Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

December 23, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Holidays!

As some of you already know, I went into hospital at the beginning of this month for what was to have been a striaghtforward procedure – but which turned into major abdominal surgery.
Although I am back home my head seems to be elswhere!
For this reason I am not able to write my column for Capricorn at this time – I shall catch up with you as soon as I am able.
So just let me say ‘Happy Birthday to all Capricorns’.
Wishing you all Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!

November 29, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Watch this conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon!

The article below might interest you – it came all the way from Australia – isn’t technology wonderful?

Hope your skies allow you to see it – I mean weatherwise. It has to portend good things – probably spiritual ones in the face of all the Pluto stuff going on at the beginning of Capricorn on the solstice point. The three benefics coming together to grace our visible heavens – this is what got the Babylonian/Chaldean Astrologers going 5,000 years ago – and here it still happens to us now. Wow!!!

Blessings, Dawne xx

A spectacular conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon!

Go outside tonight when the horizon is turning red and the zenith is cobalt-blue and look southwest. You’ll see Venus and Jupiter beaming side-by-side through the twilight. Glittering Venus is absolutely brilliant and Jupiter is nearly as bright as Venus. On Nov. 29th the two planets will be less than 3 degrees apart and you’ll think to yourself “surely it can’t get any better than this.”

And then it will. On Nov. 30th a slender 10% crescent Moon leaps up from the horizon to join the show. The delicate crescent hovering just below Venus-Jupiter will have cameras clicking around the world. Dec. 1st is the best night of all. The now crescent Moon moves in closer to form an isosceles triangle with Venus and Jupiter as opposing vertices. The three brightest objects in the night sky will be gathered so tightly together, you can hide them all behind your thumb held at arm’s length.

The celestial triangle will be visible from all parts of the world, even from light-polluted cities. People in New York and Hong Kong will see it just as clearly as astronomers watching from remote mountaintops. Only cloudy weather or a midnight sun (sorry Antarctica!) can spoil the show.

Although you can see the triangle with naked eyes–indeed, you can’t miss it-a small telescope will make the evening even more enjoyable. In one quick triangular sweep, you can see the moons and cloud-belts of Jupiter, the gibbous phase of Venus (69% full), and craters and mountains on the Moon. It’s a Grand Tour you won’t soon forget.

November 25, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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A Pluto Update

At last – Pluto leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on 27th November, 2008! So, finally all the 4 Mutable signs can breathe a sign of relief – or party, party, party! All you Geminis, Virgos, Sagittarians and Pisceans are now able to emerge from the Stygian gloom of Pluto’s realm and start living on the surface of Earth again. And as Pluto will not return to Sagittarius for another 240 years or so, it’s something worth partying for.

November 25, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Birthday Sagittarius – Your Year Ahead

It is always suggested that Sagittarians are generous and optimistic types, and your behaviour does seem to bear that out. Jupiter is your ruling planet, and is known as the “Greater Benefic”  – in other words, the Giant Good Guy in the sky. I think that part of your reputation for generosity lies in the fact that the period that the Sun traverses your sign is the one directly before Christmas. Most people are preparing feasts and buying gifts over these few weeks in readiness for the “Coming of the Light” that is the Christmas period. I will write more on that on my Capricorn page at the end of December.

Jupiter has a 12/13 month residence in each Zodiac sign and is just coming to the end of his stint in Capricorn – not the happiest sign for him to be placed in, to be honest. This could explain why many of you Sagittarians have been somewhat subdued over this past year, and have felt hemmed in by the sheer necessities of life. The sign change into Aquarius occurs in the first week of the New Year and will herald a year of opportunities and openings. It will offer you a more interesting future, which is after all your favourite view – your eyes firmly fixed on tomorrow  – no looking back for you!!!

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November 25, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences for Grownups – December

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – ie your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 

Please note that this year is a Leap year, which means that a day has been added to the calendar. so, you may notice that the beginning and end dates in some cases are a day earlier than usual. The Full Moon in Libra, that traditionally heralds Easter, always presents relationship matters in your face, whatever your sign happens to be.

This Sagittarius New Moon unites with both Mercury, planet of communication and Mars, the Red Planet of Action. When these two planets combine, they can create a sort of black belt in verbal karate – suggesting that this could be a month for ALL the signs to be expressing themselves, each in their own particular way, in a somewhat fiery, ego-oriented and super-charged fashion. Sounds like fun!!!

Aries : 21st March – 20th April – the New Moon falls in your 9th Solar House as it does every Christmas period – so focusing you on your long range future and plans for the new Year. You may be in communication during this month with people from a distance – this area on your solar chart is also associated with your in-laws and your partner’s family.  You may decide to go travelling for the festive season. In all the excitement of buying gifts, you may need to pull back on your expenditure and think about the financial global situation right now – just be sure that you prioritise your outgoings – and have enough left for the important bills.

Mars, your ruling planet sitting so close to Mercury can indicate that there may be some clash of wills with siblings. You may also find that your journey to work has to change for some unforeseen reason, which could be irritating, but not the end of the world. 

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November 14, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Recession – What Recession?

This is NOT about loss of money, folks, it just seems like it. In reality, it’s about changing our ATTITUDE – individually – to living in the real world, connected with everything in it – fish, fowl, flowers and you and me. And every time we are pressured into attitude shifts by the Universal energies, whatever we hold as our over-riding value, will be challenged and reworked, by hook or by crook.

And we’re bang in the middle of one of those Universal pressures right now – just as we were in the mid-Sixties, the early Thirties, the 1890’s (with Freud’s work), and many more examples, right back to the Axial Age, when Buddhism,  Hinduism, Judaism were all born around the same time.

And here we go again, everywhere we turn we are being bombarded by the various news media – TV, newspapers, radio, etc – that we are now on the verge of a recession and things can only get worse. And for many people, this will be true – but why? Because they believe it – and why do they believe it? Because they/we are being told that it is so, and we always believe what we are told by the media, don’t we?

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October 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Neale Donald Walsch on the US Presidential Election

US citizens eligible to vote on the 4th November have a monumental decision to make -a decision that has global implications.

If you are a follower of Neale Donald Walsch known for his marvellous ‘Conversations with God’ series of books, you will want to hear what he has to say about the two candidates for President of the USA.

Neale talks about a crucial point in human history that YOU – the US Citizen – are about to face. Believe me, you are now faced with the responsibility to leave a big spiritual impact upon the world.

Have a listen to find out why…http://mail.finerminds.com/cgi-bin/arp3/arp3-t.pl?l=29&c=143857

I urge you to listen to this interview and pass it on to friends – it is vital for the future of the world that the best man wins this election!

October 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Birthday Scorpio – Your Year Ahead


Intense, deep thinking and secretive Scorpio – at least that’s what all the books say about your sign. I would rather suggest that you are extremely self-protective and tend to take things to heart and digest them in private. You are very passionate about the things that you hold dear – people, ideas and life-styles – and will readily take a stand against any threat from outsiders who don’t agree with your choices.

Some Scorpios prefer to fight their battles through the written word, rather than physically – believing that the pen is mightier than the sword. And when Scorpio puts fingers to keyboard (the modern equivalent) those words can really pack a punch. It has been described as a black belt in verbal karate – just remember that the moment you go for revenge, you’ve lost the battle.

The major theme for you through 2008/09 is that of Saturn moving through your Solar Eleventh house of your social life, making you question whether your friends support you or not. Over this next year you may meet a whole new group of people who fulfill your new ideas about yourself in a more meaningful and realistic way. Certainly they will make you examine your ideals and objectives for your future, and ensure that you come to a mature decision about which direction you want your life to follow and who you want to accompany you along the way.

The other major and more long term theme is that of Pluto your co-ruler moving into Capricorn and bringing a strong urge to communicate more effectively, perhaps even teach and certainly write – however as it’s a 17 year journey, you’ve got plenty of time!


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October 24, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Cosmic Influences for Grownups – November 2008

NB – The readings below can either be read from your Sun Sign – i.e. your birthday – or your Ascendant sign, which is calculated form your time of birth. Try also reading it from your Moon Sign, as Hindu astrologers suggest. 

Please note that this year is a Leap year, which means that a day has been added to the calendar. So, you may notice that the beginning and end dates in some cases are a day earlier than usual. The Full Moon in Libra that traditionally heralds Easter, always presents relationship matters in your face, whatever your sign happens to be.


Aries : 21st March – 20th April – The New Moon on 28th October influences your sign for the following month, in your Solar Eighth House. This is the area associated with joint finances and shared resources, like rent, mortgages, etc. As Mars, your feisty ruling planet is also there, you will have to watch for a tendency to engage in battle with your partner. You could step back and attempt to negotiate, but I don’t think anyone will be fooled – if you need to shout, find somewhere out in the open and do it there, or in your car. This could be a good month for you to go into some kind of personal growth program or therapy – you can guarantee that you will emerge with something valuable at the end of the process. And you will have a better handle on your emotional expression, which gives your significant other a bit of a break!


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October 22, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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EFT – What is it and why all the excitement?

I asked my good friend, Jo Spaczynska, an EFT Practitioner, to write about this most amazing healing technique – here is what she has to say and I’d highly recommend you have a session with her. Doesn’t matter that you can’t visit her in Edinburgh, EFT works over the phone!!


Heard about EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) but not really sure what it is all about and what it involves?   It is all about energy and vibrations.  Everything, animate or inanimate, vibrates at different frequencies which can be measured either in cycles per second (CPS) or Hertz (Hz).

Emotions are also energy and they can affect physiology dramatically.  If you are embarrassed you may feel a rush of heat to your neck and face and often you blush.  Think of a person who is depressed, generally their head is forward, their shoulders are forward and it almost looks as if they are carrying the world on their shoulders – which in a way they are!  Now think of a person who is happy, vibrant, and dynamic – wow, the difference.  They appear to be very light on their feet, head held high, good posture and are open and relaxed.

Emotions are great, however they can get “stuck” and we then have difficulties which affect us in lots of different ways, physical or emotional pain, which can hold us back.  We are then not able to be in the flow!

What happens during a session?   A simple way to describe EFT is ‘acupuncture without needles’.  We tap on different parts of the head, face and body that relate to various acupuncture points while repeating pertinent words or phrases connected to the difficulty we are experiencing.  This allows the body to begin to release the ‘stuck’ emotions and be in the flow!  It can also help eliminate aches and pains.  It is so simple to learn that during the first session you will learn how to use it for yourself and, if you want, be able to use it between sessions.

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October 14, 2008
by Dawne Kovan

Credit Crunch Agreements & Retrograde Mercury

Mercury Changes Direction on Wednesday 15th October

What can we predict from this activity? After all, Mercury does his merry little dance every four months or so and causes upsets at both ends of his three week period of backwards motion. 

Mercury is the ruler of the marketplace, business deals and communications. In mythology, he was also the Trickster, and at no other time is this element of his behaviour more evident than during his direction changes.

Let’s get real here – this behaviour has been observed for thousands of years by all the cultures on Earth and remarked on, noted and duly followed. This is what mythology is – a treatise on the behaviour of the planets and their effects on human life. It is only in the last few hundred years or so that society has poo-pooed this phenomenon, to its cost, I would suggest.

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October 11, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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A new movie about EFT

I’m writing to let you know about a recently released documentary about EFT that I think you’re going to be interested in. If you’ve experienced EFT for yourself, you know that it works dramatically. 

Those of us who have used it for years know its power to change our lives and the lives of those we care about in some many profound ways. But the question has always been: How do we get this incredible technique into the mainstream? 

I think we now have one of the answers to that. “Try It On Everything” is a moving documentary DVD, that follows 10 people as they use EFT for four days on a variety of issues. I won’t give away the results, but can assure you that you are going to be impressed. 

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October 10, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Book Review: Money & The Law of Attraction

Money and the Law of Attraction

by Jerry and Esther Hicks  

If you are having problems with your attitudes towards yourself and your ability to prosper, then this work by Abraham (through Esther) gives plenty of good advice on how to work through those problems and change your attitudes, which will then impact on your prosperity.

Prosperity is not necessarily about money, although many people translate it as meaning that. Abraham suggests that Well-Being is prosperity and it is our natural and divinely given right. Life can always get better, he suggests, as long as we pay attention to our thoughts and ideas about ourselves.

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October 10, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Book Review: The Biology of Belief

The Biology of Belief

 (Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles ) 

by Bruce Lipton PhD

It is rare these days to read a book that offers clarity and understanding of any technology without completely mystifying and thus losing, huge swathes of its readers. Lipton’s amazing text holds us to the very end on a subject that could have us yawning over our teacups. 

This book is technical, make no mistake, but a delight to read. How wonderful to explore the life of the simple cell – in reality, the absolutely complex and magical, simple cell – in language that neither alienates nor patronises.

What a joy it is to follow the easy steps laid down by Dr Lipton, who has taught the subject to students in top medical universities in the United States, like Stanford, for example. This is biology at its best and most exciting. 

In the mid-eighties, Lipton was going through a messy and expensive divorce and fetched up teaching in a medical college in the Caribbean, so far off the radar of mainstream thinking, that it offered the open-minded Lipton the opportunity to begin his own off-stream explorations of cells and their behaviour.

Much of his insight, however, came from observing the behaviour of his students, who were largely underachievers from the US mainland, with negative self-belief – suggested by the subtitle of the book – Lipton, and this is the exciting part for all LoA followers, made a promise to his students that he would deliver them a training that would equal anything on the mainland. And they believed him, and he did and guess what? They all passed their exams with marks previously unheard of in the school’s history.

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September 23, 2008
by Dawne Kovan
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Happy Birthday Libra

First off I want to mention the Mercury phase change – yes, it’s here again!! It happens every 4 months, but does seem to come around somewhat faster than that. For further information on Mercury stations and apparent retrograde motion, please see my archive for the explanatory article which will clarify it for you.

This time, Mercury, ruler of the market place and communication sits at the mid-twenties of Libra and refuses to leave until beginning November.

When Mercury is retrograde, instead of the usual 3 weeks zip through each sign, it concentrates and focuses the energies of the particular sign he spends his sojourn. This then impacts through all the other signs, particularly his own Gemini and Virgo, by both position and rulerships, which I will take into account for each sign below.


Libra, the flavour of this next year is marked by Venus, planet of beauty and love and incidentally, your ruling planet (could you guess?) changing her mind and deciding to stay put in Aries from February until June 2009. As she does, she has an on/off relationship with Mars that started just last September and which will continue throughout the summer months. These are THE relationship planets, Venus doing the attractive desire stuff and Mars providing the oomph. And Aries is the sign of relationships of all kinds for Libra, so when Venus takes up a long term residence there, then all thoughts turn to love. However, these two planets are all fire and air – hot words and passionate communicating. It’s not until they meet again in solid Taurus mid- June, that things can be put on some kind of firm footing.

Now Libra – come back to earth- that’s for the future! Here in October – Mercury is in your face for the next 6 weeks – communications, deals and negotiations of all kinds are the order of the month for you. It really is a case of now it works, now it doesn’t – with a lot of uncertainty around your effectiveness both socially and financially. During this time there will be possible opportunities to study or travel that may impact on your longer term future – and it’s your choice. However, some of the opportunities may make more demands on you than you would wish. This is the tricky aspect of Mercury – it really gets you wavering – decisions, decisions!! Just bite the bullet and do it anyway.

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