Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

Happy Birthday Capricorn for 2009

Finally, your reading for the coming year! – As you may know I had major surgery in December and only now has my head caught up with my body to enable me to get back in the saddle so to speak.  So here goes:-

To quote Steely Dan “If you live in this world, you’re feeling the change of the guard.” This quote is from nearly 40 years ago – when we had similar planetary cycles going on then as now. And the song still sounds great – but I would say that – they’re my favourite band!

Happy Birthday Capricorn for 2009!

This is an intense time for Capricorn, what with the entry of Pluto in your sign, hotly followed by Mars – so a busy, busy beginning to the year for you with all kinds of tight deadlines and heated discussions happening. The heat should die down somewhat when Mars moves on in February and gives you a break.

The intensity of this period is added to by your ruler Saturn being in a tight face-off across the Zodiac with challenging Uranus. These two energies are entirely different in nature to each other, so while Uranus likes everything to hang out, Saturn’s tendency is to prefer circumspection and a slow savouring of events. This opposition falls across your Solar houses of communications and new ideas – so your mind is having to work overtime – learning new things and having to accommodate other people’s ideas, too – not easy as you really prefer to be in control.

As this axis is about your mental life, you may decide to go into some kind of training program to develop your skills and learn new processes and languages, for example. You may even have an opportunity to teach others what you have already learned. And you may even decide to change course in your work life and go back into higher education. You are really being tested by the Universe about how you are living and expressing your ideals.

This latest set of eclipses across Aquarius/Leo are really making you look hard at your finances – both personal and shared – through this year. As a result, you may conclude that some things just have to go because they’re either too expensive or just simply a waste of money. It’s all about downsizing – and I know that status is important to you – but it’s only for a few months, then you’ll be on your way again.

With Jupiter also in your house of personal finances and values this year, you may find that you have a talent or gift that you would like to develop – Jupiter will give you the confidence to do that. You will just need to sort out if it will be useful in the long run. As Jupiter has a 12 year cycle, you could look back to 1997, to see what is echoing across the years and what you did about it last time around.

From the beginning of March to June, Venus is making a station in your domestic and family Solar house. This could be a good time to beautify your home and make it just as you have always wanted it to be – particularly if you decide to do more work from home. There may be a family wedding, or a child gets engaged – however it works out, love is in the air! In May, Mars joins the fray and so activates the whole family ‘stuff’ and has you running to catch up with yourself, as you try to help everyone at the same time. 

The rest of the year is simply a replay of the Saturn/Uranus intense action, until your ruler, Saturn, enters Libra in October. This will clarify a great deal of your decisions, especially in your career life, as Saturn is said to be ‘exalted’ in Libra – i.e the best possible sign for it to be in. As it is a two and a half year sojourn, you will feel much more settled and supported by this over the next few years, than you have of late. 

By the end of the year, you will be working very hard, and moving your life on light years from where it is now. It will be taking a shape that you will be satisfied with and will give you the sense that things are slowly coming together for you – which is good as you like to take your time.

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