Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Big Questions that Astrology Raises – and cannot answer

Over the last couple of weeks I have done 3 readings for March births – one a middle aged man, and two others who were new borns.

The birth chart that I read for the older man was the chart he was born with, as were the other two – a birth chart is exactly what it says on the tin – the map of the heavens at the moment of birth, whatever age the enquirer happens to be when s/he contacts me for a reading.

And it got me thinking, especially as the babies’ charts were ones that I wrote the reports out for because they were gifts from doting grandparents, rather than recording them on CD as I usually do. When I first began to study astrology in 1975, not only did I do all the calculations by my own brain, but every reading was written out by hand, until I bought an electric typewriter – remember those? Anyway, when writing something out in this way certainly it gets my mind working in a more reflective mode; and with Mercury still going backwards, this is the perfect time for reflection, anyway.

Two infants born with Sun in either Pisces or Aries; Mercury in very tight relationship to Uranus; Venus and Jupiter close together in Taurus and an Earth Grand Trine between Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn – emphasises the Earth element with some Fire and a little Water, and no Air to speak of, except Saturn in Libra, which limits the natural impulse of Air, anyway.

The Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, suggested a strong link between the astrological elements and his psychological types: Fire signs are his ‘Intuitive’ types, creative and naturally optimistic; Earth signs are his ‘Sensation’ types, practical and pragmatic; Water signs are his ‘Feeling’ types, emotional and fluid; and Air signs are his  ‘Thinking’ types, objective and communicative. So, with all this Earth on these two babies’ charts, backed up by Fire and Water, we can already see how they will react to their environment. The lacking element, which Jung called the Inferior Function, is Air in these two cases, indicating that these two little girls will view the world very much from their own subjective impressions. And they’re only 3 weeks old!

I find insight astonishing and even after nearly 40 years, it still takes my breath away. The reading for the older man took his breath away, too, as he commented “Some things on this reading my best friends don’t even know.” And yet, to any astrologer worth their salt, it would be obvious.

So, my question is – how do we get from new born to late 50s with their birth maps and come up with the information we do? How do we know that certain planets together in close relationship produce certain effects and events? I believe that the length of time needed to correlate each sign, planet, house and aspect (relationship) and test this would be something like 200, 000 years – really? I am not certain of the exact length of time, but remember reading “Supernature” by Lyall Watson in which he suggested a time frame along these lines. And doesn’t this predate us by some considerable length of time?

The other thought that I am reflecting on is: the two little girls will both likely find friendships and relationships with people who have Air signs writ large in their own charts – a phenomenon that Jung termed the “Self-Regulating Psyche” – suggesting some kind of unconscious attraction for the bits that we lack within ourselves in order to live them out through another, or others. In this way we achieve a kind of wholeness. So, Geminis will often marry Scorpios, Virgos often marry Aries, to give two really clear examples. Or even Earth/Water types marry Fire/Air types.

And these two little girls are still in their cribs – yet we can know this, simply because this seems to be what happens.

The birth chart is a map of a journey, yet, it is not the territory, so I cannot come up with names, blue vans, dogs and cats or any other concrete things like that – this would be the area covered by a clairvoyant. However, if the journey starts at birth, much like a train leaving Leeds and heading for London, for example, then it is easy to see the stops along the way and when those stops would be made. Who was on the platform and what they were called is the territory not the map. However, what can be seen along the journey is when the train gets shunted into a siding for a period of time and slows your life down, or you get fast tracked and whizz through lots of interesting countryside.

If, in the example of the train, Leeds is the birth chart, then London is the destination – why London? Is that Karma – is destination destiny? And why? Why are some things seemingly fated or even inevitable? Why do some people get browbeaten down by life and another baby in the same maternity ward becomes a surgeon or a banker? What is the underlying impulse that seems to engineer this kind of development for two babies with very similar birth charts yet giving very different outcomes?


Are you curious about your own journey – the stops, the sidings, the fast tracks? Why not have a reading and find out…….

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