Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

The Titanic & an Interesting couple of weeks right now.

We are living under very interesting skies these couple of weeks and it is easy to imagine that once the planets involved move on, then everything changes back to “normal” again. However, given the power of these energies, it is likely that “things” won’t be the same again, much as we would love them to be.

There is a Grand Cross operating across all the mutable signs – Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo/Pisces. The planets involved are Venus in Gemini in hard aspect to MarsVirgo and Neptune in Pisces and the Moon’s Nodes* across Sagittarius/Gemini. As these last are part of the picture, and they represent the eclipse points, then we know that fate is involved.

This is not an easy energy pattern to live within, as it creates, for example Mars (still retrograde) opposite Neptune dampening Mars impulsive quality. Venus and Mars are at 90 degrees to each other, which is a challenging aspect, so the desire for peace and harmony that is Venus is being eroded by a somewhat short tempered, impotent Mars.

It is too simplistic to say that men will identify with Mars and women Venus, yet I wonder how many women have had their men raging about something that they could not change anyway, over the last week.

Any moves towards peace and reconciliation will be frustrated as the skies don’t give us any help at all. And the question is – do they cause it or reflect it?

I have long understood that large events in human lives, like recessions and wars, for example, are mirrored by the planetary positions. Even over centuries, as I have attempted to show over the last few months in this blog. This prompts me to ask why is Mars associated with war? Who said and when? Why is Venus considered to be a planet of peace and reconciliation, balance and harmony? Why is Jupiter seen to be wonderful and Saturn difficult? These are attributes that go way back beyond antiquity, but why those and not others?

And this morning I awoke with an insight into how this “stuff” works. I felt good when I leapt out of bed, enthusiastic and creative – and of course, Jupiter is acting well on my personal chart right now. I suddenly understood that I am having a download of positive energy from Jupiter into my energy field – so expansion is the name of the game for me for the next couple of weeks. However, which ever planet it is is really not important, although pleasant, no, it’s the insight of energy downloads that is.

Hold that idea because I am now going to talk about the Titanic – and I promise this will all hang together at the end. The ill-fated cruise liner’s fate is well documented elsewhere, so I won’t go into all that. However, there are a few anomalies that demonstrate my thesis above.

There are two interesting charts for the Titanic – the actual launch from its ship yard in Belfast; and the start of its journey with passengers from Southampton. These two events were about a year apart. Data below.

On the first launch chart, Mars is channelling (or downloading) the energy of a fixed star named Scheat*. This is a star known to be associated with death of many by drowning. Mars ruled the 8th House, known by traditional astrologers of the house of death. Just a few days before this, Mars had been in a challenging aspect to Pluto, planet of the underworld and known to pull people under the surface of things. A great aspect for a psychologist or surgeon, for example, though obviously not for the launch of the biggest ship in the world.

The following year, Titanic was sent to Southampton to ready her for her much publicised maiden voyage. And she set sail on the day that Venus took over Mars download of Scheat from the same challenging aspect to Pluto. The fated Moon’s Nodes – for explanation, see below – were sitting right beside the Sun on that day, indicating that an eclipse was going to occur very soon – 5 days away, to be precise. And Titanic sank 5 days into her voyage. The Sun/Moon Node conjunction was also in challenging aspect to Neptune, ruler of the oceans. The Moon of the voyage chart was not making any more aspects before it changed sign, indicating that the event would not complete for explanation*. Just as an aside, the Olympic Games start under just such a Moon – more on that nearer the time.

Then there was the plan to recreate the voyage of the Titanic on 10th April this year to mark the 100 year anniversary of the tragedy. I have to say that astrologically, a century has no value at all, other than it seems to be a pleasant number to behold. Anyway, the Sun of this last voyage was on the same degree as the original launch, because it was the birthday of that event. And sure enough, the weather blew up a horrendous storm and a poor BBC cameraman had a heart attack and necessitated the ship to turn back. At this point of writing, I have no idea whether they will complete the journey or not.

Even if they do, the timing is now out, for the original impulse to mirror the event. Mars opposite Neptune, anyone? And Scheat? Mercury is heading to download its energy onto the new ship even as we speak, so best that they don’t go, I would suggest.

Earlier, the weekend before this, on the 7th April, 2012, the famous London boat race began on time with Cambridge versus Oxford. As they rowed out manfully into the choppy waters of the Thames, a foreign body was seen to be floating in the path of the oars. It was a swimmer, happily not an iceberg, however, it disrupted the race which had to be restarted amid controversy about restarts, a broken oar, and the collapse of one of the rowers, who had to be taken to hospital.

I suspect that while the planets “download” these historic events onto the planet, we must have “uploaded” some ancient tragic sailing accident in antiquity with Scheat being in receiver mode at that time, making ready to repeat the pattern into infinity. And we’re doing it all the time, on a daily basis, so that our bad behaviour can continue to disrupt lives, unless we have a cease-fire. It is a two way process with our energy and of everything in the Universe – we are all one – and if we don’t understand what quantum physics has been telling us for over a hundred years, then we’re in for a shock.


*Scheat – fixed star out in the constellation of Pisces at 29 degrees right now. A hundred years ago it was at 28 degrees.

*Moon’s Nodes – mathematical points that show where the path of the Sun crosses the path of the Moon. This is where eclipses, Solar and Lunar occur.

*Void of Course Moon is when the Moon has finished all available aspects to the planets and has yet to change sign. Associated with nonevents. An Israeli astrologer friend suggests that in a football match, if the Moon is VOC at the start of the game, the team that scored first won’t win if the Moon enters the new sign during the match. Sometimes it can last for as little as a few minutes.

Titanic Launch in Belfast – 31st May, 1911 at 12h15 LMT

Titanic Voyage in Southampton – 10th April, 1912 at midday, 12h00

New Titanic launch same date and place, but due to British Summer Time being in operation, they actually left an hour earlier than the original voyage.