “normal”. And I thought to myself that this isn’t going to happen, because there is no normal to get back to any more

The old ‘normal’ was different countries and their industries being isolated, that came from the old idea that we are all separated from each other, and in competition in a kind of “selfish gene” way. And I wondered why they seem to be still living in the 1950s when we did think and act like that and why they haven’t been reading the latest ideas on how we have to support each other and cooperate to achieve whatever we want to achieve.

I heard a discussion programme (again on the BBC) a couple of days ago, in which there was a discussion between 3 scientists and an artist who uses scientific imagery for her work. They were discussing evolution, creation, the bible and other “mythologies”. There was no one from the mystic or spiritual disciplines at all. They were all making assumptions as if they had all the answers and nothing would change their minds – oh, the hubris, I thought. The worship of an idea that is only 100 years or so old (ie Evolution) that flies in the face of creation myths that are thousands of years old is amazing. To dismiss the old stories makes the Gods and Goddesses very angry, and so we watch – and see how Pluto is doing these days.



Now that Pluto is going through Capricorn, the sign that represents the old order, conservatism, boundaries, structures and the corporate world, we are really being given a golden opportunity to put change consciously on our agenda. Actually, we don’t have a choice or an opportunity because Pluto will do his bit whether we like it or not – but I guess we still like the idea that we can ‘do’ and things will change. We can’t and they won’t – and that’s the bottom line. We need a completely new approach – see Vivan Green’s piece below.

As you know I love to look back in history to the last time planets occupied certain signs to see what was going on then. In 1270, Pluto entered Capricorn. This was a period of extreme flooding that had brought some English Cinque ports to ruin, with towns being flooded and cliffs falling into the sea.

In the Netherlands, St Lucia’s flood killed over 50,000 people and reshaped the coastline of both England and Holland. As a result the Zuider Zee was destroyed and Amsterdam gained sea access, which allowed its development as an important port city. The South Eastern part of England, namely the Fen areas, had many churches blown and destroyed by severe winds and torrential rains.

Kublai Khan’s great invasion fleet was wrecked by a Typhoon on the Japanese coast. The Japanese were so grateful to God, that they named the Typhoon Kamikaze, meaning Divine Wind. The khan’s ships were carrying 140,000 troops who would have completely destroyed the Japanese people and given Japan to China. Instead it was the invading army that was completely destroyed.

In Sicily, in 1282, there was a massacre which put the entire country into the hands of rebels – the native population rid themselves of their French oppressors in one fell swoop. They then claimed independence from France.

In 1517 (the next time Pluto was in Capricorn) Martin Luther nailed revolt to the castle door in Elbe, Germany. He argued that priests should not stand between men (!) and the bible, and that faith was a gift from God. He did not think it could be gained by scholarship. And a new religion was in the process of being born. This effectively cut Northern Europe off from their more profligate neighbours in Catholic Southern Europe – an argument, I would suggest, that is echoing across Europe today.

In 1520, bankers in Spain, won the election, effectively buying the crown for King Charles 1st of Spain. I promise you that I’m not making this up!

Portugal became Europe’s richest state. Chivalry ruled the “Field of the Cloth of Gold” in 1520, when Henry VIII and Francis of France dedicated a chapel to mark their friendship. Everything about the encounter smelled of money – the pavilions were made of cloth of gold and cost thousands of pounds, that no doubt came from taxes.

At the end of Pluto’s sojourn in Capricorn, Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn and became head of the Anglican Church. The Reformation had happened – the old structure was pulled down and another one built in its place.

Then the next PL in CAP was during the period of revolt against the British and their American Colonies in the 1770s which ended with the Declaration of Independence. And here’s an interesting one – it was discovered that tooth decay began on the surface of the tooth not the interior – Pluto breaking down walls again – this time with tooth enamel. Even on that small scale the hand of PL can be discerned.

And that brings us up to the present period of Pluto in CAP – and we’ve another decade to go, folks!

However, we can see the way things appear to be going during this time.


I had a tweet from one of my commenting readers, Vivian Greene who wrote the following to the editor of the Huffington Post: Economic recovery is not dependent on “jobs”. The days of wasting time and gas commuting to sit in a little box with a neck tie or pantyhose to toil for 25 years and a gold watch or the demise of the corporation is transforming. Our recovery is dependent on our CREATIVITY. You’ve done it yourself. (ie the editor). You are one of my most admired people on the planet. Look what you did with your recent crowd funder. This “crisis” is like surgery. Not so comfortable, sometimes painful, costly to be sure. But a new healthier and happier life is shouting at our door. Let’s look at the brain…and don’t forget the heart, and to listen.

Vivian can be found at viviangreene.org/learning-to-dance-in-the-rain/ – she’s wonderful and well worth a look.