Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

November 1, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Mercury Retrograde & Neptune goes direct November 11th

This week’s blog is made up of a couple of different items – all of which are happening over the next couple of weeks.

First of all, I would like to wish everyone on the Eastern seaboard of the US, Canada and the Caribbean – particularly my clients in Manhattan and Long Island – all good wishes for a speedy clean up operation and a quick return to normal life. It looked horrific on the BBC News and our hearts went out to you all.

Mercury Retrograde 

Mercury turns Retrograde on 6th November, at around 23h GMT, at 4 degrees of Sagittarius, the degree area most associated with flight. We will see if any planes are turned around on that day or air travel becomes tricky with planes being cancelled, long queues at check-in, etc.

ME (Mercury) does this around 4 monthly intervals for 20 or 21 days each time and traditionally it is said that the ruler of the market place and communications has fun with us, by tripping us up, getting our timetables wrong, missing messages, goods not turning up or not being to our liking. In and of themselves not serious but majorly irritating, slowing us down in our everyday activities.

However, it has to be said that 6th November is polling day in the US. Continue Reading →

October 24, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

The Saturn Return – Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn has a cycle of 29 years 5 months as it orbits around your chart to ‘return’ to its natal position as you reach between 29 and 30 and 58-59. This 12 month period has a special significance in that it is a time of decision making with one eye on your future and your goals. I have noticed that people who are single often marry during this time; those who are married may divorce; some people start a family and others start their own business; some even come to the conclusion that their chosen career isn’t giving them what they hoped, and so they opt to start again.

This has all the markers of Saturn as the builder and structure maker, looking to a life of maturity and being a real grown-up. It may not be an easy passage, however it is inevitable. The Fire signs find it particularly hard as they feel that their wings are being clipped by an energy that limits their ideas so that they make something solid and real rather than just talking about them. Water signs can struggle with having to be tough rather than always being sweet and compliant. For everyone there will be delays to deal with and a sense of being limited by the outside world and that can be frustrating. However, no matter how you feel, a reality check is always useful when looked back on, once the transit is over.

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October 18, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Astrology and Relationships

This is the common theme that runs throughout my client work – enabling clients to find their authentic selves and honouring them by starting to act from their centres. I read a piece from the Dao De Jing this morning that spoke of the danger of looking to others for approval, without realising that the other person was doing the same thing; thus creating a circle of lack of self worth that serves no one, least of all ourselves.

From my viewpoint, Life itself is one long relationship – relationships with friends, career, money, neighbours, children, siblings, animals, the planet, God, the Universe and so on. And our charts will tell us what we learned as children about all of these, from our parents, our educators and our intimate partners. Then there’s also what we brought into this lifetime from past lives to experience and at the very least, get better at this time around; or even become an expert at it before moving on to a brand new theme next lifetime.

Those of you who are regular readers will know that I see no punishing or vindictive Gods waiting to send us to eternal damnation for simply being human. I don’t see this life as a “lesson” with points awarded or withheld when we die, that may determine the quality of our next life. I think that we are here to experience the richness and wonder of life on earth and love it with all our hearts.

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October 10, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Saturn in Scorpio – Part Two

I was crossing the Firth of Forth road bridge at the exact moment that Saturn entered Scorpio – Friday evening, 5th October at around 21h40, BST. As we crossed the river the Moon was rising in the East with an exact conjunction to Jupiter – and I mean to the minute of exact. This bodes well, I thought, for the entry of Saturn in Scorpio under the auspices of two positive energies holding the doorway open with big smiles on their faces.

I know they were in Gemini – and Scorpio is in another part of the sky – but the Ancients would look at the skies that were visible to them and make their judgements of the auspices as they saw them.

So, now to the twelve Sun Signs and the effects of Saturn from their vantage points. I am also taking Pluto into account as well, because these two major energies are doing a nice number together across Scorpio and Capricorn, which makes a sextile aspect (60 degrees apart) which is a positive relationship of both opportunity and communication.

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October 4, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Saturn enters Scorpio

This article is dedicated to the Reverend Bill Darlison who last week encouraged me to get back into the saddle and start writing my blog again. With thanks….

Saturn enters Scorpio
(5th October 2012 to 23rd December 2014 then 16th June, 2015 to 18th September 2015)

It is always a big deal when Saturn changes sign, especially leaving his most favourite sign – balanced and reasonable airy Libra – to enter the depths of intense, passionate and emotional Scorpio. For those who are old enough, just look back to the early 80s when Saturn was last in Scorpio (end of 1982 to end of 1985) and try to remember what you were doing during that time.

In the UK it was the rise of Thatcherism, although Mrs Thatcher, herself a Sun Libran, had gained the Premiership when Saturn was still in Libra. There was big money floating around with those who could spend lavishly. London was in the process of becoming a world centre of finance and huge glass edifices were rising from the ground as the perfect advertisement for financial success. However, the downside was that many young people had no work at all and their benefits were cut. There were the miners’ strikes, IRA bombs, the Poll Tax and the privatisation of all our national industries.

Here in the UK we can expect a reversal of all of the above really – starting with the railways’ debacle that is just beginning to rage; and the 50 or so sites planned to start open cast mining on a huge scale. It seems that the country needs coal after all, but not miners to go down bring it back up and make a living from their labours. Big machines can now dig up the depths of the countryside and heave the ‘black gold’ out, scarring the landscape with deep quarries for many years to come.

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July 11, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Mercury turns retrograde again! Wimbledon. The Olympics. A History Lesson. Cosmic Influences

Mercury starts his 3 weeks backwards trip through the first half of Leo; stationing at 12 Leo on 15th July and going right back to 1 Leo on 8th August. This means that he will teeter around any planets you have in early Leo.

The first group to be affected will be the 1940s generation as it will touch your natal Pluto, bringing some intense communications and the need to stand your ground. Those born in the late 40s will also have Saturn with Pluto creating the need to put your words into some kind of form or structure. It could also bring to light something hidden for years.

Those born in the 50s will have Mercury going over natal Uranus, bringing the need to get creative and inventive in your thinking.

When Mercury goes over the major players in the astrological lexicon i.e. Pluto/Uranus/Saturn it generally indicates that this is the time to listen to the messages that are coming up for you and maybe even taking notice this time. Continue Reading →

July 4, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Bankers, Murderers and Uranus Pluto

I am always interested in how past events are picked up by the planetary movements in the present. Some of you may remember my article on the murder of Stephen Lawrence and my exploration of that in the light of ongoing transits as I wrote.

Uranus Pluto strike again – once more with the banking crisis. Pluto stirs up the murk from the bottom of the pond and Uranus shines a headlight on it so that we can all see what’s been going on over the last few years. This time it’s the turn of Barclays Bank and the LIBOR and Barclaycard credit rate fixing between themselves and other banks. This could run for some time because the first Barclaycard to be issued in the UK was – wait for it! – in 1966 under the aegis of the UR/PL conjunction of the mid-sixties.

Saturn changed direction around the time of the Barclays event adding weight to the importance of it all. This has been a long transit of Saturn through Libra, the sign where he is best placed, it will be less so when he enters Scorpio in October, so heads could roll. It may all take longer than we would wish for any kind of clarity to be seen by us, the unhappy general public, as Saturn does tend to slow things down Continue Reading →

June 27, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Bits and pieces for the last week of June.

Jupiter square Neptune in the very earliest degrees of Gemini/Pisces.

We have expansion, religion and optimism challenged by compassion, spirituality and mysticism. This would seem to imply questioning what we gain from Jupiter’s growth and success and how we reconcile that with Neptune’s deepest meanings of our spiritual belief systems . It is a fairly short-lived influence as Jupiter moves on quickly to escape Neptune’s rays during this week. So, we have to look at what is flagged up by such a powerful aspect during its somewhat brief influence.

Last weekend (24th June) under the exact square, the Observer newspaper (Gemini) published extracts from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s latest book which is due to be released this autumn on the eve of his retirement. He lambasts the UK Conservative Government for losing sight of the poor, downtrodden and helpless in our community. When Prime Minister David Cameron took office he wanted to develop the idea of a “Big Society” where ordinary citizens could make time to do good works, thus setting the Welfare State free from having to do it instead.

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June 20, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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Jupiter in Gemini – June 2012 to June 2013

Jupiter has entered Gemini where he will reside for the following 12 months. This is good news for all the mutable signs – namely Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo/Pisces and also the other air signs Libra and Aquarius, and Aries and Leo – because Jupiter brings good fortune, expansion and optimism into our lives – and right now, I think that will do us all a power of good.

It will be a slow journey along early to mid-Gemini as Jupiter changes retrograde at 16 Gemini in early October to go back to 6 Gemini January/February 2013. This means that those of us who have the Sun after what would effectively be the 7th of the months in all the above signs, (i.e. June, September, and so on) will have to wait until April 2013 when Jupiter will then leap through the end of Gemini to get into his favourite sign Cancer at the end of next June. It hardly seems fair, however, the recent transits of Jupiter have really only taken up half each sign. In fact, Jupiter will not sweep through a whole sign in one year until 2021, so many of us will miss out on the strongest Jupiter moments. We have to accept it as the soul choice we made when came into this lifetime for our soul experiences this time round. Continue Reading →

June 5, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Various bits and pieces today – Uranus/Pluto, the Mayans, the Fixed Signs

This blog article is a day early due to the Transit of Venus occurring on 6th June – i.e. today as you are reading. Please go online to watch this phenomenon – miss it and you’ll have to wait until another life-time as the next one is in 2117.

The square of Venus and Mars is now over – the next one will be in mid-September in Leo/Scorpio, so I guess Mars will win that mini-skirmish as he has dominion over Scorpio and Venus isn’t too happy in Leo, as she spends too lavishly there. No doubt you can imagine the scenarios that may ensue . However, it’s months away so no need to worry right now.

The Uranus/Pluto square is once again operational as it was through 2011- and becomes exact on 24th June. This aspect will recur another 6 times through 2012-15. It’s worth saying that these two planets move so slowly that although the aspect is exact on 24th June, they have already facing each other off over the last few weeks.

All of our financial woes started with Pluto going into Capricorn – the agent of endings, breakdowns and transformation in the sign of long lived institutions, corporate entities, i.e. governments, banks, educational systems, and religious organisations. In fact, anything that smells of power that has been around for many centuries. Continue Reading →

May 30, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Busy week for Geminis

This next week we have some very interesting cosmic events coming up – a Lunar Eclipse in mid-Gemini/Sagittarius on Monday, 4th June; Neptune stations to turn retrograde later that day; and Venus squares Mars, from Gemini to Virgo, a few hours later, as she gently moves back to wave to him as he powers on ahead.

6th June is the day that the Transit of Venus is visible – and then gone for another 122 years or so. Please see this interesting article from the Guardian newspaper on the subject as it is both fascinating and enlightening.

Venus square Mars:

A square is an aspect of 90 degrees, or quarter circle, known as a hard aspect that creates a challenging environment. Venus and Mars are the relating pair – boy/girl stuff, early sexual exploration, etc. Venus likes romance, flowers, candles, perfume – all the trappings of femininity – in both sexes. She represents the harmony that is needed to maintain good relations with others and rules Taurus and Libra, both appeasing and moderating signs. Continue Reading →

May 23, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

More about Venus

The pattern Venus makes through her journey around the Sun is a five pointed star – i.e. a Pentagram – created by her five retrograde stations over a forty year period. In other words, 5 times over 40 years. This Pentagram is contained within a heart formation – truly Venus is the planet of love. The ancient astrologers knew this without computers to draw the image for them.

There have been a number of national elections over the last couple of weeks around the world – France, Greece, Egypt (as I write this today) and the Irish Referendum to be held on 31st May. Although the first two were held before the direction change, it was in her mind so to do and still counts as an important energy pattern, during those events. Whatever has been said about values, monetary and social, and women (Venus rules women) is likely to change once the retrograde period is over and Venus swiftly exits Gemini on 7th August.

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May 16, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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The Solar Eclipse and the Pleiades

This is the most interesting week for over 120 years, what with Venus going retrograde to pass in front of the Sun – visible from earth with clever telescopes that cut out the Sun’s rays, of course. No doubt it will be on TV when it happens – well, I hope it will.

Venus is transiting through Gemini until early August – quite a blast for Gemini people – with lots of negotiating democratic rights, whether in partnerships, governments or personally at the inner level of peace and harmony, beauty and art.

Add that to the Solar Eclipse just before midnight on 20 May, GMT.

It is always interesting to see the actual path that the Eclipse makes as it moves across the face of the earth. This happens as the earth spins under the Sun/Moon shadow. It starts in South East Asia and follows the up coast line of China, crosses the Pacific and lands in California to end in the middle states of the US. This would bring all those nations together in some way and certainly impact on communications between them. The eclipse shadow always highlights the areas that it crosses. We watch with interest.  Continue Reading →

May 9, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Planetary patterns and a piece on the Transcendentalists.

Last week we saw the largest Full Moon for many a month – it fell at mid-Scorpio with the Sun at mid-Taurus. The Moon is closest to the earth right now and so could have an effect on the tides around the world.

Venus is slowing down now and occupies the degree of her station before she turns retrograde on 15th May. As she goes backwards she crosses the face of the Sun. This phenomenon occurs in a pattern that repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years. They always occupy Gemini or Sagittarius. Please see my earlier blog to read more about it.

Venus stations at 24 degrees of Gemini and makes a flowing aspect with Saturn, promising stability and long term planning, particularly financial. 5 days later (20th May) we have the Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees of Gemini on the Pleiades, the star cluster also known as the Seven Sisters. What makes this movement of Venus interesting is that while she is placed in Gemini, her ruler Mercury is in Taurus, ruled by Venus, until the second week of June. This is known as a “mutual reception” as the two planets receive each other’s energies and can in times of stress even exchange places. Traditional astrologers suggested that this phenomenon offered a way out of any pressure, much like two warring nations with ambassadors in each other’s courts. Diplomacy can occur and solutions be found. Let’s see, shall we? Continue Reading →

May 2, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Activity in Gemini – throughout May: Venus and the Eclipses

Thanks to Edgar Winter in Australia for much of the information below.

In my last article I spoke about Venus and her retrograde motion and passage in front of the Sun – and as I have also said before this is a rare eclipse of Venus with the Sun. Rare means that this pattern happens in intervals of 121.5 years, 8 years, 105.5 years and then again 8 years before repeating. Always either in Gemini or Sagittarius. Every time this pattern happens Venus is retrograde. Of the planets in our solar system, Venus is the least likely planet to be retrograde and I have no idea why – maybe some clued in astronomer type readers will know the answer to that one. Anybody?

This happens on the 15th May, so Geminis in particular will be picked out for some rather lovely energy – socialising, beauty, peace and harmony and all that stuff. If you read last week’s blog you would have seen how my predictions for the growing of feminism in young women are happening in schools in the UK. I mention this again as I’m not sure that my last blog was sent out to everyone on my list – there was a slight gremlin in the works somewhere.

I listened to a talk by Drunvalo Melchidizek a couple of days ago on Jennifer McLean’s wonderful interview series “Healing With the Masters” in which he suggests that the patriarchal energy that has been running our planet for the last cycle, will run out by December, 2012 as suggested above –  and that this will see a release of feminine power ready to nourish and heal the planet.  The Dalai Lama  also said the same thing recently that our planet will be healed by the women of Western cultures who have both the time and the drive to do it. So, the Venus and the Eclipses feeding into each other -what an amazing Universe we do live in! Continue Reading →