Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Get it and move on – because your Soul needs you to.

Astrology teaches us that we are all connected to the Solar System and to each other by the Divine energy that flows through us – as Joni Mitchell sings “We are Stardust, we are Golden”.

That we really are all made up of stardust is now recognised by astrophysicists. We are all made of the same “star stuff” interconnected with each other, and every other living thing on our planet, the other planets of our Solar System, The Sun, the stars, and the Universe itself – how amazing is that?

In her book “The Field”, Lynne McTaggart describes the growing scientific evidence that there is a subtle energy field underlying and connecting everything that is. Could this then be the same thing that we call God?

This subtle energy permeates us all and is all. As one spiritual teacher said “We are all swimming in God all the time.” It has been recognised by the ancient cultures of Egypt, China, Persia, India, Hawaii, Tibet, Native America and Australia, etc, for thousands of years and beyond. It is only in the last 400 years in our Western culture, that an attempt has been made to cut us off from our cosmic connection, from the Age of Reason. During this period, religion sought to disconnect us from God, as well. The cultures above taught that each one of us could have a direct relationship with God without interference from any authorities.

Wallace Wattles* says it is “The Thinking Stuff from which all things are made, which in its original state permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the Universe”. The ancients above also taught that the planets themselves are conscious beings and act as our memory banks. This is something I have attempted to convey when I have mentioned in past articles how the same events seem to cross ages and nations, when their orbits butt up against each other – much like the 30s, the mid-60s, early-80s and now, for example – same planets, same events, different nations and cultures.

So, from the moment you take your first breath you will reflect those Universal energies and memories. Your birth chart is not static, though, because life is not static – the planets that attended your birth – with trumpets sounding! – continue along their orbits, and will work on your energy field throughout your life. Touching you through events and other people – because they embody growth and development for you. Unless you’re living in a cave, that is.

Your energy field is unique to you and yet it contains all your ancestors, your parents, siblings etc. If we looked at the birth chart of one of your siblings it would show two different parents than yours – except with twins – because is one of you has a different experience to be lived out with them.

Many years ago I was teaching two brothers in my astrology class. One brother had indications that saw his mother as a victim and wanted to protect her; the other brother’s chart showed a combative woman filled with rage who could fight with him every inch of the way. Please bear in mind that these two charts were for the moment of birth before any of this behaviour kicked off – now 25 years later. They realised that the fights and the need to protect their mother, showed, to their detriment, that they were locked into an unconscious pattern that kept them apart. Armed with this information, they felt it was time to liberate this woman who was their mother, so that she could get on with her own life. This further enabled them to leave home and follow their own paths – one joined the army – I have no idea what happened to the other. No doubt he would look for a way to save the world somehow.

This story illustrates that you attract nothing that is not in your energy field, or on your chart, in seed form. Everything on it will present itself to you for you to “get it and move on” from. Except those thorny issues that repeat and repeat, seemingly forever, tie up your life and cut you off from joy.

This type of circumstance is what psychologists call “Transference” where we reflect our pattern onto others – a bit like always being attracted to the same type of partner who always treats you the same. Psychology calls this behaviour neurotic (their word, not mine). I believe that without Transference we can never grow. We attract people and circumstances in order to mirror our soul lessons, things we came here this time to work through.

Counter-transference is when the other person seems to be the perfect for your needs. And they are – they will have a tiny reflection that mirrors your stuff – and bingo! off you go again!

This is all unconscious, of course, no one would behave like this out of choice, would they? Well …… they might. But I would think making a conscious choice to suffer is how the mystics do it – the rest of us just seem to do it again and again, without any understanding of what is really going on.

And why do you/we do it? I believe because it is the only way that soul can see itself – and that’s why we made the choice to come here this time to help it discover more.

*Wallace Wattles – the man who wrote the book that is the secret behind ‘The Secret’.


Need to discover more? Why not sign up for 6 sessions of Soul Psychology with me, via Skype, email or phone? My details are: email [email protected] – Skype dawnekovan – iPhone +44 (0)7957856207

Or why not contact me and set up a birth chart reading? I work electronically, sending readings out worldwide, enabling you to download them straight onto your desktop or into your iTunes. Then after you have listened a couple of times you can call me or email to discuss the finer points or ask questions if you so wish – most of my clients love this part, to be honest.

My details are: email [email protected] – Skype: dawnekovan – iPhone +44(0)7957856207

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