Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Planets are never out to get us – it only feels like it!

The Planets are never out to get us – it just feels like it!

We are living in interesting times – in the Chinese sense – and this is reflected in the planetary line up in our solar system right now. But, here’s the thing – it is that the planets are not to blame for our woes. They do not cause anything – rather it is our own reactions to the pressure of their combined energies that can set the cats among our pigeons.

The general feeling seems to be that the world is in crisis – no it isn’t – many countries are doing fine, thank you. So, step one is to stop believing that the Western world is the centre of the Universe. Step two is to understand what is going on from an energetic planetary level. Ancient astrologers and priest-kings used to teach that the planets were “intelligences”, each with its own separate thought form and effect on human intelligence. However, they were only aware of the visible planets Sun/Moon out to Saturn until 1780s when Uranus was spotted through a telescope.

Our present situation involves the so-called outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, that were “discovered” at different points over the last 200 years through technology. Their inter-related cycles signal huge shifts of consciousness operating in our human lives, both personally and collectively. Each of these three have long orbits and thus remain in their signs for many years, thus ensuring that we get the message and shift our attitudes and behaviours.

So let’s break the present collective “soup” into its separate components:

1. Uranus, UR, planet of higher mental functions and creativity of the scientific variety, is in the sign Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, implying birth and new beginnings. It will be there for the next 7 years or so. It is the planet that is associated with scientific discoveries and the new physics. It was the first planet to be observed by telescope in 1784 and the association with technology has stuck ever since.

2. Neptune, NE, planet of devotion and spirituality is about to enter mystical, poetic, altruistic and compassionate Pisces in February 2012, and will remain there for the next 13 years or so. It has an emotional bent and seeks union with the divine through spiritual pursuits and artistic endeavours.

3. Pluto, PL, planet of profound breakdown and breakthrough first entered Capricorn at the beginning of 2008 until 2024. Capricorn is the sign of containment – government, institutions like banks, hospitals, etc – and ambition. It is easy to gain insight into what’s been happening to the Western world for the last few years, with the finances of the major players crumbling.

They are the raw ingredients of our soup – and now we need to understand how they will play out together in the future, by looking at their past interactions and seeing how history may give us a hint of where we could be heading.

As long as you remember that the planets are not out to get us – their agenda is to help us expand our consciousness – our problems come when we try to resist their demands and attempt to hold on to the status quo. The divine plan will unfold whether we resist it or not. The real thrust of all this is to ensure that we run our social groups differently, in peace and harmony with others; with religious tolerance; and with a light touch on the planet Earth.

The most intense planetary relationship (or aspect) is the present ongoing conflict between Uranus and Pluto. The aspect is one of 90 degrees or square – always known to be a tense pattern. The exact aspect will be over by summer (Northern Hemisphere) in 2015.

It is the first square since they were sitting beside each other (a conjunction aspect) through the mid-to late nineteen sixties. It was a period of massive shifts in consciousness and technology – the babies born then are the very people who are running our governments now. This is no accident, rather it is part of the Divine Plan. NE was involved with them, too, as now – signified by the Summer of Love, of an explosion of new mystical exploration and idealism. The air was humming with creativity. It was an exciting time to be alive, as the old attitudes dissolved and were replaced by a real sense of optimism for the future.

NE is once again in the mix now – making a gentle 60 degree aspect to PL offering an opportunity for an compassionate flavour to enter our consciousness. However, we have to make an effort, not just talk about it, to get the most from the energy. Our young leaders embody that pattern of energy in their genetic makeup. Our planet will heave a huge sigh of relief, I have no doubt.

The time before this when UR and PL stared across the skies in another 90 degree square aspect, was the early nineteen thirties. The financial atmosphere is similar to now, as I’m sure we can all feel to some extent, but the sign placement was different. True to say that UR was in Aries as now (it has an 84 year orbit around the Sun) but PL was in Cancer, from 1914 until 1939, the sign most associated with tribes, clans, family groups and suspicion of anyone who is not like us. Sadly NE was nowhere to be seen during that period. Altruism, humanity and compassion were in short supply. It was a dark time in our history, with a highly costly shift of consciousness towards the beginnings of international unity and peace.

Let’s just see how it all pans out in the longer term. As long as we remember that it is a process that could take aeons to come to fruition. Such clear indications of a Universal pattern cannot be ignored. It restores my faith in both humanity and the Divine.


We are all swimming in this collective soup – why not contact me for an in-depth reading of how this impacts in your life personally.