Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

April 26, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

A couple of bits from me and one from Edgar Winter, my colleague in Australia.


First of all, I would like to thank those of you who regularly make comments on the blog. I find it very helpful as it is difficult to gauge how many people actually read what I have to say – I mean I find it interesting otherwise I wouldn’t write it – however, unless I get comments both to the blog page or by personal email, I would never know. So thanks again, folks I really appreciate it.

I have just finished Rhonda Byrne’s latest book “The Magic” and have dutifully worked through the 28 days of easy peasy exercises that are designed to help us develop “an attitude of gratitude”. I have to say that when I reached the end, I really did find myself saying “Thank You” a lot more regularly than I used to. And being grateful in general for the weather, smiles from others, etc.

Gratitude is Jupiter in the astrological lexicon – and the more we thank the Universe ,the better pleased is Jupiter. My blog of a couple of weeks ago was about the idea of the planetary energies downloading into sensitive and receptive parts of our charts. And if we live in a co-creating and cooperative Universe, then it stands to reason that we are partners in this process of download/upload. As Jupiter streams generosity and positivity down to our psyches, then we upload our joy to him in gratitude and thus strengthen his reputation for positivity. Continue Reading →

April 18, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

New Moon in Taurus 21/4/2012

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away! – don’t know who said it but I like it.


Happy birthday, Taurus, this is a powerful New Moon that brings together the dynamic and creative impulse of new life with the power and energy of both Pluto and Mars – all in positive, flowing contact. This is called a Grand Trine, when three or more planets cross the Zodiac flowing with benign energy. As it is in Earth signs, the sensuous, practical and creative side of beauty are highlighted here.

It is the beginning of a whole new year for you. Each birthday, the Sun returns to the exact position it occupied at the moment of your birth. This creates a brand new chart giving a unique view of the kind of year you can expect through the following twelve months.

And of course it goes without saying that everyone of us has a Solar Return on their birthday. Mine looks great – wonder what yours looks like? Continue Reading →

April 11, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

The Titanic & an Interesting couple of weeks right now.

We are living under very interesting skies these couple of weeks and it is easy to imagine that once the planets involved move on, then everything changes back to “normal” again. However, given the power of these energies, it is likely that “things” won’t be the same again, much as we would love them to be.

There is a Grand Cross operating across all the mutable signs – Gemini/Sagittarius and Virgo/Pisces. The planets involved are Venus in Gemini in hard aspect to MarsVirgo and Neptune in Pisces and the Moon’s Nodes* across Sagittarius/Gemini. As these last are part of the picture, and they represent the eclipse points, then we know that fate is involved.

This is not an easy energy pattern to live within, as it creates, for example Mars (still retrograde) opposite Neptune dampening Mars impulsive quality. Venus and Mars are at 90 degrees to each other, which is a challenging aspect, so the desire for peace and harmony that is Venus is being eroded by a somewhat short tempered, impotent Mars.

It is too simplistic to say that men will identify with Mars and women Venus, yet I wonder how many women have had their men raging about something that they could not change anyway, over the last week. Continue Reading →

March 28, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

The Big Questions that Astrology Raises – and cannot answer

Over the last couple of weeks I have done 3 readings for March births – one a middle aged man, and two others who were new borns.

The birth chart that I read for the older man was the chart he was born with, as were the other two – a birth chart is exactly what it says on the tin – the map of the heavens at the moment of birth, whatever age the enquirer happens to be when s/he contacts me for a reading.

And it got me thinking, especially as the babies’ charts were ones that I wrote the reports out for because they were gifts from doting grandparents, rather than recording them on CD as I usually do. When I first began to study astrology in 1975, not only did I do all the calculations by my own brain, but every reading was written out by hand, until I bought an electric typewriter – remember those? Anyway, when writing something out in this way certainly it gets my mind working in a more reflective mode; and with Mercury still going backwards, this is the perfect time for reflection, anyway.

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March 21, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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New Moon in Aries – 22nd March, 2012

Every month we experience a New Moon, when the Sun and the Moon occupy the same zodiacal degree in the sky above us. Then, two weeks later, the Moon travels halfway across the Zodiac and rests in the same degree in the opposite sign that the Sun occupies – this is a Full Moon. And every month throughout the year they weave their way around the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

This month, today, they meet in the early degrees of Aries. What makes this meeting different is that there are two other planets on either side of the New Moon/Sun. And these two planets will modify the effects of the New Moon for us all.

The two planets are: Mercury on his backwards journey towards the last degrees of Pisces and Uranus on his forward trajectory towards 8 degrees of Aries in mid-July. Mercury is associated with the spreading of information, gossiping, causing mayhem in the market place, health and healing, young school children, teachers and writers.

Uranus is almost like a super-charged Mercury as he is associated with technology, sudden alarming events; reversals of fortune – in both directions, positive and negative; changes, telecommunications, Large Hadron Colliders, humanitarian endeavours, left wing politics, scientists and inventors.

The combination of Mercury (ME) and Uranus (UR) gives us extraordinary sparks and flashes of insight, brilliant inventive ideas – and also sadly, sudden painful events involving young people, as we have witnessed in Europe over the last couple of weeks.

This month the New Moon comes between them and creates a new dynamic. Continue Reading →

March 14, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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Mercury Retrograde 12th March to 4th April

It’s Mercury going backwards time again! So watch out for crossed communications and lost mail – which will be unravelled in about 3 weeks time.

The actual change of direction was Monday 12th March at 7h49. I went along to my local bank at about 10 AM that day and asked my nice clerk how their morning was going so far. He replied that it had been a nightmare as the ATM machine had packed up and they had people queuing around the block getting more and more angry and frustrated. Continue Reading →

March 14, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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Planets in the skies right now

This week we are able to see both Venus and Jupiter together setting in the West, Venus being the brighter of the two. For those who are lucky enough to have clear skies and binoculars, you may also see a feint Mercury below them. Sirius is also very bright and shining with rainbow colours straight ahead of us. Then a little later, Mars rises in the East followed by Saturn – a once in many years’ opportunity for us to see the raw materials of our art above us in the heavens.

Photo taken from the Claremont Observatory, Edinburgh – i.e. my friends’ roof top. Thank you for that, guys!

March 14, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

This week’s Grand Trine

A Grand Trine is when 3 or more planets all make 120 degrees to each other across the Zodiac. This time it is the turn of both Venus and Jupiter together, 120 degrees from Mars and Pluto, which are in turn 120 degrees from  each other – thus making a huge triangle across the sky. How amazing is that? And they usually occur in the same element – i.e. Fire/Earth/Air/Water – and this time they’re in Earth signs.

This pattern is seen as a good thing – although sometimes it can be too much of a good thing, if it is all positive. Psychologically someone born with a Grand Trine can think that the world owes them a living, so they don’t have to lift a finger. However, this time the positive (benefic) nature of Jupiter and Venus is modified by the stressful energy of Mars and the power of Pluto so it all gets stirred up.

For all those with their Sun/Moon/Ascendant signs at the beginning of the earth signs – i.e. early Taurus, at end of April; early Virgo at end of August; and early Capricorn at the end of December, you will be feeling the creative thrust that these guys will bring you. I think it is the speed that which the changes can occur that can be somewhat unsettling for you. There doesn’t seem to be enough time to work out the details before you are being asked to put your ideas into the workplace. This could be exaggerated by the pressure of Mars.


March 7, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Full Moon across Pisces/Virgo

Today’s blog is a bit of everything – the Full Moon across Pisces/Virgo and a new Sky Watch element for you to go out and gaze up at (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).


Moon in Virgo opposite Sun in Pisces – 18 Virgo/Pisces at 9h40 GMT 8th March, 2012

Full Moons are funny things, or at least they can have funny effects on us. Certainly it is accepted in the medical professions that we bleed more heavily when there is a Full Moon, for example. People can become more violent and hot under the collar also. Mystics teach us that it is easy to lose ourselves, i.e. become less conscious of ourselves, when the Moon is either New or Full. What I have observed is that sometimes we can become more emotional, more forgetful, speak more about our past, particularly our childhood. So, we can tend to slip out of the NOW into a dreamlike state – and it isn’t any particular Zodiac sign that the Moon is in. Sometimes we barely register it and other times: Can we get to sleep? Stop obsessing about something that happened years ago? No chance!

The main focus of a Full Moon is always the planet it sits beside – and in this case it is Mars on his backwards journey through Virgo. The time span is for the next two weeks. The areas of interest on your personal Solar chart will be ruled by Mars – in other words, wherever Aries and Scorpio fall in relation to your Zodiac sign, both ruled by Mars. Those among you who know their Ascendant or Moon sign can also read from those, as well. Continue Reading →

February 29, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

What does it all mean and why do I feel like this?

In past articles I have looked at the effects of planets visiting our charts – particularly in terms of events. In todays article, I am going to look at how it feels when we are being paid attention by these giants in our skies.

Short term planets, i.e. the faster moving energies, will impact on us very differently from the slower moving planets. The Moon will only have an effect of a few hours at most, unless it is working in tandem with a heavier and more powerful body such as the Sun. This is why New and Full Moons can have an impact on our lives, particularly if they are also eclipses – a New Moon can affect us for a month, an eclipse for a year.

Mercury and Venus will hang around for 3 or 4 days and we will certainly notice how we suddenly become more chatty with Mercury and more social with Venus. Mars can be around for a week and energise us into taking action where we may not have bothered before. Jupiter is around for about 6 months and can expand our horizons, mental and physical. Saturn hangs heavily for almost a year and everything slows down. Continue Reading →

February 22, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

New Moon in Pisces with Neptune in Pisces

This is the first New Moon in Pisces with Neptune since 1848. Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, the sign of mysticism, compassion, altruism, spirituality, imagination, the oceans, fish, gas, escapism from reality through drugs, alcohol and flights of fantasy. Neptune also rules fashions, those things that grab the collective and become markers of certain decades.

Looking back on the last time Neptune was in Pisces – 1848-1861 – I discovered how it worked through many of the above links with Pisces and the most extraordinary mirroring of our own age. This stuff really excites me as it describes how we really are living in an energy field that has its own memories and determination that we get the message of how reality works and that maybe offers us solutions.

At the very beginning of 1848 there occurred what was called “The Spring of Nations” or “The Springtime of the Peoples”. This was a Europe wide uprising from France across to Poland, of the poor against oppression and basically slavery. Sadly, it failed – but not before it spread across the Mediterranean and across to Russia. However, the mirroring of our own Arab Spring is demonstrated in the present uprisings. Continue Reading →

February 15, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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What does a transit planet signify in terms of personal process?

When a planet is in forward motion by transit, it steams ahead bright and breezy over the various points on your chart and stuff happens, either internally or externally, usually the latter at first. This weaves a number of elements together: first, the energy of the transit planet itself; then the planet and house on your chart where the action is; then the house that the transit planet occupies on your birth chart.

The aspects, or planetary relationships created by the transit planet are calculated by divisions of the 360 degree circle and each of these has a different quality i.e. dynamic or flowing, some stronger than others. A lot of weaving is going on here – I often tell my students that it’s a bit like God’s knitting.

As our orbit overtakes the orbit of the transit planet this makes it appear to stand still in the sky. From our vantage point as we move forward it seems to move backwards, very slowly, only covering a tiny bit of the sky – for example with Saturn it’s 8 degrees, Pluto it’s only 4 degrees. Continue Reading →

February 8, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Saturn’s Influences February 2012

Saturn has started to go backwards again, folks! This means that our orbit has overtaken his and the visual angles between us both make Saturn appear to go backwards – like slow trains and fast trains. I’m sure all my regular readers will know by now the way it works – those of you who are confused please don’t hesitate to contact me for further information.

Before I go any further, I refer to Saturn throughout this article as “he”, because traditionally he has always been spoken of thus.

This year is the final year that Saturn is in Libra – his best position of all the signs of the Zodiac. This process began in October, 2009 and will leave in October 2012. In 2010 he spent April to July going backwards through the last degrees of Virgo before re-entering Libra. Then he will enter Scorpio for the following two and a half years – more on that next October.

The ancients knew Saturn as Chronus, the Lord of Time. Esoterically he is known as the Lord of Karma, the Gatekeeper, the Dweller on the Threshold. In Christian symbolism he equates to Saint Peter, who guards the Gates of Heaven and weighs up all our behaviour on earth before letting us in. This is why Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales and Balance, where his finest and strongest energies come into play. Continue Reading →

February 1, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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Two for the price of one today!

That’s right folks, two posts today for your enjoyment.

The first entitled ‘Scotland the Brave – and the “Untied” Kingdom and the second Neptune in Pisces – 2011/12 – 2025/26

Please feel free to add your comments about these posts on the blog itself.

Have your own birth chart read here………

Why not contact me and set up a birth chart reading? I work electronically, sending readings out worldwide, enabling you to download them straight onto your desktop or into your iTunes. Then after you have listened a couple of times you can call me or email to discuss the finer points or ask questions if you so wish – most of my clients love this part, to be honest.

My details are: email [email protected] – Skype: dawnekovan – iPhone +44 (0)7957856207


February 1, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Scotland the Brave – and the “Untied” Kingdom

I am moved to write about this as I live in Scotland and there seems to be a political move towards us leaving the United Kingdom (anagram of untied Kingdom!). While the ruling party in London is demanding that the Scottish government ask its people to vote “Yes or No” for Scottish Independence, right now, the original idea had been to wait until 2014.

This could be easily dismissed as a nonsense and an impossible dream of many Scots over the centuries – however, the planets do seem to tell us another story. Continue Reading →