Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Effects of Mars in Your Sign

In my last article on Mars activating the Stephen Lawrence murder I showed how a so-called personal planet can deepen its effect when it is in retrograde motion.

For an explanation of this term please see my previous blog.

Today’s article will bring this effect from the broader picture of politics into everyday life. I will examine Mars as it sits for the next 6 months in Virgo and how that impacts on your own sign, so that you can gain a some insight into what is going on for you right now.

Here’s how Mars works:

Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio
Metal – Iron
Colour – Red
People – Warriors and Engineers
Rules the Adrenals
Tuesday is his day


Mars orbits the Sun from outside the Earth’s path. It is traditionally known as the Red Planet, and its reddish tinge can be easily seen in the night sky. People with a strong Mars often have red hair

To the ancient Romans, Mars was the God of War and ruler of the Roman culture. Gustav Holst in his “Planet Suite” had the same idea. Mars is the action planet of focus and determination; self-assertion and aggression; loves a good argument and is highly competitive. His association with iron gives him gifts both as a swordsman and a surgeon. As the counter-part of Venus, he seeks to establish individuality and personal willpower.

In his Aries aspect he is the foot soldier, resolutely fighting his way through the enemy’s ranks. In his Scorpio mode he is the General, planning his strategy subtly, from the safety of his bunker.

The sign in which Mars is placed on a chart indicates how the person expresses courage and initiative.

Mars and You:

Please Note – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your actual day of birth – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. Remember that this is a 6 month effect!

Aries : 21st March – 20th April: Your natural ruler Mars is activating your 6th house of daily routines, coworkers, employees, and health. This will create within you the drive to get things done as quickly as possible, maybe even at the cost of good office relationships. It important to realise that this can make life stressful for you and others around you. While you are the one with this transit, others may be of a milder temperament and feel threatened by all your stamping around. To avoid over stressing yourself and bringing on headaches why not take up a new health regime or martial art that will channel your high octane energy right now. Give yourself and those closest to you a rest – you will find that you can be more effective that way.

Taurus: 19th April – 20th May: Mars is activating your 5th House of creativity, pleasure, children and love affairs. Your natural laid back way of dealing with life is being stirred up, offering you an opportunity to be more impulsive than you otherwise may be. This is an exciting and active time for you – so why not enjoy it? This aspect of Mars to your Sun is a positive and supportive one, so if others come along with exciting projects, give them an ear. You have enough common sense to be able to sift through what is meaningful and what is not. Your creativity will be activated, too, as will your enjoyment of your children, if you have them. Take an action holiday in a nature reserve. And, yes, well, love affairs – have fun!

Gemini: 20th May – 20th June: Mars is activating your 4th House of domestic matters, family life, parents and your basic security. This can lead to family dramas and changes in your home life – such as an elderly parent moving in or out; a child leaving home for adulthood; a need to expand your home environment using work people. A good use of this energy could be to clear out your loft or garage of things that are past their day. You may need to watch your quick mind as you could suffer from “foot in mouth” syndrome and later find it hard to retrieve previous equilibrium. Your neighbourhood may be the focus of road works, drilling and restructuring. An old friend from the past may contact you and offer you an interesting future.

Cancer: 21st June – 22nd July: Mars is activating your 3rd House of siblings, cousins, communication, paperwork, learning a useful new skill. You may find that a lot of your energy is taken up with the demands of your siblings. This can bring up a lot of memories around how you were expected to be there for them to the detriment of your own needs being acknowledged. However, with Mars on your side you will be well able to fight your corner and emerge triumphant. As this is a long transit of Mars, you are likely to notice that a new strand of strength has become part of your armoury for future self-assertion. No more hiding inside your shell. You may find that learning a new skill could enhance your career opportunities.

Leo: 22nd July – 22nd August: Mars is activating your 2nd House of personal finances, earnings, your comfort zone. This is a time of letting go of hopes that have little chance of coming true and facing what will serve you in the longer term. What is it you really want? What do you value above all else? What beliefs about yourself do you steer your ship by? These are important questions and now is the time to find the answers and create your new life. You will have a lot of energy for earning – and as you let go of those outworn values, you will attract whole new possibilities for doing more. You have to move out of your comfort zone, in order to move on, however – Mars requires action from you, too!

Virgo: 22nd August – 22nd September: Mars is activating your 1st House of personal desires, your own interests, your passions. Mars in Virgo can to be somewhat fragmented in Virgo as all the minutiae and the details that you love to examine, can get in the way of the clarity that Mars needs in order to be effective. By all means write your lists, but do so in a way that intends everything to be done – and don’t get hooked on how neat and tidy your list looks – just do it! If you want to achieve something, then go ahead, Mars is on your side and raring to support you in whatever you decide to do. You may surprise yourself by coming out with all guns blazing – go for it – it’s about time!

Libra: 22nd September – 23rd October: Mars is activating your 12th House of hidden matters, spiritual nourishment, imagination and longing. Mars can be a bit down and dirty for a nice well mannered Libran like you – but it might be just what you need. This could be the time that you find an interesting lover, but can’t let anyone know for whatever reason. Just make sure that it won’t cost you too much in terms of your integrity – and as long as you are clear about that, then good luck. You may decide that you’ve had enough of compromising just to keep the peace – if it’s peace you want, join the Peace Corps and make a career statement! This could be a good time for you to develop your hobby into a profitable niche market.

Scorpio 23rd October – 21st November: Mars is activating your 11th House of your social life, groups, political values, and boy does he flourish here! Mars is your ruling planet and always creates interest wherever he is retrograde. This is the time for you to clear out the unnecessary social ties that no longer serve either you or the others. They have probably been feeling the same for quite some time, too. It’s time for you all to move on and create the space for new people, new ideas and new life. You may change your social ideas and seek out the those who reflect your new values. Don’t get stressed about it – bite the bullet and move on. It will impact positively on your emotional health. And your body will thank you!

Sagittarius 21st November – 21st December: Mars is activating your 10th House of career, being visible in the world. Mars likes Sagittarian energy, so you’re already one step ahead of the pack. This is a good time to re-examine your career goals and what action will achieve them. You may be in a situation where you have done a lot of the usual Sagittarian stuff, travelling, moving on etc, and now face the reality of your next step – how to make it all hang together to keep the wolf from your door. Take a good look at what you have already learned and see if any of it can creatively enhance your career life. Mars rules your houses of creativity and dreams, so get the old photos out and see what could be next.

Capricorn 21st December -19th January: Mars is activating your 9th House of self belief, religion, foreign travel, higher education. You like to climb mountains and take on challenges, so Mars is perfectly placed to assist you to do that now. Mars has a very strong connection with Capricorn and so will help you focus on your next steps. You may find that this is a good time for looking at how you see yourself and value what you see. This could be a time for a real self-confidence boost that will bring you more joy. You are likely to make decisions about home, clearing out the things that no longer serve this new image and may also look at your friends – do they support you or denigrate you? Time for a clear out!

Aquarius 20th January – 19th February: Mars is activating your 8th House of shared resources, taxes, mortgages, inheritances, etc. This is a tricky Mars for you as you are usually a reasonable soul who gets along with most people. However, you may spend a lot of your time examining your intimate relationship and wonder what’s in it for you? Are you the one putting out all the time then counting the cost? It could be a good idea to hire an accountant to work out the finer details for you just so that you’re clear. You may also gain an inheritance – now wouldn’t that be nice in these straitened times? And if you do inherit, then you have to employ an accountant to sort out the taxes. It’s just that time in your life.

Pisces 19th February – 20th March: Mars is activating your 7th House of relationships, the needs of others versus your needs, how you achieve relationship harmony. You may feel that you are on a roller coaster with your nearest and dearest. Are you itching to travel to a far flung ashram or to go back into higher education that will nourish and broaden you – and they are resisting the idea? Time to fight your corner to get what you want, at least in part. Or is it your partner who wants to do the exploring, leaving you wondering where you stand in it all? It is important that you state your thoughts and feelings clearly and not escape into your imagination. Others need you to be clear with them, so that they can act accordingly.


Why not have a chart reading by Dawne?

As you have read from my various blogs over the past 4 years, you are more than your Sun Signs. You also have a Moon, Mercury, Mars, etc all in different signs plus your Ascendant calculated from your time and place of birth, all interweaving to produce the energy net that is your personal astrological mixture and makes each one of us unique on Earth right now.

You will also have read about these different planets interacting with each other in the sky in real time. Did you realise that they also interact with our personal birth charts, offering events, development and spiritual growth. It is this that interests me the most – the energy dynamic that is you and what it means in the longer term of your life as it unfolds.

Why not contact me and set up a reading? I work electronically, sending readings out worldwide, enabling you to download them straight onto your desktop or into your iTunes. Then after you have listened a couple of times you can call me or email to discuss the finer points or ask questions if you so wish – most of my clients love this part, to be honest.

My details are: email [email protected] – Skype dawnekovan – iPhone +44 (0)7957-856207



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