Just so’s you know what I’m up to out there in the “real world” beyond the world of the internet: last week I began to teach Psychosynthesis here in Scotland. And I’m enjoying it very much. And as a result of studying this wonderful psycho/spiritual discipline, I feel myself undergoing a whole new inner mystical process myself.
Therefore, my blog will be going through its own evolution as I go through mine.
And just in case you say Psycho – what the – sis? It’s a Transpersonal Psychotherapy that brings in Soul, spirituality, meaning, potential, creativity etc, when most other forms of therapy seem to simply deal with their clients’ strictly personal “symptoms” to be cleared away as soon as possible; keeping them in their lower chakras, their past, their grievances, without any sense of anything beyond. And, yes, we also work with the lower stuff, too, at first.
Psychosynthesis was developed in the 1950s – 1970s by Roberto Assagioli, an Italian psychiatrist who trained with Freud initially and became friends with Carl Jung, his Swiss counterpart, who was also exploring spirituality in his work. Assagioli died in 1975 and left his teaching to Piero Ferrucci, Diana Whitmore and others whom he had trained. Piero and Diana were my teachers in London – lucky me! Actually, I was privileged.
As an Astrologer, I was a thrilled to learn that Assagioli would not work with a client until he had read their birth chart. His son, Bruno Huber, was a well respected Astrologer, in Switzerland.
So, this brings me back to the theme of last week – of the higher functions, the pure essence of the great intelligences that orbit around us, and which we carry within our psyches like small seeds of possibility. Of course, living in the real world, especially during childhood, most of this ‘stuff’ gets pushed down and ignored. Until we begin to feel that something new and vibrant is trying to assert itself in our lives and we wonder what to do with it, in confusion and some sense of panic, especially if we have been told all our lives that it’s bad.
This inner stirring is usually due to the movements of the Outer Planets that nudge us into asking questions about our Soul life or potential. Just to remind you – the OPs are those beyond the orbit of Saturn, the great teacher, and trigger off feelings of “otherness”, of connection with the Universe beyond our norms, sweeping emotions like love and wonder, or searing insights into how we may change our lives and live something more meaningful.
The two planets that are mostly responsible for Higher Consciousness are Uranus and Neptune. They are associated with higher mind, insight, flashes of inspiration (Uranus) and powerful feelings of Love, empathy, compassion (Neptune). As they are slow moving energies, they will tend to hang around in your chart/life for quite some time – giving you lots of opportunities to make changes, Love, paint, sing, worship, etc. Obviously, this is a slow process and doesn’t happen overnight – it can take up to 3-5 years to ‘get’ Neptune, and 2-3 years for Uranus, and we always advise people undergoing a Uranus transit to wait until it’s over before making any long term decisions. It can be the most exiting time of our lives and maybe even the most scary – and that’s why many people need a Guide who knows what’s going on for you.
And no doubt you notice that I’ve left out Pluto – because Pluto is an Underworld energy – so I put it in the Lower Unconscious, for that reason. Pluto is about Power, profound transformation, feeling as if we are being held hostage by those above us, for example. Isn’t that where we are as a Collective (human race) right now?
Pluto is also associated with birth, death and rebirth of the caterpillar to butterfly type. It takes us into looking at the most powerful energies within ourselves, like rage, destructiveness, jealousy, etc. so when Pluto is around for the 3-5 years he pays us a visit, that’s what we get to redeem within ourselves, in order to emerge as a clearer and lighter human being. He forces us to look at, for once and for all, what we have repressed deep within ourselves and let it go. Not easy but well worth it.
Right now power hungry men (for it usually is men) are threatening their neighbours with Plutonium and annihilation as Pluto squares up once again with Uranus in the skies. This they will do through the next few weeks and for the next 2 or 3 years ahead. It is a good lesson for all of us to take back our projected power from those leaders who just snatch it from us without asking – like a school bully – and wait until the dust settles.
However, we may have the chance to look at our leaders and wonder how on earth we let them happen? If we’re not doing that already – and maybe do it differently next time. Maybe the whole voting system could go through a complete overhaul? Who knows – it’s certainly not me!
We have inner work to do and until we do, nothing will change either within our lives or without. We have a great opportunity to learn to love ourselves and our neighbours, even if the powers that be tell us otherwise; to develop compassion for those less fortunate than we are and also have compassion for ourselves, too.
These are big Transpersonal Qualities: Love, Compassion, Healing, Tolerance and Wisdom – but what kind of world/culture/individuals would we have without them?
If you are interested in having me Guide you through some Psychosynthesis sessions then let me know – at [email protected]
Or if you would like a birth chart reading from me the address is the same.
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