Today we have the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere – of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that the Sun entered Aries this morning GMT. From where I’m sitting in snowy Scotland you would never guess that Spring is actually here! It’s freezing and has been snowing, albeit wetly, for the last 4 days. I imagine that the Jet Stream must be sitting above Barcelona rather than the Shetlands, where it should be at this time of year.
Today we have powerful energies playing across our Solar System with Sun and Mars both in Aries coming up to conjoin Uranus in Aries all square Pluto in Capricorn at some point over the next few days This is a highly explosive combination for the trouble spots across the globe. I know that Uranus doesn’t technically square Pluto until June, but Sun, Mars and dear Venus will all “translate the light’ from Uranus to Pluto over the end of March. This term – to translate the light – simply means that once they have caught up with Uranus, they will one by one pick up the baton or the energy pattern of Uranus and pass it on to challenge Pluto. It is an ancient rule used by astrologers who work with Mundane or Political Astrology. I have found that it also works with personal charts, too.
So, all we can ever do in such circumstances is to observe – observation is a great teacher, so said PD Ouspensky the Russian mystic. He was meaning it in an individual inner developmental sense – I am applying it to world or mundane events. And actually there’s little that we can do to change the prevailing circumstances anyway – it’s out of our hands. However, we can observe and recognise that this is how nations can respond to violent cosmic energies – they seem to take up their weapons in a warlike fashion.
If we pick the energies apart, we can see that Aries is the sign of beginnings, of innovation and yes, it can get angry when thwarted. Mars is its ruling planet – action, courage, determination, will-power, the urge to do ‘something’ even if it’s to enjoy work or fighting. The Sun is exalted in Aries – meaning that the ancients needed warriors to fight their corner – wouldn’t it be better if the Sun were exalted in Libra, the sign of the peacemaker? And then dear Venus gets into the fray and becomes one of the Amazons – she loses her sensitivity in Aries and becomes quite bolshie – ready to stand by her man in any struggle. Watch out for news about women soldiers, either fighting or being kidnapped, when she squares Pluto over Easter at the end of March.
Uranus is sudden events, lightening strikes, revolution and change. Pluto is a different kind of energy altogether being deep, slow moving, force majeure and invisible unseen forces. With them facing each other off, we are all in for some sad television viewing, I would suggest.
This morning, I was chatting to a friend and offered to look at the chart of her daughter’s upcoming wedding. She showed surprise that I could do a chart for an event like that. I told her that the only way the ancients could read for an ordinary person was by putting up a chart for the moment they visited the astrologer. This is a technique known as Horary Astrology and has strict rules by which to read it. In those days it was only royal personages who had their birth charts accurately drawn up by the court astrologer, but no one else. No clocks or calendars for the illiterate poor in those days.
I have been feeling the hand of Neptune over all the news coverage of the 10th Anniversary of the Iraq War. However, even 10 years ago, it all felt very Neptunian i.e. everything in the clouds, with no solid proof of any of the claims that were being made by the various governments – particularly by GWBush and Tony Blair. There were no weapons of mass destruction nor was there any hint of involvement in the 9/11 Twin Towers Bombing by the poor Iraqi people.
We may never get to the bottom of what really happened that tragic September morning 12 years ago – but it certainly was no reason to bomb Iraq.
I have examined the chart for 9/11 and can see no relationship between it and the one discussed below. However, the obfuscation is very Neptunian – now you see it, now you don’t!
We have an exact time for the first bombs being dropped on the poor unfortunates of Iraq. The US Air Force bombed a farmhouse in the countryside outside Baghdad, on the – wrong as it turned out – intelligence (Neptune!) that Saddam Hussein always spent his weekends on a farm there with his two sons and their families. He hadn’t been there for years.
Bombs fell and killed 14 villagers. The time was 5h30 Baghdad time on 19th March, 2003. The chart shows Pluto exactly overhead the moment the first bomb dropped, opposite Saturn below, on the ground, so to speak. This hard aspect i.e. 180 degrees, between Saturn and Pluto is a common trigger in Middle Eastern politics – Israel/Palestine were “born” under the conjunction; the war in Lebanon had the same conjunction 35 years later; and the Iran/Iraq war through from 1980.
The position of Saturn at the base of the bombing chart shows a land/nation ruined for years to come, as Saturn grinds slowly. Pisces (Neptune’s sign) rises and represents Iraq while Virgo is on the 7th House i.e. the United States. Mercury rules the 7th house of open enemies and is placed in the 1st House i.e. Iraq, so the open enemy came to them. In Pisces Mercury can be weak and misguided. Had weapons of mass destruction existed at all, I would have expected the bombing chart to have either Pluto or Uranus in the 4th House, not Saturn – the reality check planet.
And today we seem to be celebrating it – not shrouding our heads and lamenting for our powerlessness when our leaders get the bit between their teeth and take us with them, at such a great cost to all involved.
I look forward to reading your comments.