Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

March 23, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages April 2009

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FR.EE Sun/Moon combination reading  and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path.  Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FR.EE!!!

Aries : 21st March – 20th April – see above

Taurus: 19th April – 20th May – This month there is a real emphasis on hidden matters coming to light. It’s a time for researching your family tree, the old stuff in the attic and also clearing out those attitudes and beliefs that have been holding you back for so long. This could be a period of heightened imagination and dreaming. You may even find that your spiritual life is going through a change of direction, which could be due to someone coming back into your life who offers you some new world views. You may find that your long term objectives receive a good shake-up as well. This is not a month to sit life out on the sidelines. Make new friends, go out of your way to meet people, even if you’re tired after a hard day at the office, and stretch your mental faculties by taking a risk on the new rather than staying safe.

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February 24, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Birthday Pisces


This is a fairly quiet period for early to middle Pisceans (20th Feb – 5th March) – the decisions that you made over last previous year that came out of the upheavals of both Saturn and Uranus are now being integrated into your daily lives. The New Moon on 25th February will enable you to see how much you have gained and just how your life has changed as a the result of all your efforts in 2008.

This is now the picture for the later Pisceans to get ready for – as if you hadn’t noticed! It’s really time to let go of the people whom you feel you’ve outgrown. It’s a funny thing – and it can come as a surprise – but often those very same people are getting ready to let you go too, so no need to get into the famous Pisces guilt trip about it. Remember you can’t save the world.

It’s also time to do a check over all the other aspects of your life as well – but the key focus is really on your relationships, friendships, and  the efforts you make to achieve balance and harmony in your everyday life.  And if they’re not working for you then why not work to change them? A huge part of that is to let go of worrying about everyone else, and think about yourself for a change? So ask yourself what is it I want/love/need, etc? And when you find out – go for it!

Pisces’ traditional ruling planet Jupiter has recently moved into your Solar 12th House, acting like a magnifying glass on all your dreams and imagination. The Law of Attraction states that as you dream so you will achieve – and Jupiter will help you do just that. Your domestic situation this year can be a positive experience for you this year, and you may be ready to take another step into relating with someone you are attracted to – with a deeper and more nourishing result.

Your challenges will be an over confidence in believing that everyone who tells you something has your best interest at heart. Go and do the research before agreeing to play things their way – it could really expand your self-confidence and your world view. 

It is also a good year to finally sit down with a fitness trainer and dietician and work out a good plan for your long term wellness.

From now until June, Venus plays around in your 2nd house of personal earnings and values – you may have an offer to spend your hard earned cash on some beautiful and desirable goodies. It would be wise to wait until Venus moves on in mid-June, just to be on the safe side.

Love may be in the air in May and June, when Venus and Mars come together for a couple of romantic liaisons. This is a rare opportunity, as Venus usually nips hastily past Mars, but not this Spring(Autumn for my Australian readers) – they are on a mission to find a way of being together – and as they both meet up in Taurus in June, this could be it! Great time for communications and lots of lovely trips out – love emails abound!

For mid-Pisceans, the pressure begins to lift by June/July and you feel more freed up that of late. It has been an intense 9 month period that started end of 2008 – so you can breathe a sigh of relief. You will however have the gift of knowing exactly how you want your future to be and how to make it so.

For late Pisceans, the pressure begins to build up for you by September and you start to feel as if your skin is a little too tight for you – like the snake just before it sheds its skin. This is a 9 month period of on/off intensity until mid-2010. However, it is an extremely productive one and nothing to be emotional about – just do the work and carve out a new future for yourself.

Watch the monthly column below for further information as the year goes on.

February 24, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages, March 2009


NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 


Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading  and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path.  Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!! 


Aries : 21st March – 20th April – Lucky you, to have Venus in your 1st Solar House and Jupiter in your 11th house. These two planets are the teachers of the Universe and will bring many opportunities to meet new people and sort out your long-term objectives. This is a fun period where new relationships can be started and then follow the usual pattern of will they/won’t they? Just relax and let the Universe sort it out for you – you may be surprised with the outcome. Venus, ruler of your house of relationships, is making that square to Pluto over the next couple of months so you might find that some of the people you meet have a more demanding agenda than you would like. It’s an intense month for falling in love, so just make sure you don’t overspend on buying gifts that really could cost you more than you bargained for. If you go shopping with a new love – just take one credit card with you and cry poverty – then see what happens.

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February 23, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Interesting Planetary Phenomenon


You cannot have failed to notice Venus shining like a headlight in the early evening sky – Goddess of beauty, love and attraction. Over the winter months (in the Northern Hemisphere) she has climbed higher and higher each night to reach her maximum elevation – and quite frankly she looks stunningly beautiful.

On Thursday 6th February, Venus at 2 degrees of Aries took a 90 degree backward glance at Pluto – there’s nothing particularly unusual about that because Venus moves so quickly around the Zodiac that she glances at everything during her orbit. 

What does make it interesting is that this time Venus stands still on 6th March and begins to retrace her steps backwards to glance at Pluto again. She actually flirts with Mars as well, but that’s a different story…..

When a planet stops moving forward in its orbit and starts to move backwards, those of us who live in a Universe redolent with meaning have to ask why now? Why does Venus stop charging ahead as she usually does and what was it Pluto whispered to her that she needs to retrace her steps to make sure she heard him correctly? Especially as she does this twice more – 3/4 April and 3/4 May, to be exact. It is an intense relationship being played out in the sky, folks.

This celestial communication between the two planets has to be seen against the background of long Pluto’s sojourn in corporate, organised Capricorn.

Traditionally Venus is not comfortable in Aries, as the harsh get up and go of this Mars ruled, alpha male, fiery sign doesn’t allow her to take her time and schmooze as she is wont to do. It’s all too fast for Venus and it doesn’t allow her to negotiate as she’d prefer to do – decisions have to be made quickly.

So, during this period until May 09, could we see some government decisions being made, too hastily, that involves new roles for women? If we look back to the Fifties, when soldiers returned from the war, we see women having to give up work and get back into the kitchen so that their husbands could take over their jobs – something that did not necessarily sit well on some women – just see the effect of asinine domesticity on the female psyche in the TV series “Mad Men”.

Venus and Pluto are also about sexuality – maybe there will be nice juicy scandal to take our minds off the financial mess that’s going on right now?

Whatever comes to light over the next couple of months – lost things being found again – new truths emerging – big stories all – we can only wait and watch.

February 21, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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The Music had to stop!

I am watching a wonderful two-part BBC Two programme on the history of religious music in Scotland. The development of a particular type of choral work, with its grace notes and flurries of great beauty, sung without accompaniment, seems to have been peculiar to Scottish churches during the early part of the 16th Century.

Then disaster struck – the music had to stop! No more singing! The written word became the way to God. And I knew at once that this was the influence of Pluto entering Capricorn – the Reformation had begun.

Now, for you assiduous readers of my column, you will see at once that the Church was the most powerful institution in 16th Century Europe, and that Pluto entered Capricorn at the time of the beginning of the Reformation. 

And so it is today – Pluto is once again repeating his sojourn in Capricorn and the most powerful institution is being reformed – but this time it’s the banks! Thus be thankful they don’t still burn people at the stake as they did then. And ask yourself this: what will be stopped – banned – by the authorities this time around? Remember, Capricorn is about corporate power…….

History is a wonderful study for understanding the patterns of human development flagged by the movement of the slow moving planets, with their huge long cycles.

February 20, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

An Intense Period for Aquarians


This is an extremely intense period for Aquarians – the build up of planetary energy in your sign right now is nothing short of cosmic greed. Let someone else have them, and give yourselves a break!

Mercury has just re-entered, with Jupiter and the Moon Node, Mars, Chiron and Neptune – this gives a real whirlwind feeling and has you spinning on your heels. One good thing, though is that the recent spate of eclipses in your sign are over for another 18/19 years – so you can relax on that score. 

The Saturn/Uranus opposition has separated for a few months, which could ease some of the worse elements of this financial downturn. However, they will meet again by the end of 2009 and continue their face-off throughout 2010 – so it’s not over yet, folks!

February 20, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Two Book Reviews

I have just finished reading two books – I tend to read books in tandem, depending on my mood – it’s my mutable side!

The first is “A Secret History of the World” by Jonathan Black. This is a brick sized tome that is dense and  irritatingly written. The author has his reader up  and down rabbit holes and round and round labyrinths of confusion. However, if you hang in there, you will find some extraordinary ideas that have been taught throughout history to members of the various Secret Societies of the Western Tradition as the true  face of reality.

Many of the ideas are not new – we live in a culture where we can easily find out about Theosophy, the secrets of the Greeks and Romans, Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, for example – all we have to do is Google for the information. However, the beauty of this book is that Black takes us beyond the flat information we are usually fed that certain societies believed this or that nonsense – or alchemy was simply the forerunner of modern chemistry. He takes us into the mystery itself – and offers us a view of the world largely hidden from us by our materialist world view.

And, for Law of Attraction students, look no further than this book to gain a real understanding of how it all functions. That and a whole lot more!

The second book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is a delightful story of a young woman’s search for meaning in a New York kind of way. Her marriage ends, she suffers a New York Divorce, then follows a childhood dream and goes off to Rome to learn Italian and eat Italian food.


After she’s done that part, she’s off to Pray at her Guru’s Ashram in India – where she works hard and meditates a lot. She does have some genuine spiritual insights and it is this part that lifts the book out of the usual chick lit bracket into something else. It was my favourite part of the book, to be honest. Gilbert writes well and accessibly about the Ashram tradition and what it can mean for Westerners – and what it means for her in particular.

Then, she’s off to Love – in Bali, where she meets and explores the ways of the traditional healing culture there and happens, quite by ‘accident’, upon a lover.

Sounds like a romantic novel? Well, it is in a way, except it’s autobiographical –  and it’s more than that – it has wisdom, sadness and a huge dollop of heart. An easy read. Highly recommended.

You can buy these two books from Amazon by pressing on the pictures.

February 11, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Lose Weight with the Law of Attraction

My colleague, Ann-Marie Caffrey, has spent 6 months developing a weight loss program based upon the Law of Attraction. I‘ll let her describe it in her own words:-

“Before I tell you all about it, did you know that statistically over 95% of all diets fail? Most people end up putting back on even more weight than they originally lost.

Ever thought about that in the context of Law of Attraction?? Suddenly, the reason over 95% of diets fail becomes very clear. We cannot push against our own desires and be successful long term. That’s a simple fact!

The real secret to losing weight (and keeping it off) is to turn the non-sensical ‘diet mentality’ on its head. This brand new program takes a totally different approach to weight loss. An approach that allows you eat what you want, when you want and still lose weight. Guaranteed!

Good news is it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. If you have not lost weight after 8 weeks following this unique program, I will give you a full, no questions, asked refund.

Think about it – if diets haven’t worked in the past, this might just be the weight loss program that really works for you – and it’s effortless.

Remember, there’s NO risk. You have nothing to lose – except those excess pounds!”

You can go straight to the program now ‘Lose weight with the Law of Attraction or read more about it by downloading this pdf file: Attract Weight Loss Document

February 3, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Kung Hei Fat Choy!

“This article is used by permission from Ed Ludbrook’s free monthly

e-newsletter 100% Success available at www.edwardludbrook.com.”

Happy Chinese New Year!
They say that the 21st century will be the Chinese Century after the American 20th Century and British 19th Century.

If you live in Asia or where I do, you would not doubt it.

Many Westerners see this strategic reality as an enormous threat yet whatever you think, get used to it or, do as I do, embrace the whole concept as an exciting challenge.

I think of the British giving the world the legal, economic and administrative systems so important to cultured life.

I think of the Americans giving us the entrepreneurial managerial systems so important for wealth creation and life improvement.

I see the Chinese 21st century giving us the cultural, personal and family systems so important in an open and rapidly changing world. We can easily forget that the Chinese were developed peoples living in grand cities inventing technologies when our fore-fathers were in animal skins. They have learnt what is important in a world of change. 

Their lessons for us will always be based on ‘long term investment based on natural principles’ – Some lessons:

  • Family is everything. We have lost sight of this so much in our modern open world and we wonder why we are having so many problems with our next generation. Their rule is that you do business with your family FIRST, or the business is not worth going into.
  • Health is the base of all things. The Chinese will spend a fortune on natural health products. They laugh at our Western medicine philosophies. 
  • Financial discipline is critical. They understand that this debt-spend binge of the West over the past decades will be our downfall. 
  • Education is the base of all long term success. Their kids are taught to learn from day one.
  • The greatest lesson the Chinese will teach the world is that you cannot force nature. Water will take the easiest downhill path. An extreme focus on beauty produces ugliness.

I welcome the Chinese Century. We, in the West, need their wisdom.   In fact, we need the wisdom that comes from all old cultures who have endured centuries of dramatic change, whether this comes from Sweden or Peru, Swaziland or Indonesia, Bulgaria or Mexico.

If you have any wisdom to send me from your culture, you bless me.

This is the year to build for the long term. To build it once so it lasts.


"This article is used by permission from Ed Ludbrook's free monthly 
e-newsletter 100% Success available at www.edwardludbrook.com."

January 29, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences for February 2009 – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 


Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading  and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path.  Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!! 


Important – Please note that during this month – February – there is an uncommon build up of planetary energies in Aquarius, including the Solar Eclipse  – which puts a huge emphasis on the Solar House that Aquarius occupies on your Solar Chart.


Aries : 21st March – 20th April This emphasis falls in your Solar 11th House, bringing you many changes around the people, ideals and future prospects that you hold dear in your life – the things you live by, really. So, some of these may go through their own shifts and leave your life completely. wish them well and let them go. A parent may require help from you as well, so you’ll have to schedule in some quality time with them. This is an extremely busy time for you – it can bring about some cherished goal and really spur you on to making a real success of things – although, you may have to make concessions about some of your methods. You are looking to the future now – and it may not seem to be fitting an earlier ideal – that’s fine, as long as you don’t start stamping your foot – heated words and fiery confrontations could result and create more problems that they solve. Just take a deep breath and walk away. Start redesigning your next steps.

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January 27, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Birthday Aquarius for 2009

There’s a lot going on for you this year, Aquarius: the entry of Jupiter, bringer of Joy, in your sign a couple of weeks ago can be a real confidence booster that will go a long way to alleviating some of the anxiety that Neptune has been stirring up over the last decade. Now obviously Neptune hasn’t been sitting still during this period – it has a 15 year stay in whichever sign it visits – so as it moves steadily  onwards, the following 5 year period will be for those whose birthdays are at the end of Aquarius – 12th-19th February.

The effects of Neptune can be confusing. However, for those more artistic creative, imaginative or mystical types it can open you up to visionary and intense spiritual experiences. Some people feel the quality of Love (with a capital ‘L’) flowing through your entire lives and can often make changes in your lifestyle and world view that will inform the way you approach reality and live your life forever. The confusion comes if you are identified with life being in a certain solid and unchanging way – when life becomes pliable and foggy life it can become uncomfortable until you widen your horizons to include all the new insights that are flowing in.

Jupiter doesn’t really make things happen, what it does though is to inject positivity into your psyche – and as those of you who are students of the Law of Attraction already know – a positive psyche attracts positive and life affirming experiences. So get ready for a real boost of expansive feelings – and as Jupiter is in your sign for 12 months – how good is that?

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January 27, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Birthday Capricorn for 2009

Finally, your reading for the coming year! – As you may know I had major surgery in December and only now has my head caught up with my body to enable me to get back in the saddle so to speak.  So here goes:-

To quote Steely Dan “If you live in this world, you’re feeling the change of the guard.” This quote is from nearly 40 years ago – when we had similar planetary cycles going on then as now. And the song still sounds great – but I would say that – they’re my favourite band!

Happy Birthday Capricorn for 2009!

This is an intense time for Capricorn, what with the entry of Pluto in your sign, hotly followed by Mars – so a busy, busy beginning to the year for you with all kinds of tight deadlines and heated discussions happening. The heat should die down somewhat when Mars moves on in February and gives you a break.

The intensity of this period is added to by your ruler Saturn being in a tight face-off across the Zodiac with challenging Uranus. These two energies are entirely different in nature to each other, so while Uranus likes everything to hang out, Saturn’s tendency is to prefer circumspection and a slow savouring of events. This opposition falls across your Solar houses of communications and new ideas – so your mind is having to work overtime – learning new things and having to accommodate other people’s ideas, too – not easy as you really prefer to be in control.

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January 27, 2009
by Dawne Kovan
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The Qualities of the Law of Attraction

I have just placed a new permanent page on the blog, entitled “The Qualities of the Law of Attraction”

You might want to take a look now?

Bob Proctor has referred to these as the missing Laws of Attraction – I’m more inclined to see them as Universal Qualities.

Do let me know what you think by using the ‘comments’ box so that your views can shared with other readers.



January 26, 2009
by Dawne Kovan

Today’s Total Solar Eclipse 26th January 2009

Cosmic Influences for Grown-ups – February 2009

Happy New Year to all my Chinese readers! It is the Year of the Ox, representing prosperity, positive growth  and well-being – it equates with the Zodiac sign Taurus, so all you Taureans out there can expect an energy this year that suits your natural inner approach to life and beliefs about your natural right to wealth, health and happiness.

Today’s Total Solar Eclipse  26th January 2009 

This is an eclipse that looks to the future – however, all eclipses are associated with some letting go and endings, particularly of the things that Aquarius prizes such as friendships and idealistic visions, so this eclipse is no exception. You can expect to lose something and inevitably gain much more to fill the space that’s been created.

If you’re old enough to remember look back at this day in 1990 and see what changes were brought into your life at that time – however, Jupiter the great joy-bringer wasn’t included in the equation in 1990 as now,  2009.

As I go through the signs for this month, below, I will interpret the meaning of the eclipse for you.

Jupiter is sitting very nicely beside this eclipse and represents a major optimistic feeling to the energies around us right now. Yes, some things will end – after all, it ended for George W Bush, and made space for Barack Obama (my spellchecker didn’t like the word Obama and substituted ‘abeam’ – clever, eh?). So, it’s not all doom and gloom. When you look back over this period you will soon see that those friendships, ideals, etc, that have ended were going nowhere and needed to change. Problem isn’t with the eclipse it’s with our own fear of change – however, if we didn’t change we’d still be sitting in our prams – so change is part of life.

The present major financial and corporate upheavals are due largely to the face-off across the Zodiac between Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler – and Uranus, Aquarius’ modern ruler. These two giants represent a clash between the old, tried and tested, and the new innovative, creative outlooks. Many organisations that are based on old ideas, products and world views – like making as much money as possible and hang the planet! – will undergo ground breaking changes. Those organisations that are based on looking forward towards a cleaner, more ethical behaviour filled future will survive, but not without the birth pangs that will be an inevitable part of the action.

More of this to follow through the week – including your year ahead for both Capricorn and Aquarius and the month’s Star Signs for everyone else.