Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

May 7, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The history of Eclipses

The astrology that we in the West use comes from the Chaldeans, who lived in Babylonia around 2,500 years ago. These people were mathematical geniuses – much like the Mayans – who had complex systems for predicting the movement of eclipses. There are reliable records of this since about 747 BC, which was the beginning of King Nabonassar’s reign. In the British Museum there are a number of these ancient records. One is carved on a large stone from Nineveh that listed their kings and the eclipses that occurred during their reigns.

From this they were able to perceive the cyclic nature of eclipses and able to predict eclipses accurately for years and centuries ahead.

They knew that eclipses belong to families and that they follow each other through time. The ancient image of the Serpent and the Egg is a graphic description of the movement of eclipses as they cross the earth in spiral pathways from North to South and back again.

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April 23, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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3 Eclipses between 25th April and 25th May 2013

3 Eclipses – Lunar /Full Moon Eclipse 25th April 20h10, GMT; Solar/ New Moon Eclipse 10th May, 0h30 GMT; Lunar Eclipse 25th May, 4h26 GMT.

It is unusual to have 3 eclipses occurring over the month. Usually we have one Solar Eclipse either preceded or followed by a single Lunar Eclipse. So this is a lot of eclipse energy blocking the natural functions of both Sun and Moon through end April and most of May.

There are always considerations to be taken into account as well. Such as the first Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio involves a conjunction to Saturn; the Solar Eclipse conjoins both Mercury and Mars; the following Lunar Eclipse makes a square to Neptune. Only the Solar and the second Lunar Eclipses are repeats – i.e. the same as May 1994 and May 1975. You could look at what was going on for you during those months to get an idea of how they will play out this time. The first Lunar Eclipse is a maverick event that may have little impact in your life unless your birthday is in early Scorpio i.e. the last days of October, then it would likely highlight the effect of Saturn going backwards over your Sun, thus bringing you more responsibility for wherever you have Scorpio on your chart. See below.

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April 17, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Pluto through the ages

I recently heard someone on the BBC Radio saying how they were going to sit out the present crisis and wait until everything returned to “normal”. And I thought to myself that this isn’t going to happen, because there is no normal to get back to any more

The old ‘normal’ was different countries and their industries being isolated, that came from the old idea that we are all separated from each other, and in competition in a kind of “selfish gene” way. And I wondered why they seem to be still living in the 1950s when we did think and act like that and why they haven’t been reading the latest ideas on how we have to support each other and cooperate to achieve whatever we want to achieve.

I heard a discussion programme (again on the BBC) a couple of days ago, in which there was a discussion between 3 scientists and an artist who uses scientific imagery for her work. They were discussing evolution, creation, the bible and other “mythologies”. There was no one from the mystic or spiritual disciplines at all. They were all making assumptions as if they had all the answers and nothing would change their minds – oh, the hubris, I thought. The worship of an idea that is only 100 years or so old (ie Evolution) that flies in the face of creation myths that are thousands of years old is amazing. To dismiss the old stories makes the Gods and Goddesses very angry, and so we watch – and see how Pluto is doing these days.

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April 11, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Jupiter, Saturn and Mrs Thatcher

It will come as no surprise to anyone on the planet that a Prime Minister of my small United Kingdom died earlier this week.

Briefly, Margaret Thatcher was born with her Ascendant in Scorpio and Saturn rising – a strong, tough and determined personality, with an erotic allure that she used to her advantage. Jupiter in Capricorn was in its Fall (traditionally regarded as a “bad placement”) indicating that expansion and beneficence were always subject to caution and some degree of fear. Her Sun was placed in Libra – also in its Fall – with heavy squares from both Pluto and Jupiter. This would give a bellicose and confrontative nature to her Sun, thus preventing any of Libra’s usual drive to find a middle way and mediate.

Mrs Thatcher always spoke of the influence that her father had on her life, attitudes and values. I can’t remember her ever mentioning her mother – the Moon conjunct Neptune in theatrical Leo gave her a natural ability to “work a crowd”, as they say. So, in Jungian terms she was a woman who was Animus driven, who liked powerful and wealthy men, favoured her son over her daughter; and like Athena, sprang ready formed from her father’s brow. As a dear friend of mine describes it: a worshipper of the Male Sky God.

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April 4, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The Psychology of the Outer Planets and their effects in our lives

Just so’s you know what I’m up to out there in the “real world” beyond the world of the internet: last week I began to teach Psychosynthesis here in Scotland. And I’m enjoying it very much. And as a result of studying this wonderful psycho/spiritual discipline, I feel myself undergoing a whole new inner mystical process myself.

Therefore, my blog will be going through its own evolution as I go through mine.

And just in case you say Psycho – what the – sis? It’s a Transpersonal Psychotherapy that brings in Soul, spirituality, meaning, potential, creativity etc, when most other forms of therapy seem to simply deal with their clients’ strictly personal “symptoms” to be cleared away as soon as possible; keeping them in their lower chakras, their past, their grievances, without any sense of anything beyond. And, yes, we also work with the lower stuff, too, at first.

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March 28, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Surviving Uncertainty

I have been thinking for some time now that I could offer some words to help alleviate some of your anxieties by encouraging you to approach your daily life with some equanimity, rather than feeling out of control in these challenging present circumstances.

Has it ever occurred to you that there may be a reason for all of these events to be clustering together at this particular time? Why are they? What does it mean? And yes, these particular planetary meetings (of Uranus/Mars/Pluto) have happened before at times of great political stress and worldwide chaos – in the early 1930s, the mid-60s, and now. This set me thinking and I started to wonder how my blog would be received if I began to enlighten you about the fact that the planets are all intelligences – even our own Earth. and how would it be if I said to you that we don’t have to react as they did back then – we can start with a clean slate and begin to think and behave differently, each of us from our Higher Self.

Certainly ancient humans believed this and revered the planets as Gods. They thanked the planets for guiding them and tried to understand what was being asked of them spiritually.

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March 20, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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Spring 2013 & 10th Anniversary of the Iraq War

Today we have the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere – of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that the Sun entered Aries this morning GMT. From where I’m sitting in snowy Scotland you would never guess that Spring is actually here! It’s freezing and has been snowing, albeit wetly, for the last 4 days. I imagine that the Jet Stream must be sitting above Barcelona rather than the Shetlands, where it should be at this time of year.

Today we have powerful energies playing across our Solar System with Sun and Mars both in Aries coming up to conjoin Uranus in Aries all square Pluto in Capricorn at some point over the next few days This is a highly explosive combination for the trouble spots across the globe. I know that Uranus doesn’t technically square Pluto until June, but Sun, Mars and dear Venus will all “translate the light’ from Uranus to Pluto over the end of March. This term – to translate the light – simply means that once they have caught up with Uranus, they will one by one pick up the baton or the energy pattern of Uranus and pass it on to challenge Pluto. It is an ancient rule used by astrologers who work with Mundane or Political Astrology. I have found that it also works with personal charts, too.

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March 14, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

A New Pope – Francis the First, named after St Francis of Assissi, lover of birds and animals


Carl Jung “Each Moment in time contains all the qualities of that moment in time.”

As yet we do not have a birth time for Pope Francis, only his birth date: 17th December, 1936, which I will speak about in a moment. As you may know I wrote the “Secrets of Numerology” published by Penguin. So I always look at the numerology of the day that something big happens, and I guess for the billions of Catholics worldwide, this is Big. Yesterday was 13/3/2013 which adds up to a 4, the number of structure and conservatism, ruled by Saturn. Mercury is still retrograde – until 17th March – and the Moon was Void, meaning that “nothing will come of the matter” according to William Lilly, the 17th Century astrologer.

It’s an interesting choice of name for a Pope as St Francis was a man who loved, period. Love is a quality much bandied about by the Catholic religion yet it seems to me that it is a religion of the Will archetype rather than the Love archetype. So far I haven’t seen much evidence of love being shown to the victims of abusing priests or money laundering cardinals. However, as this new Pope is a Sagittarian, let’s wait and see.

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February 28, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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The Horsemeat scandal – a message from Australia

I received the following email from Australia in response to my article on the horsemeat scandal. It’s a very informative infographic, well worth a look.  Thank you Mike!

I’m Mike from the Australian Institute of Food Safety. I read your post on the horsemeat scandal.

We’ve just launched an infographic on the European horsemeat scandal which has been featured on a few sites including Forbes. I think your readers might really enjoy it.

You can take a look at the infographic here: http://www.foodsafety.com.au/infographics/horsemeat/ (Thus link opens in a new window)

You can re- read my post here.:-

February 28, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
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Busy Piscean Influences, Mercury and Chiron

This reminds me of being a small child amongst much larger school friends and playing on the see-saw with them. I never managed to lift them off the ground, so light was I and so much heavier were they. So, I sat up in the air until they jumped off and released me back to earth with a bump.

I use this image because it illustrates clearly what is happening in our skies right now with no fewer than 6 planets (astrologers include the Sun and Moon in the planet count) in Pisces: Sun, retrograde Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron and Neptune. While Neptune is in for the long haul, the rest of them will move on swiftly enough. However, when the Moon is New on 11th March, it will take the total of planets in Pisces up to 7 – now that’s worth writing about!

You may be asking – Chiron? Who he? It is a rather large asteroid with planet-like attributes. Its orbit is between Uranus and Saturn and it has a 52 year cycle. As its orbit is rather odd, it is slow when in Pisces (now) to Cancer. From Leo to Aquarius it seems to whizz along at a merry pace. I think astrologers are still arguing about its attributes: the Americans think it is the Wounded Healer, from Chiron’s reputation as a teacher, astrologer and wise mentor to the young heroes of Greek mythology- he was half-man, half God, fathered by Zeus disguised as a horse – hence Chiron’s appearance as a Centaur. He taught Heracles and Achilles the art of war, he taught Aesclepius the art of medicine and thwart death; he taught Jason and Orpheus the art of music; and he taught them all astrology.

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February 22, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Mercury goes Retrograde & Oscar Pistorius


What a week ahead we have – Mercury goes retrograde on Saturday 23rd February to 17th March; a Full Moon across Pisces/Virgo on 25th February; and Venus enters  Pisces on 26th February.

Saturn went retrograde in Scorpio last Monday 18th February, ending a couple of weeks during which all the planets were in direct motion. Now with both Saturn and Mercury retrograde by the end of this week, things will become more complex again. All your plans and ideas, New Year Resolutions, etc that you were hoping would just fly ahead will now have to be questioned, redrawn, details gone over and over. Then maybe just maybe in a few weeks time when Mercury goes direct again, you will have a more realistic idea of where everything is heading. No bad thing in the longer term, just a pain while it’s happening.

Mercury and Mars met at 4 Pisces on 8th February and Mercury, didn’t listen (typical!) to what Mars was trying to tell him. So as ME now makes his station at 19 Pisces, he waits for Mars to catch him up – imagine a relay race where the baton is heading towards a waiting hand to grab it. We can only imagine what was originally said – Mars hates repeating himself – so they may have heated discussions towards the end of February – usually news (ME) of war (Mars)? Athletes talking about drugs, (Mars in Pisces)? Gun control discussions getting overheated? Oscar Pistorius* being interviewed by the tabloid press? We will have to wait and see – find out more about OP’s chart below.. Continue Reading →

February 14, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

The Pope Resigns and the Horse Meat Scandal

Well, well, well, what an interesting week we have had – with horsemeat being sold as beef in Europe and the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Last week I suggested to a colleague that the two other institutions and major corporations likely to be targeted by Pluto’s passage through Capricorn, the sign of corporate matters and big finance, were the pharmaceutical industries and the Church. I was certain that there would be major events to bring much that is hidden from us into the light in either or both of these soon, with Uranus coming to square off once more with Pluto.

Within hours of the Pope’s speech a lightening bolt directly hit the Vatican – the pictures are amazing – is his boss displeased with him? The timing of this is very strange because a movie is being released on Friday (tomorrow) about the child sex abuse scandals and the Catholic Church, in the US. Equally strange is that it was announced just a couple of days before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent in the Christian calendar. This means that “because of the way that the conclave works, it means no pope will probably reside over Easter Sunday Mass. You wonder if there is another shoe to drop.” Quote from Alex Gibney, director of Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God from The Guardian newspaper 13th February, 2013. (This link will open in a new window)

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February 7, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Richard the Third found! How our charts live on even after our death. Also Mars enters Pisces

Richard’s body was discovered beneath a council car park in Leicester – although, it wasn’t a car park when they buried him, obviously.

The actual digging process began in the late summer of 2012, when Saturn was at 22 degrees of Libra – a strong exalted Saturn. Richard was born on 2nd October, 1452 with his Sun in Libra and his Saturn at 21 Libra! He was uncovered from the depths on his Saturn Return 661 years later. There is no birth time for him, although the Tudors gave him a Scorpio Ascendant after his death. In medieval times people held that Scorpio was an evil sign and they wanted to make him into a really bad guy. We must remember that history is always written by the victors who can spread lies about the losers to give themselves good press and claim even greater victory forever more.

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January 31, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Interesting Times – Again!

The Prime Minister of the UK is trying to edge us out of Europe, little by little – what madness is this? I ask. With this in mind, I am mystified why we are once again being edged by the powers that be to some pretty hairy stuff in North Africa. It seems to be UK and France (isn’t France in Europe?) going along together in Mali – although only in an advisory capacity, allegedly. So, on hearing this I reached for the charts of David Cameron and Francois Hollande, President of France. I also had a sneaky peek at Angela Merkel’s chart just to see where her attention was really being taken – not North Africa, certainly.

Both M. Hollande and Frau Merkel were born in 1954, within 3 weeks of each other in high summer. Due to Saturn’s 29 year cycle, they will be experiencing their Saturn Returns through 2013 – so not an easy time for either of them. Mr Cameron was born in October 1966, so 12 years later. Oddly enough both he and M. Hollande pick up the same energies in Mali – and I’ll explain how.

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December 8, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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The skies above us. Uranus and Pluto and some books and ideas.

Jupiter is now the closest to the earth than he will be until 2021 – I have noticed his brightness in the night sky, especially when bang next to the last Full Moon in Gemini. Also Venus, Mercury and Saturn with (I think ) Spica, the beneficent Fixed Star at 23 Libra all visible these very early mornings in our very clear winter’s sky. Such richness to feast our eyes upon and wonder, as human beings have done for thousands (millions?) of years.

Next week, Uranus changes direction to go direct to once again square Pluto in a 90 degree aspect – this continues the events that I have been writing about over the last few years, predicting hard financial times for at least another 5 years ahead – certainly here in the UK, and no doubt elsewhere in the world. And on Wednesday last, our Chanchellor of the Exchequer finally agreed with me – hmmm! Continue Reading →