Dawne Kovan

Sky Watching Wisdom , Astrology

October 8, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The Challenge of Change

In my quest to find the answers to the deepest questions that Astrology poses for me, I listen out for people who are the “movers and shakers” of their generation as I feel that they may hold a key to some of these questions. Recently I have been particularly interested in those babies born in 1952, as I have a number of clients and friends from that year.

This morning on BBC Radio Four there was an interview with Dame Wendy Hall, professor of computer science working in multimedia and hypermedia. Her team invented the Microcosm hypermedia system just before the World Wide Web existed – around 1989/90.

This made me sit up and wonder why her? and why then? because 1989/90 presented an unusual time frame as it was the coming together and blending of three important planetary energies during that year. These were Saturn/Uranus/Neptune – each of them being implicated in the total shift of our cognitive abilities through the development of the new technologies. It is worth noting that these three planets had last come together in 1307, when other major shifts were occurring across Europe, not least the crowning of Robert the Bruce, here in the Kingdom of Fife, where I live right now.

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October 1, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The Age of Aquarius

Over the last number of blogs (quite a number, in fact) I have been writing about the furore caused by the Uranus/Pluto square. And true to this pattern, I am once again visiting the field of their activity because it is being stirred up by the Sun in early Libra touching them both off.

The Sun is creating a T-Square with both Uranus and Pluto this week – this means that it is opposite Uranus and both planets are 90 degrees away from Pluto. This makes a figure of a T and as such is a stressful aspect, both on a birth chart and in the sky in real time.

Luckily, Jupiter is too far ahead to create a Grand Cross by filling in the 4th quarter of this pattern right now – we have to wait for that pleasure. However, we have a New Moon coming up in a few days time that could add to the pressure. This has me wondering what is going on with this “shutdown” that the US government is bringing about, causing havoc for the ordinary people in the country. As it is a system I am unfamiliar with, I have little comment to make – I am simply observing the process. My education about US politics came via “The West Wing” series, written by Aaron Sorkin. I am halfway through series 4 boxset – and confess that this is my 5th time of watching – and I love it! I know it’s idealistic – but doesn’t every human deserve good governance such as President Bartlett offers his country? And, yes, I do know, it’s only a story.

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September 19, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
Comments Off on Full Moon in Pisces, a new book and some comments at the end.

Full Moon in Pisces, a new book and some comments at the end.

The interpretations for the Full Moon below are by my friend and colleague Edgar Winter from Australia. I don’t usually write about Full Moons unless they are eclipses, which this one certainly isn’t. Edgar is a Sun Pisces and I think he captures the flavour of today’s Full Moon very well.

The effects of a Full Moon can last up to 2 weeks – until the following New Moon in Libra on Saturday 5th October. So give it a whirl and let me know what you think.

Also, my dear friend Theresiu Janicki-Hardy has just published beautiful book of poems entitled “Calling the Beloved – Inspirational Poems” published by Balbao Press, an offshoot of Hay House. It is a glorious book – the presentation of the poems and of Theresiu’s art work on both the cover and within the text is superb. These are her communications with the Divine that are written as love verses to gladden the heart and connect us with our yearning for God to walk among us.

It is available from Balboa Press www.balboapress.com, Amazon and your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer:

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September 11, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

What a Day – Full Moon and a powerful Scorpio combination. My free ebook & a message from Oz.

“Since 2009, banks and the stock market have got used to the flow of “free dollars” being thrown at them.

However, since May of this year, speculation has grown that the Fed is going to slowly close the tap – or “taper” Quantitative Easing.

Most economists now agree that tapering will probably begin as early as this September 18th when the Fed will have its next Federal Open Market Committee (FMOC) meeting.

Friday’s disappointing job’s report may delay that date to December. We don’t know. But one thing is becoming certain: Liquidity is going to be slowly removed from the market.

If you doubt that this is a reality, you only have to look at the falling bond market and the rise in interest rates.

The smart money is also betting on tapering this year and they’re not hanging around to see what happens. They are getting out now while they can.”

NB Sadly, the friend who sent me the quote above cannot remember where he read it. However, he’s a reliable person, so I trust his information.

Looking at the planetary relationships on the 18th September may make us hope they do delay until December, to be honest.

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September 3, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The Quality of Leadership

When I started writing this blog today, I was mindful of the fact that I hadn’t written one last week, so was determined to do so now. However, I was uncertain how to proceed, because if I didn’t have anything good to say, then surely it’s best to say nothing?

Then I thought I would throw you a question to ponder at your leisure. And it’s the question of leadership – what does it mean? And what makes a good leader anyway?

The people at whom I am looking right now are the three players in this conflict – three leaders with very different charts and very different personalities and objectives as a result. They are: Barak Obama, David Cameron and Bashir al-Assad.

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August 21, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Comets, Eclipses and Grand Crosses

A blog full of different interesting pieces today for your enjoyment.

Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) was discovered by Russian sky watchers on September 21st of last year. There was speculation of a fabulous visual show but the experts are less optimistic now. Anyway, this comet will soon be called the Blue Star, Planet X, Nibiru and whatever else by the press.

Historically, comets have been seen as indicators of changes in world leadership and the death of Kings and Queens. So global leaders born in the early degrees of the sign of Sagittarius might want to be careful. Comets are also known as vehicles for bringing great souls to incarnation, most likely the best association of comets to global affairs.

Currently, the comet is travelling through early Leo, around eight degrees.

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August 8, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Jupiter the Benefactor meets Pluto the Transformer and Uranus the Rebel

What a month we are having with energy flying all over the place: Jupiter’s broad arms open wide to embrace both Pluto and Uranus until late 2014 when Jupiter leaves Cancer and enters Leo.

This creates a strong T-Square between Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus that has an impact on each of us individually, socially and nationally. The Grand Trine of Jupiter/Saturn/Neptune is dissolving now as Jupiter moves forward and Saturn separates from Neptune who is also heading backwards away from him.

So, what can it possibly mean? I think that when Jupiter is involved in any combination with the Outer Planets there can be a powerful exaggeration of their particular energy patterns – so for example, with Uranus, extremely sudden changes with good results; and with Pluto, power urges that can help others to help themselves. These are just ideas to show you what is possible. See below for how they impact on your own chart.

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August 2, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

The Myth of Pluto


This week I have been thinking about the mythology of Pluto (who else) and his effects on our lives as recognised by the astronomer priests of the ancient world. They did not know of Pluto’s existence as an actual planet as the discovery came 1930 in the UK. A nationwide competition was held for schoolchildren to name the new planet. And it was won by a small girl from Oxford. As a ten year old, she didn’t know about Pluto the God of the Underworld, she only knew about Pluto, Mickey Mouse’s dog.

The name was given and the nation watched as Pluto the planet worked his energy over the first decade of his conscious existence in front of their very eyes. Power seemed to be the watchword here, with the development of nuclear bombs, the rise of the 3rd Reich, the Great Depression and vast wealth going to the few who held it tightly in their coffers.

We don’t really have much mythology relating to Pluto except through his relationship with Persephone, the beloved daughter of the grain goddess Demeter or Ceres. We know that he was associated with wealth – another of his names was Dis, the Rich One; and that he resided in the Underworld of the dead. He had a three headed dog called Cerberus. And that’s all about him.

However, it is Persephone who is at the centre of this story, as it is about her rape and abduction as a young girl by Pluto. It is an important myth as it is the only female Rite of Passage myth in Greek, and later, Roman mythology. Persephone was playing with her friends in a grove when suddenly the ground opened at her feet and a black chariot emerged pulled by 4 black horses and driven by the God Pluto. He seized her and carried her down to his dark depths.

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July 24, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

A Prince, a Star of David and some historical stuff.

So many things to write about this week – the birth of a new Prince – we have no name at the point of writing this. He is 3rd in line to the throne of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, and the various commonwealth countries.

Then on 29th July, we have a very rare constellation in our skies – a David Star – so called because it is created from 2 separate Grand Trines, with all six points making 60 degree aspects to each other.

And a little more on the relationship between Uranus and Pluto.

The Birth of the Prince of Cambridge 

Finally, after keeping us all waiting for over a week, the baby Prince was born on 22nd July, 2013 at 16h24 British Summer Time in London. He is 3rd in line to the throne of the United Kingdom and her various commonwealth countries.

So – a prestigious birth.

At the moment of his birth, late Scorpio was rising, the Sun was right at the last minutes of Cancer. In fact, it didn’t enter Leo for another half hour later. His Moon was Full at the end of Capricorn. This links him solidly with both his parents – his father was born on a Solar Eclipse in Cancer and his mother on a Lunar Eclipse across Capricorn/Cancer.

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July 10, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Mars Meets Jupiter mid-July, 2013

This weekend Mars enters Cancer and cast long intense looks at Jupiter, with whom he has a close up meeting; then he looks round at Saturn (now direct but not yet steaming ahead in Scorpio) and Neptune. This further emphasises the famous Water Grand Trine that dominates the skies at present.

However, Mars is not comfortable in Cancer because it is his least powerful placement. His best “exalted” sign is Capricorn which is opposite, so we say that Mars is in his “fall” in Cancer. This indicates that people who are born with Mars in Cancer will find it hard to express their anger, will, desires in a direct way. Rather they will tend to hold their strongest feelings inside in order to protect their family/tribe which is represented by Cancer. This will result in all the feelings being pushed down into the stomach, which can result in all sorts of digestive issues. In health astrology, Cancer rules the stomach and upper intestines, pancreas and gall bladder. So you get the picture.

By the weekend, the combination of Mars and Jupiter should help as Jupiter is strong in a positive way in Cancer and will help Mars out here. JU/MA is a famous combination for easy births, athletes, ease of muscle action – so could be a good indication for a certain Royal baby to come happily into the world any time now. This is Princess Diana’s grandchild. It’s worth commenting that even though people may no longer be in our midst, their charts still resonate to planetary energies. Pluto, planet of transformation, birth/death/rebirth is actually going opposite Diana’s Sun sign at this time; and also the Sun on the charts of King William the Conqueror (1066 chart) and the 1801 United Kingdom charts. So an important baby this, through its grandmother, who was vital for the UK, for many reasons. And, her legacy lives on.

And, this infant, our future King or Queen, will be coming into the world any day now…….

 The rest of the astrological weather:

On 11th July, just for the day, the Moon in Libra is setting up a preview of what could be coming up for us through the first 6 months of 2014. This Moon will be making a square to Mercury, still retrograde, and Pluto, and an opposition to Uranus. This is termed a “Cardinal Grand Cross” and it only exists for a few hours, due to the speed of the Moon. However, it will be interesting to take the temperature of events that occur during the day to get a flavour of things to come at the end of this year and through half of next.

Venus is flying through Leo – enjoying her stay there – lots of parties, fun and love affairs – and why not. She is heading for Virgo, where she is in her fall, bringing her face to face with the bills for the previous sign and giving her a financial headache.

Mercury still goes backwards for another couple of weeks, so it’s giving you lots of opportunities to get all your ideas on paper, well worked out and ready to be fired off after the 20th July. Just keep admiring that new tablet, phone, laptop or whatever and buy it when the energy’s clearer and Mercury has his mind on other things.

Uranus and Pluto still face each other off out there in the wider spaces of our solar system. Uranus changes direction to close up the gap between their square (90 degrees) on 17th July, which will tighten up their energies further. Uranus brings flashes of humanitarian rebellions and Pluto tries to keep calm below the surface, while plotting away to himself. The concern with this period – through another 3/4 years – is that the authoritarian powers-that-be worldwide may eventually shut down these rebellions and introduce hardline governments that could make slaves of everyone, one way or another.


July 3, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Jupiter in Cancer – 26th June, 2013 – 29th July, 2014

The “feel good factor” that is the weighty Jupiter has moved into his most favourite of all the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

At present as he is still in the earliest degrees of Cancer he is making very positive aspects to both Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. These three signs are all in the element of Water – a powerful emotional trio of energies. Cardinal Cancer rules the Lochs and Lakes; Fixed Scorpio rules the icy cold waters of the polar regions, maybe even the icebergs; and Mutable Pisces rules the wide, deep oceans on the planet.

So, this is a Water Grand Trine that promises to bring good emotional outcomes. My friend Edgar winter, the Australian Astrologer suggest that “ this year as Jupiter enters Cancer he connects simultaneously with both Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces gathering momentum and depth of feeling. Emotions have special power now to shape reality. Our dreams can come true as Saturn gives form to Neptune’s images; make sure your dreaming is upbeat.”

Sounds good doesn’t it? So, now I can hear you saying that  “it’s all very well, but what does it mean for me?”

So, below are the 12 Zodiac signs and how Jupiter enables you all to have a good time for the following 13 months…..

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June 26, 2013
by Dawne Kovan
1 Comment

Mercury goes retrograde (again!) & my Orkney Retreat

Yes, it’s that time once more – Mercury retrograde at 13h10 GMT on 26th June, 2013 at 23 degrees Cancer. Anyone with a birthday on that date will find that this position on their Solar Return (birthday) chart will indicate that their year will take some time to really get going, then everything will leap into action and take them by surprise.

The end period of this phase is 20th July, 18h24 GMT at 13 Cancer squaring Uranus in Aries – so the challenge will be of new ideas and revelations via the technologies – how to express them or communicate them. An inventive Mercury in the marketplace. They first formed this square in 7th/8th of June and obviously had more to say to each other – it’s as if Mercury is saying “Hang on, Uranus, what’s that you said a couple of weeks ago?” and he has to go back to find out. Although Pluto was also involved in that discussion, over the same weekend, Mercury seems to let him get on with what he’s doing – I guess that message was well and truly understood.

From Edgar Winter in Australia, with thanks to him.

Mercury turns retrograde three times a year, and often all three retrograde periods occur in the same element. This year, Mercury retrogrades in Water signs and since Water is the element that rules feelings, this is an indication that people will be processing many emotions. In February and March, Mercury turned direction in Pisces; this coming October it will be in Scorpio. This present period, the retrograde is in Cancer, signalling a time when you’re likely to feel unusually sensitive since your words are coloured with deeper feelings. the good news is that this transit will give you an opportunity to share what’s going on in your personal life, so you can expect to return to previous ideas and conversations – and plan to stay there for a while, since they’ll require time and development. Until 20th July, all the rules apply – see above – so expect confusion misunderstandings and delays; at the same time a thorough review will help you in the long run.

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June 12, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

A New Look at how Society has changed over 150 years

Today’s blog is going to take a further look at the revolutionary idea that as the heavy, slow moving planets move through the Zodiac signs, evolve as they orbit around the Sun, and thus around Planet Earth. They also cause an evolution of the signs themselves.

In my last publication two weeks ago, I suggested that when the slow moving planets meet up together in a particular sign, they will, through their extreme power, change the nature of the sign in question. And how does that work? I hear you ask. It happens through the generation born under the planetary line-up in question, as they will have a different level of consciousness to their parents. It also happens through some people who are able to read the wind of change, the Zeitgeist, of their era. These people are the movers and shakers who are instrumental in bringing those changes into birth, that the children will then carry in their psyches.

The three conjunctions I want to look at are the Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini in the 1880-90s; the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo, in the 1960s; and the Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn in the 1990s. Each of those events changed the way we think and see the world today.

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May 29, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

How Astrology works and other ideas – Plus the “Degree of Flight’

I am often asked if I know how astrology works; or if it does work, how come scientists haven’t come up with a way of proving it?

There are many things out there in the world that we can witness as being effective, yet science still hasn’t come up with a cast-iron reason why they work – placebos, for example. Look at quantum theory – how many years have we known about that – 100 years? And yet we still think in pre-quantum, Newtonian push/pull ideas. We believe that scientific method is a set in stone activity – that there are things that can be proven and things that can’t. Of the things that can’t be proven, we never blame scientific method and say that there isn’t a method designed yet, that can prove something. It is always the unproven thing that is ridiculed. So that the fact that it hasn’t been proven means that it is at fault and is “mumbo-jumbo”. I always like to use the word “yet” when I hear someone talk about the nonsense of miracles, for example, or homeopathy. Be assured that there will come a time when they are seen to be bona fide, understandable and proven to work. Continue Reading →

May 23, 2013
by Dawne Kovan

Eclipses, Uranus/Pluto and the signature of Unconditional Love

Just so’s you’re in the loop with all this planetary change stuff ……

These last few weeks have been quite fraught what with no fewer than 3 eclipses – 2 Lunar – and 1 Solar – the last of which is on 25th May, at 4h30 GMT, with the Earth eclipsing the Moon at 4 degrees of Sagittarius, so anyone with a birthday at the end of November may notice some energy shifts – particularly around higher learning, religion and legal matters. People often marry around this kind of event, which I suspect will ensure that the marriage itself will contain some of these matters as a theme to their married life.

Also, this last week we have also experienced the fourth repeat of the Uranus/Pluto square – this hard aspect between the planetary energies of revolution and transformation – the force majeure event that makes society i.e. you and me and everyone else, go through changes that we would rather not go through. We all want things to remain the same and they won’t let us do that any more – change is endemic – we must get used to it. Especially as we have already had four events of this relationship of challenge and subversion – and look what’s happened out there! And yes, we have another 3 to go up to 2017. We are being asked/demanded by the Universe to let go of how we expect our world to be and just watch it all unfold before our eyes.

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