Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

February 1, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
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Neptune in Pisces – 2011/12 – 2025/26

The dates above reflect the inexact nature of Neptune itself. This huge ice giant entered Pisces for 5 months only in 2011, then return to the last degrees of Aquarius for a further 4 months, and then will complete the changeover to Pisces on 3rd February, 2012.

Before I speak about the transit through Pisces, I want to reflect on the last 14 years since Neptune entered Aquarius, and then take a look at what happened the last time it was there from 1847 – 1861. Incidentally, it had only been ‘discovered’ the previous September, in 1846. So was in the same position as I now write this article right at the end of Aquarius. By looking back at the history of the major moving planets as they change sign, as my regular readers know by now, is how I extrapolate future events – so here goes…..

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January 26, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
Comments Off on Get it and move on – because your Soul needs you to.

Get it and move on – because your Soul needs you to.

Astrology teaches us that we are all connected to the Solar System and to each other by the Divine energy that flows through us – as Joni Mitchell sings “We are Stardust, we are Golden”.

That we really are all made up of stardust is now recognised by astrophysicists. We are all made of the same “star stuff” interconnected with each other, and every other living thing on our planet, the other planets of our Solar System, The Sun, the stars, and the Universe itself – how amazing is that?

In her book “The Field”, Lynne McTaggart describes the growing scientific evidence that there is a subtle energy field underlying and connecting everything that is. Could this then be the same thing that we call God? Continue Reading →

January 18, 2012
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

The Effects of Mars in Your Sign

In my last article on Mars activating the Stephen Lawrence murder I showed how a so-called personal planet can deepen its effect when it is in retrograde motion.

For an explanation of this term please see my previous blog.

Today’s article will bring this effect from the broader picture of politics into everyday life. I will examine Mars as it sits for the next 6 months in Virgo and how that impacts on your own sign, so that you can gain a some insight into what is going on for you right now.

Here’s how Mars works:

Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio
Metal – Iron
Colour – Red
People – Warriors and Engineers
Rules the Adrenals
Tuesday is his day


Mars orbits the Sun from outside the Earth’s path. It is traditionally known as the Red Planet, and its reddish tinge can be easily seen in the night sky. People with a strong Mars often have red hair

To the ancient Romans, Mars was the God of War and ruler of the Roman culture. Gustav Holst in his “Planet Suite” had the same idea. Mars is the action planet of focus and determination; self-assertion and aggression; loves a good argument and is highly competitive. His association with iron gives him gifts both as a swordsman and a surgeon. As the counter-part of Venus, he seeks to establish individuality and personal willpower.

In his Aries aspect he is the foot soldier, resolutely fighting his way through the enemy’s ranks. In his Scorpio mode he is the General, planning his strategy subtly, from the safety of his bunker.

The sign in which Mars is placed on a chart indicates how the person expresses courage and initiative.

Mars and You:

Please Note – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your actual day of birth – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. Remember that this is a 6 month effect!

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January 11, 2012
by Dawne Kovan

Mars and the murder of Stephen Lawrence

Mars has a 2 year orbit around the Sun and rests in each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac for 6 weeks per sign. The observant among my readers will calculate correctly that 12 x 6 weeks adds up to 18 months NOT 2 years, and will ask “What happens to the other 6 months?”

We are in the “other 6 months” now. The orbit of the Earth is overtaking Mars’ orbit thus creating the illusion that Mars is going backwards, or retrograde, as we call it. Back on 11th November, 2011 Mars entered Virgo and is slowly making his way before turning backwards on 24th January 2012. It will continue to go backwards until 14th April when it turns direct and leaves Virgo on 3rd July, 2012. Mars’ retrograde periods occur every 25 months in subsequent signs across the Zodiac, i.e. last time it fell in Leo in 2009 and next time it will be in Libra.

Please note that planets do NOT actually go backwards. This is an optical illusion created by the angle of earth’s orbit in relation to a planet’s own orbit. It’s a lot like a fast train flying past a slow train and making the slow train appear to go backwards. If you’re on the slow train then you feel as if you really are going in reverse motion for the time of the other train passing you.

I am always alert to what is happening in the outside world and how the events reflect and embody the planetary movements. On 13th September, 1974 a baby boy Stephen was born to an Anglo-Caribbean family called Lawrence, living in London. On the 22nd April 1993 aged 18 years, he was brutally stabbed to death by a gang of white teenagers who were known to be violently racist. The police were sluggish in their enquiries, to say the least, despite initial arrests and prosecutions that came to nothing. This despite it always being alleged that everyone knew who the perpetrators of the crime were. There followed by a private prosecution brought by Stephens family that also came to nothing, which resulted in the suspects being acquitted of any wrongdoing. The attitude of the police towards this crime indicated deep and systemic institutional racism within their organisation. As a result, it instigated a country-wide clean-up process across all the police authorities in the UK with regards to racism, sexism, etc. Many large and small heads rolled as a result of this.

Fast forward to 2011, 18 years on, and a “cold case” investigation began using the latest technologies. The same two men were finally brought to trial in November 2011 as Mars entered Virgo, Stephen’s Sun Sign. They were found guilty and sent to prison with Mars sitting on the actual degree of Stephen’s Sun, 20 Virgo. Mars equates with action, anger, knives, soldiers, just to give a few correspondences. The Sun is the life force, identity, the droplet of God, men in authority. This transit of Mars over Stephen’s Sun will continue to reverberate as Mars crosses 20 Virgo twice more due to the retrograde motion, the last crossing in mid-June 2012. I wonder if the other gang members ( as it was more than just 2 boys who murdered Stephen) will be brought to justice during the next few months. We will see.

The eclipse points, or Moon Nodes, were in the same degree at Stephen’s birth, his murder, and the guilty verdict – this position was 14 Sagittarius. I always see the Moon Nodes as a fated or destiny position whether in a birth chart or an event chart such as this.

When events like this occur it is useful to ask what was going on with the slow moving planets at the time, as they seem to be markers of collective or political changes. The year that Stephen Lawrence was murdered was an important one as far as Uranus (orbit 84 years) and Neptune (orbit 150 years) were concerned, because it was their conjunction, a celestial event that occurs once every 170 years. The previous conjunction was in 1822 in Capricorn, the sign of institutions, when the British Government set up the Royal Irish Constabulary. Due to its success, 7 years later they then set up the Metropolitan Police in London. This rare planetary energy reformed in Capricorn and echoed throughout the UK, homing in on the British Police through to the racist murder of young Stephen Lawrence.

The huge impact of this boy’s tragic life has echoed down 36 years of British legal history and indicates to me that some people come into the world to create sweeping changes in their collective. Stephen Lawrence certainly achieved that.

December 30, 2011
by Dawne Kovan

Something New for the New Year

First let me wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year! May 2012 bring you much joy!

I thought it would be fun to play the numbers game as we head into 2012. Many years ago I wrote the Numerology book in Dorling Kindersley’s “The Secrets of ….” series. The books are still being published, most recently in Estonia and Japan, by Penguin, who took over their publication a few years ago. However, I believe they are out of print in English.

The text below is my own updated and expanded version of the Prediction section of my book. And I offer it to show how these ancient systems can resonate and impact on our lives, Astrology and Numerology, to name but two systems, seem to resonate well together. This indicates to me that the ancients really did possess an understanding that went far beyond how we imagine them to be, i.e. ignorant and unreasoning, from our own “enlightened and scientific” view of humanity. And how the values that these systems uncover are seen to be meaningless in our present age.

So, please enjoy a dip into how 2012 could pan out for you once you have done the calculation described thus: your Personal Year is easy to calculate – simply add the digits of your day of birth to those of your birth month. Add the total to the number of the present year. For example, if you were born on 25th December, the digits would be 25 for the day and 12 for the month – these then each add up to 7 for the day (2+5) and 3 for the month (1+2); add these together and get 7 + 3 = 10; then 1+0 = 1. The digits for 2012 add up to 5. By adding the 1 to the 5, you have a personal year of 6.

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December 20, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

The Winter Solstice – and what does it mean?

On the 21st December 2011, the Sun will appear to stand still and is the marker for Winter and Summer in both the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres of our planet.

The earth turns on its own axis and also orbits the Sun. However, it does this on a 23 degree tilt from the vertical – and this is what creates the seasons. So, on 21st December in the North we have the shortest day, with the Sun at 0 Capricorn; on 21st March we have Spring, with the Sun is at 0 Aries, and equal day and night (or Equinox); on 21st June it is the longest day with the Sun at 0 Cancer or High Summer; and the second equinox is on 21st September, beginning of Autumn, at 0 Libra.

And the seasons all reverse below the equator.

Christmas is the remnant of a pagan/Roman festival, dedicated to the planet Saturn, as the ruler of Capricorn. This ancient feast celebrated the coming of the light i.e. the shining of the Sun out of the Winter’s darkness, with wine, song and revelry. It has been observed since human beings were first able to give order to their skies many millennia ago. Such knowledge was important for hunter gatherers and farmers to predict when the seasons would occur in order that they could plan ahead and organise their food sources.

This ancient Winter festival or Bacchanalia was all about renewal after a period of darkness, of hope and of joy at the Sun’s rising. It had such a strong hold on the populations of Europe that when the Church was organising its own special day, i.e. the birth of Jesus, it had to fall as close as possible to the old traditional day otherwise they would have lost their followers very quickly. It was ever thus – people like to party!! Many astrologers suggest that the biblical description of the Nativity suggests that the birth of this wondrous child would more likely have been in the Spring of 4 BC rather than in the December 4 years later. And in those days people followed the movements of the planets much more closely than most of us do today. The Priest Kings, the Magi, knew by reading the skies, when and where this special child would be born and so set off to welcome him.

The odd thing is that this coming of the light is still celebrated on 25th December worldwide, even though for those nations South of the Equator it is their High Summer, and it seems to render the festival somewhat obsolete. Again I have to say that people like to party.

I wish you all a very Happy Festive Season, however you worship, and very Prosperous New Year.

For an interesting website on the solstice of 2012 please take a look at the amazing celebrations being organised in Ireland. Go to www.ireland2012.ie


December 16, 2011
by Dawne Kovan

‘The Bond’ by Lynne McTaggart


I can happily recommend this work as a wonderful Christmas gift – it is a thought provoking read for anyone who is questioning the meaning of life and its origins with an open mind and heart. I have to come clean here and say how much I learned from this book, subtitled “Connecting through the space between us”. The publisher’s blurb on the back suggests that “We are living a lie. We believe we flourish because we compete and fight – personally, as a nation, and as the dominant species. But we succeed only because we share, we care and we’re fair.”

This is meaty stuff and it gets meatier, I promise. Darwin’s ideas of evolution are examined in some detail, together with the fact that he did not coin the phrase “the survival of the fittest” so beloved of Richard Dawkins in his work “The Selfish Gene”. It was in fact British Philosopher Herbert Spencer who persuaded Darwin to adopt the phrase, which it is said, he did somewhat reluctantly. The latest discoveries in quantum physics demonstrate how differently things work at the cell level and below. They show that contrary Darwin’s idea of struggle for existence, cells must come together and bond in order to create life – not fight to the death in order to be top dog. In fact, if they did that, we would not have any “life as we know it, Captain.”

In a small aside here, I must leap in with my astrologer’s hat on and bang on about an old theme of mine: namely that we see and experience life through our own individual cosmic lens. According to Wikipedia, Professor Dawkins was born under Aries, the sign of “Me first” “I will win” and other selfish gene type statements.

The book is divided into three sections: Part One – the science stuff, which gets somewhat repetitious, to be honest, half a dozen experiments would have sufficed for me, although some of them were stunning; Part Two – The Pull To Wholeness, the real thrust of her argument and the most gripping section; Part Three – Recovering the Bond, the where next with all these ideas, both politically and personally?

The Bond is what glues us together, that ensues that we survive through sharing, caring and developing our empathy and supporting rather than dividing each other. In the West there has long been the philosophy of individuality, uniqueness; whereas in the East there the exact opposite, a philosophy of us/we. These two very different models to live by – separation and togetherness are at the heart of McTaggart’s book.

That we are all connected with each other and everything in the Universe is a thrilling thought- and yet, didn’t we know this already? McTaggart’s book lends weight to the way I see the world through my astrologer’s eye: we are each a unique blend of Universal energies that ebb and flow, bond and work together to enable us to be who and how we are in this world.

Lynne McTaggart is an American science journalist, domiciled in London. She is well known for her Newsletters “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” in which she explodes the many myths around current medical practices and research on drugs, etc. She also wrote “The Field” and “The Intention Experiment”.

December 8, 2011
by Dawne Kovan

Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages – 10th December 2011

Why not book a personal reading from Dawne to see how the Universe is treating you and what it holds in store in the future? See my Astrological Services page for further information.

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. You could try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path. Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!!

Lunar Eclipse Saturday 10th December, 2011

This eclipse follows on from the Solar eclipse a couple of weeks ago – for more information on that, please look at my posting of 25th November entitled Busy Skies…. , as it explains how it could affect you over the next 6 months or so. Continue Reading →

December 1, 2011
by Dawne Kovan

The Transits and Cycles of Saturn

This article covers the various personal cycles of Saturn, including Saturn in Libra 21/7/10 to 5/11/12 (with a 6 month re-entry into Virgo from 30/10/09 to 7/4/10).

The reason I head my blog articles “Astrology for Grown Ups” is because I respect all my readers and treat them like adults. No pretending everything in the garden is lovely when it is patently obvious that it isn’t. However, I believe, as did the Ancients, that “Knowledge is Power” – so by reading these articles, you will have the information you need to ready yourselves for the things that are heading our way – and understand those things that have passed already.

Saturn is the planet most associated with reality checks; and as is obvious by the state of our nations now – we don’t like reality. We would rather dream and hope that tomorrow will be a better day. However, Saturn teaches us that tomorrow is founded on today, yesterday and all the years before.

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November 23, 2011
by Dawne Kovan

Cosmic Influences – Your Grown-up Astrology Pages – November 2011

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated from your time of birth. You could try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest.

Don’t know your Moon Sign? Get your FREE Sun/Moon combination reading and discover how your emotions impact with your ambitions to create your unique life path. Just email me your birth date, time and place and I’ll email it back to you FREE!!!

Aries : 21st March – 20th April: The New Moon in your 9th Solar House indicates that you will be formulating long range plans for your future. You may have a desire for travel or spiritual or intellectual pursuits. As this is also an eclipse you may find that your plans are interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances. You may have a long held dream to write – as the 9th House is also the house of publishing and broadcasting, this could bode well for your success in these areas – you may even be on TV! Watch out for Mercury constantly changing your mind for you, just when you think you have reached a decision. An old friend from overseas may come back into your life. There may be someone in your working environment who causes a general upset for you and your co-workers. You’ll just have to sit it out – not something you’re particularly good at! See it as character building….

Taurus: 20th April – 20th May: The New Moon in your Solar 8th House can bring a major emphasis on joint finances, such as mortgages, partner’s earnings, tax matters and your savings. You will be turning the spotlight on your ideas to eke a little more out of your resources, especially if your partner gets a good job opportunity over the next few months. You may also have a windfall or a gift that enables you to change the course of your life over the next 6 months. Just make sure that you keep all major decisions until after Mercury changes direction in mid-December. You may find that you are over-spending on your children – and not just for Christmas, as this influence lasts until next summer. If they want something desperately, then make a deal with them that they do something for you in repayment. Meditation could be an invaluable path for you to explore as it will give you much solace in the midst of the inevitable Christmas stress. This is a good period for you with Jupiter the Joy Bringer also in your sign over the next 6 months. Lucky you! Continue Reading →

November 23, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
Comments Off on Busy Skies This Week and Happy Birthday Sagittarius – plus a guest writer

Busy Skies This Week and Happy Birthday Sagittarius – plus a guest writer

Yesterday, the 22nd November, the Sun entered Sagittarius and on 24th November, Mercury stands stock still ready to change from forwards for a three week stint of running backwards. And as if this isn’t enough, the New Moon on 25th November is a Solar Eclipse. Talk about a big plate of goodies to keep us on our toes!

It starts with Mercury changing direction on the 24th November followed by the New Moon in Sagittarius – 25th November, 2011. This particular New Moon is also a partial Solar Eclipse. This means that the body of the Moon does not completely obscure the Sun’s disk as it would if it were total – however, it does cover part of the Sun and cause a shadow to cover some of the Earth.

The country where the shadow falls can undergo changes during the period of influence, ranging from 1 to 2 years – however, as this one is partial, it will most likely last for about 6 months. This will be true for personal charts also.

This Eclipse shadows both the bottom of South Africa and Australia. I would think that we will see major weather patterns and some political upheaval, especially in South Africa, where looks as if things could become volatile over the next few months. Eclipses have a 19 year repeat pattern – look at what you were doing then and see how a similar theme asserts itself in your life now.

Mars is making very slow progress through Virgo right now – in readiness for his own retrograde motion starting at the end of January – thus creating a challenging 90 degree aspect to the eclipse. I will incorporate this into the readings that follow.

First of all, thank you to Edgar Winter, Australian Astrologer, for writing this next piece:

Mercury Goes Retrograde…24th November to 14th December 2011

The Sagittarius Sun starts 22nd November and turns eyes toward distant skies where hope is revived by images of brighter days ahead. This uplifting fire sign can stir hearts with heroic stories and noble aspirations. Yet the shadow of its rampant optimism about tomorrow is a denial of current concerns. Instead of dealing with the concrete issues of the present, we can escape into an imaginary future. Overselling ourselves on beliefs and plans may provide short-lived relief, yet can make reality more painful when we’re finally forced to face it. Judgment based on concepts of absolute right and wrong can crush compassion under the heel of self-righteousness. Yet when minds are open and innovative ideas are exchanged we can change the world.

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November 23, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

A couple of admin matters……..

To go with Dawne’s new blog theme -which I hope you like? – there is now a ‘print friendly’ button at the bottom of each post which will not only enable you to print the post but also to email it to a friend, which I hope you will do.

Also, I would like to remind all of Dawne’s readers who have not yet entered their email address in the box to the right of this post, to please so now. Then, not only will you automatically receive Dawne’s posts by email as soon as they appear on the blog, it will also spare her the time to send individual emails to hundreds of readers telling them to check the blog for new posts.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Dawne’s administrator


October 25, 2011
by Dawne Kovan

The Planets are never out to get us – it only feels like it!

The Planets are never out to get us – it just feels like it!

We are living in interesting times – in the Chinese sense – and this is reflected in the planetary line up in our solar system right now. But, here’s the thing – it is that the planets are not to blame for our woes. They do not cause anything – rather it is our own reactions to the pressure of their combined energies that can set the cats among our pigeons.

The general feeling seems to be that the world is in crisis – no it isn’t – many countries are doing fine, thank you. So, step one is to stop believing that the Western world is the centre of the Universe. Step two is to understand what is going on from an energetic planetary level. Ancient astrologers and priest-kings used to teach that the planets were “intelligences”, each with its own separate thought form and effect on human intelligence. However, they were only aware of the visible planets Sun/Moon out to Saturn until 1780s when Uranus was spotted through a telescope.

Our present situation involves the so-called outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, that were “discovered” at different points over the last 200 years through technology. Their inter-related cycles signal huge shifts of consciousness operating in our human lives, both personally and collectively. Each of these three have long orbits and thus remain in their signs for many years, thus ensuring that we get the message and shift our attitudes and behaviours.

So let’s break the present collective “soup” into its separate components:

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April 5, 2011
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

New Moon in Aries

On Sunday 3rd April, there was a New Moon in Aries – Easter always follows with the Full Moon two weeks later. A New Moon is created by the Sun and Moon coming together in the same degree of a sign, monthly, around the Zodiac. A Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are in the opposite sign two weeks later, monthly around the Zodiac. Sometimes these Solar/Lunar phenomena can occur without engaging with any of the other planets in our Solar System. However, what makes this particular event interesting for us is that there were no fewer than 4, yes 4, other planets sitting in Aries at the same time.

So what can it mean, I hear you ask? To start with Aries is a warlike sign and the day before the New Moon, ruling planet Mars entered Aries and was sitting on top of Uranus – a Mars/Uranus combination is associated with weapons and technology and arguments flaring up suddenly – especially in bellicose Aries. The New Moon (and Sun) were sitting very close to Jupiter, the exaggerator, and a few days earlier, Mercury further along Aries had decided to move backwards to communicate his two cents’ worth as well and changing our minds for us into the bargain.

And just to add extra interest (!) to all this, Saturn was exactly opposite the New Moon and Jupiter, constellating a powerful resistance to all the foregoing from authority figures. When Saturn and Jupiter face each other off across the Zodiac like this there is an almighty struggle between the status quo (Saturn) and freedom (Jupiter). Even in our personal or business lives, to the extent that one partner wants to do one thing and the other resists – it can seem like blockage for its own sake, however common sense must prevail and the outcome can only be more like reality. The theme is really about checks and balances – the famous Saturnian reality check.

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