Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Age of Aquarius

Over the last number of blogs (quite a number, in fact) I have been writing about the furore caused by the Uranus/Pluto square. And true to this pattern, I am once again visiting the field of their activity because it is being stirred up by the Sun in early Libra touching them both off.

The Sun is creating a T-Square with both Uranus and Pluto this week – this means that it is opposite Uranus and both planets are 90 degrees away from Pluto. This makes a figure of a T and as such is a stressful aspect, both on a birth chart and in the sky in real time.

Luckily, Jupiter is too far ahead to create a Grand Cross by filling in the 4th quarter of this pattern right now – we have to wait for that pleasure. However, we have a New Moon coming up in a few days time that could add to the pressure. This has me wondering what is going on with this “shutdown” that the US government is bringing about, causing havoc for the ordinary people in the country. As it is a system I am unfamiliar with, I have little comment to make – I am simply observing the process. My education about US politics came via “The West Wing” series, written by Aaron Sorkin. I am halfway through series 4 boxset – and confess that this is my 5th time of watching – and I love it! I know it’s idealistic – but doesn’t every human deserve good governance such as President Bartlett offers his country? And, yes, I do know, it’s only a story.

I notice that over these few days, the Sun in Libra is making an aspect of 150 degrees (quincunx) to Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 10 degrees Pisces. This aspect is associated with health issues – and isn’t it President Obama’s health plan that is being used as the lever that is shutting down the US?

The power of Libra, is shining through once again, with the German elections creating a need for cooperative government by Angela Merkel, who, while gaining a majority of votes last week, didn’t have enough to sail to victory alone. This meant that she had to bring in other parties to support her in coalition.

All this cooperation is virtually unheard of – and it bodes well for the new Age of Aquarius, the sign of humanity, liberalism and equality for all. This was heralded in on 23rd December, 2012, when we began a whole new 26,000 year Solar system orbit of our Grand Central Sun. It hasn’t taken long for the energy to get into gear and start questioning all the old ways of doing business out there on our planet. Aquarius is the sign of the enlightened common human being, while its opposite sign, Leo represents the Priest Kings that lurk in our collective shadow as tyrants and religious fanatics. An interesting age to be living through for the next 2,000 years, and this is just the beginning.

It is worth noting that Aquarius is symbolised in the 4 creatures of the Apocalypse by the Angel or winged man. This equates with St Matthew, said to represent reason and humanity, which pretty much sums up Aquarius. The other creatures are the Bull, Taurus, St Luke, sacrifice, strength; the Lion, Leo, St Mark showing royalty, courage, resurrection; and the Eagle, Scorpio, St John, vision, heavens, spirit.

7th Harmonics

I was struck by the relationship between Neptune and Pluto over these past few months – they are making a Septile aspect together. This is a division of the Zodiac by 7, also known as the 7th Harmonic, and consists of an aspect of around 52 degrees. This is described as an aspect of inspiration and sacrifice to some higher ideal. The Syrian gas attacks fall into the negative side of this aspect, particularly as Neptune is associated with gas and Pluto with mass deaths.

In “Mundane Astrology” by Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion and Charles Harvey, the authors note that this cycle seems to have a fated quality about the events and circumstances of this period (i.e. duration of the aspect). PL and NE were making a septile from 1937 through 1942 which saw both the positive and negative collective “inspiration” as the world was plunged into and idealogical struggle to the death. It was also during this period that atomic research reached new heights.

On the positive side, the antibiotic penicillin was developed. Also the first transatlantic flights by Pan-Am began two days after the 1939 septile of NE/PL – both these events showed the larger vision working there for all to benefit.

Armed with this information and insight, we must step back and see what else is on the table for us collectively from a positive outworking of these two heavy planets now. Certainly in the mass gassings through the WWII period and the development of nuclear weapons, together with Syria’s recent mass gas attack we must hope that there is more on offer from the mystical side of inspiration and sacrifice to a higher ideal. Maybe we could all desire less, be happier with a simpler way of life, give thanks for what we have and who we are – that would be a good start.